Measurement of the Top Quark Mass with 2.7 fb -1 of CDF Run II Data using only Leptons in the Lepton+Jets Decay Channel of Top Quark Pairs.

Victoria Giakoumopoulou, Nikos Giokaris, Arkadios Manousakis-Katsikakis and Costas Vellidis (Athens University)  [Contact]

Abstract [Link to public note]

The major source of systematic uncertainty in most methods of measurement of the top quark mass is the jet energy scale. A measurement of the top quark mass using 2.7 fb -1 of CDF Run II Data is presented, which uses only the transverse momentum PT of the leptons in the lepton+jets decay channel of top quark pairs and is therefore free of the uncertainties related with the jet energy. The top quark mass M top is measured using two methods: using the full shape of the lepton PT distribution, which is the baseline or shape analysis method, and using only the mean value of the lepton PT , which is the cross-checking or < PT > analysis method. M top is measured from electrons and muons separately with either method and the results from the two lepton samples are combined in the end. The results are (172.1 ± 7.9stat ± 3.0syst) GeV/c 2 from the shape analysis method and (174.0 ± 7.9stat ± 3.5syst) GeV/c 2 from the < PT > analysis method.

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The motivation for using only lepton (electron or muon) information to measure the top quark mass arises from the relatively large uncertainties associated with the jet calibration and the elaborate effort which is necessary for the jet calibration. The transverse momentum of the muons or transverse energy of the electrons coming from top quark decays is a variable which is free of these uncertainties and easy to implement. It is common to the semi-leptonic (or lepton+jets) and all-leptonic (or dilepton) decay channels of top quark pairs and therefore allows for measurements of M top in the two channels using the same method. It can be precisely calibrated using dilepton data from Z boson decays, where the kinematics is simple and the lepton PT is well constrained by the precisely known Z boson mass. In addition, from a theoretical point of view, a measurement of M top from the lepton PT is ultimately free of the limit of &Lambda QCD ~ 300 MeV/c 2 in the precision of any measurement of M top using jets, which is imposed by parton fragmentation.

In order to measure M top from the lepton PT one has to determine the dependence of the lepton PT spectrum on M top . This information is provided by the Monte Carlo. The steps of the measurement are therefore simple: i) A set of Monte Carlo samples of top quark pairs is generated with different top quark mass per sample (signal templates) ii) A model sample for the background in the appropriate decay channel is built using Monte Carlo and eventually data driven methods (background template) iii) The relation of the transverse momentum of the leptons selected from the combined signal+background samples with the top quark mass input to the signal samples is parameterized, either using only the first moment of the lepton PT distribution (< PT > analysis method) or using the full shape of the lepton PT distribution (shape analysis method) and iv) Given any lepton sample, data or Monte Carlo (for cross-checking), the parameterized relation of the lepton PT with M top is used to determine the value of the top quark mass which the given sample corresponds to.

The Monte Carlo shows that the dependence of < PT > on M top is linear. This relation is solved to provide a measurement of M top from the lepton < PT >. This method is simple and therefore useful for cross-checking and understanding, but makes limited use of the information provided by the lepton PT spectrum and is sensitive to the composition of the lepton sample or, equivalently, to the background normalization. The full shape of the lepton PT distribution can be accurately parameterized by a simple &Gamma function with two free parameters, the expected number p of leptons per measurement and the expected average PT per lepton q:
Definition of the &Gamma function which models the lepton PT distribution.

The Monte Carlo shows that the dependence of p and q on M top is again linear. The alternative shape analysis method is therefore based on maximum likelihood fitting, where an unbinned likelihood is constructed from the shape functions of the signal (p and q linearly dependent on M top) and the background (p and q constant) and a gaussian constraint is imposed on the expected number of background leptons. The likelihood is then maximized in M top pluging the PT values of the fit sample in the shape functions and letting also the expected numbers of signal and background leptons to vary. This method makes full use of the information provided by the lepton PT spectrum and is also independent of the background normalization.

For the lepton PT calibration, the global scale is first calibrated using di-electron and di-muon data from Z decays. The dilepton invariant mass is recontsructed from this data and its spectrum is fit with a function to accurately determine the centroid, which is then compared with the world average of the Z boson mass. The comparison provides a global correction to the lepton PT . For the local scale, non-linear corrections in the spectrometer are studied using di-muon data from Z decays. The inverse of PT is binned and the di-muon invariant mass is reconstructed in each bin and tuned to the world average of the Z boson mass. This provides a local correction to the lepton PT . Having the momentum calibrated with the di-muon sample, non-linear corrections in the calorimeter, related with the measurement of the transverse energy of the electrons, are studied using electron + 1 jet data. This sample is dominated by W boson decays associated with one jet. The transverse energy ET of the electrons is binned and the ratio E/P of the energy to the momentum of the electrons, corrected for the momentum calibration, is integrated over each bin. The fraction of integrated E/P of the data over integrated E/P of the Monte Carlo is studied as a function of ET for each bin. Non-linear corrections to the electron ET spectrum are derived from the slope of this fraction with respect to ET .

