1998 News Releases

Archives: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007

August 26, 1998 ACT Survey Finds Mismatch Between Employer Needs and Student Ambitions
Employers searching high and low for computer programmers and analysts, take note: new data from 60 percent of the nation's college freshmen suggest the problem may be deeper and last longer than you think.
August 1998 1998 National Data Release
This is a description of the academic abilities and nonacademic characteristics of ACT tested 1998 graduates. The statistics in this report reflect the characteristics of students who took the ACT Assessment during their sophomore, junior or senior year and graduated in 1998.
August 18, 1998 ACT Average Composite Scores by State — 1998 ACT-Tested Graduates
For every state, the percent of graduates tested and their average composite score is given for four different groups of students: Core Course Completers, Non-Core Course Completers, No Course Data, and Total.
August 18, 1998 Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley on 1998 ACT Test Results
August 17, 1998 ACT Announces Business Use of Work Keys Doubles
ACT attributes the dramatic increase in usage of Work Keys to the business community’s recognition of its ability to deal with problems caused by the labor shortage. The tight labor market increases the need for more effective hiring tools and targeted training programs.
July 28, 1998 ACT, Inc. Announces Recent Success Stories: Work Keys Paving the Way to a Winning Workforce
ACT recently announced two new "Reports from the Field"—examples of successful applications of its Work Keys program in state employment and workforce development offices in California and Iowa.
July 2, 1998 ACT Honors League for Innovation
ACT Inc. has honored the League for Innovation, on the occasion of the League's 30th anniversary, as a force for change in higher education.
June 11, 1998 One in 14 Ohio High School Seniors Has Needed Workplace Skills
Ohio is first to document this "Skill Gap" and is using ACT's Work Keys to develop a strategy to close it.
May 22, 1998 ACT 'World-of-Work Map' Creator Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Dale Prediger, the ACT research scientist who developed the World-of-Work Map and other innovations, has received the National Career Development Association's Eminent Career Award.
April 23, 1998 Females Taking More Math Courses Than Males
According to figures released today by ACT, Inc., over the last decade U.S. college-bound females have increased their enrollment in mathematics courses significantly more than males have.
April 16, 1998 More High School Students Enrolling in Math Courses
According to figures released by ACT, Inc., many more U.S. high school students are taking courses in mathematics than was the case a decade ago.
April 1, 1998 New Low for College Graduation Rate, But Dropout Picture Brighter
This release reports national trends in U.S. college five-year graduation rates and freshman-to-sophomore-year dropout rates from ACT's annual National Dropout and Graduation Rates report.
April 1, 1998 National College Dropout and Graduation Rates, 1997
Each spring semester since 1983, ACT has collected dropout and graduation data from the majority of U.S. colleges and universities.
February 24, 1998 ACT Endorses Call for Tougher High School Courses
ACT data reveal clearly that a large majority of U. S. high school graduates are not prepared to earn a grade higher than C in their first college math and science courses, ACT President Richard L. Ferguson said today.
February 4, 1998 Local Education Executive Attends White House Ceremony
ACT president, Richard L. Ferguson, was among 80 education leaders attending President Clinton's announcement today of an initiative to prepare greater numbers of disadvantaged children for higher education.
January 15, 1998 Rigorous Courses Close Achievement Gaps Between Urban and Non-urban Students, Study Reveals
"This study indicates that inner-city students, regardless of poverty, can rise to higher standards if given the chance," said Council of the Great City Schools Executive Director Michael Casserly.

The preceding is a selection of ACT news releases.

Archives: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007