Setting Limits on GMSB Models in &gamma&gamma+Met Final State

- Blessed (11/06/2008) Tables and Plots -

  Eunsin Lee, Dave Toback - Texas A&M University
Ray Culbertson, Sasha Pronko - Fermilab
Max Goncharov - MIT

We present the results of an optimized search for a gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking model with &chi &rarr &gamma G with &tau(&chi )=0 ns in the &gamma&gamma+Met final state. We observed 1 event using 2.03 fb-1 of data collected by CDF II detector, which is consistent with the background estimate of 0.62± 0.29 events. We set cross section limits and mass limits as well as interpret our results for lifetimes up to 2 ns and find the exclusion region in the &chi lifetime vs. mass plane with a mass reach of 138 GeV/c2 at &tau(&chi )=0 ns.

Public Note: CDF 9625

Blessed Figures:

  1. The predicted and observed kinematic N-1 distributions along with the expected GMSB signal for m(&chi)=140 GeV at &tau(&chi)=0 ns
    HT  MetSig  &Delta&phi(&gamma 1, &gamma 2)  (Before unblinding: HT  MetSig  &Delta&phi(&gamma 1, &gamma 2) 
  2. The expected 95% C.L. cross section limits vs. optimal cuts
    HT  MetSig  &Delta&phi(&gamma 1, &gamma 2) 
  3. Lifetime studies: The expected 95% C.L. cross section limits as a function of mass for different lifetimes
  4. The expected 95% C.L. cross section limits and observed limits as a function of neutralino mass and lifetime
    Mass limits  Lifetime limits 
  5. The expected and observed exclusion region of the GMSB model as a function of neutralino mass and lifetime. Here are the prospective exclusion region for the future searches


Blessed Tables:

  1. The Background expectations table after optimizing with optimal cuts: HT > 200 GeV, MetSig > 3, &Delta&phi < &pi - 0.15


Created by Eunsin Lee
Last update:11/10/08