The data used in the top quark mass measurement and the lepton calibrations were collected with the CDF II detector at the Tevatron collider at Fermilab.

Event Selection and Background Model

Events are selected by requiring one and only one tight central lepton (-1<&eta<1), electron or muon, with PT > 20 GeV/c, at least four tight central jets (-2<&eta<2) with ET > 20 GeV and high Missing ET (MET > 20 GeV). At least one tight heavy flavor tag (b-tag) is also required for each selected event. This cut, with an efficiency of 40%, enhances the Signal-to-Background (S/B) ratio to 3.2 for the electrons and 4.5 for the muons. Good runs with the silicon detector on are required for the b-tagging. 472 electrons and 386 muons are thus selected from a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.7 fb -1.

A model for the expected background in the selected sample is built by a standard fit (Method II) also used for the official CDF measurement of the cross section for top quark pair production in the lepton+jets decay channel. Background contributions from W boson production associated with heavy flavor jets, Z boson production associated with light flavor jets, diboson production and single top production are modeled by the Monte Carlo (MC). The shape of the background contribution from W boson production associated with light flavor jets is modeled by the MC and its magnitude is etimated from the negative b-tag rate (mistags). The shape of the background contribution from fake leptons is determined from the data by inverting one of the cuts required for the definition of a tight lepton. Finally, the magnitude of the fakes background is estimated by a fit to the MET spectrum of the data, varying the amount of fakes and keeping all of the other background components fixed. The fit gives 112 ± 29 expected background electrons and 71 ± 9 expected background muons in the data sample of 2.7 fb -1. The expected fake electrons are 40 ± 10 and the expected fake muons are 0 ± 1.

The procedure for building the background model in the 4 or more jets multiplicity bin is repeated in the 1 and 2 jets bins, where the signal from top quarks is negligible and the model histograms can be tested against real data (control regions). The figures below show the background models in the signal region and the comparison of the corresponding models with the data in the control regions. The bin-by-bin ratios of the data histograms to the model histograms in the control regions are flat and consistent with unity, providing thus confidence for the expected background models in the signal region.

Background models (left plot) and their validation in the control regions (right two plots).
Background 1-jet validation 2-jets validation

The Pythia generator is used for the MC signal samples and diboson background samples. The Alpgen+Pythia generator (Pythia here for parton showering only) is used for the MC W and Z background samples. The MadEvent+Pythia generator is used for the single top background.

Sensitivity of the Lepton Transverse Momentum to the Top Quark Mass

The figures below show the dependence of the lepton PT on M top . It is linear, within MC statistics, in all cases. The mean value < PT > of the signal distribution has a slope of 17% with respect to M top , which is reduced down to 13% for the signal+background distribution. From the shape parameters p and q, the expected number of leptons per measurement p shows a very weak, but still significant, dependence on M top with a slope of -0.5%, whereas the expected average PT per lepton q is much more sensitive to M top with a slope of 10%.

From left to right: the dependence of the lepton < PT > on M top for electrons (signal only and signal+background) and muons (signal only and signal+background).
e Signal e Sig+Bkgd mu Signal mu Sig+Bkgd
The dependence of the shape parameters of the lepton PT distribution on M top .
e Signal e Sig+Bkgd mu Signal mu Sig+Bkgd

Systematic Uncertainties

The tables below summarize the systematic uncertainties in the top quark mass measured from each sample, electrons or muons, and combined together.

Systematic errors per sample (e/&mu) in the shape analysis. Additional uncertainties of ± 3.0 GeV/c 2 (electrons) and ± 0.9 GeV/c 2 (muons) from the background normalization and ± 0.3 GeV/c 2 (electrons) and ± 0.3 GeV/c 2 (muons) from the bias correction are added in the < PT > analysis.

Systematic errors for the combined samples in the shape analysis. Additional uncertainties of ± 1.8 GeV/c 2 from the background normalization and ± 0.2 GeV/c 2 from the bias correction are added in the < PT > analysis.


The tables below summarize the top quark mass measurements from the CDF Run II Data of 2.7 fb -1 and the respective corrections.

Summary of all corrections applied to the top quark mass measurements.
Correction summary

Summary of the top quark mass measurements before and after all corrections are applied. The errors are statistical only.
Measurement summary

The figures below show the maximum likelihood fits to the CDF Run II Data of 2.7 fb -1, for the electron and muon samples separately.

Left: the fit to the electron data; right: the fit to the muon data.
Electron fit Muon fit

Left: the log-likelihood curve of the fit to the electron data; right: the log-likelihood curve of the fit to the muon data.
Electron log-like Muon log-like

The combination of the two fit results using the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) algorithm gives a final result of

M top = (172.1 ± 7.9stat ± 3.0syst) GeV/c 2

This result is fully consistent with the corresponding result of (174.0 ± 7.9stat ± 3.5syst) GeV/c 2 from the BLUE combination of the measurements using the < PT > analysis method. The two results are also consistent with the world average of (172.4 ± 0.7stat ± 1.0syst) GeV/c 2 as of July 2008.

The above results were blessed on January, 8 2009 & January, 15 2009. Created by Costas Vellidis. Last updated on February, 6 2009. [Contact]