Table 26. Percent of Disabled Experiencing Problems on Paratransit for Local Travel,,,, Problems,Disability status,,, ,Disabled,,Nondisabled, ,Percent,Standard Error,Percent,Standard Error Attendant/escort service limited,1.90,1.78,0.00, Cannot schedule repeating trips,3.37,3.48,0.00, Cost is too high,0.00,,0.00, Difficult to board/exit,4.15,2.73,0.00, Inadequate seating,0.00,,0.00, Insensitive/unaware driver,13.19,8.62,0.00, Personal safety concerns,12.91,8.08,0.00, Responsiveness problems,5.82,4.00,11.07,12.35 Schedule for pickup not kept/long waits,52.56,9.90,88.93,12.35 Schedule for drop-off not kept/long wait,40.85,8.94,0.00, Service often not available when need it,5.55,3.11,0.00, Staff assistance/sensitivity inadequate,0.00,,0.00, Vehicle is in poor mechanical condition,10.13,7.84,0.00,,,,, Vehicle not accessible,3.95,2.82,0.00,,,,, Trip time is too variable/unpredictable,17.80,8.52,0.00,,,,, Other paratransit problem,23.08,10.35,0.00,,,,, NOTE: This table contains the weighted percent or weighted mean and the standard error. Cells with a small sample size (<30) are shaded to indicate that the weighted estimates based on a small sample size are not reliable. Cells in italics indicate a coefficient of variation greater than 30 percent and numbers are not reliable. Cells with bold type indicate significant differences (p <.05) between disabled and nondisabled individuals.,,,,,,,, " SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2002 National Transportation Availability and Use Survey",,,,,,,,