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Chlamydia is easily confused with gonorrhea because the symptoms of both diseases are similar and the diseases can occur at the same time.

The most reliable ways to find out whether the infection is chlamydia are through laboratory tests.

  • A health care provider may collect a sample of fluid from the vagina or penis and send it to a laboratory that will look for the bacteria.
  • Another test looks for the bacteria in a urine sample and does not require a pelvic exam or swabbing of the penis. Results are usually available within 24 hours.

See Also

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections News Releases
  • Global Research in Uganda
  • Related Links

    View a list of links for more information about chlamydia.

    See Also

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections News Releases
  • Global Research in Uganda
  • Related Links

    View a list of links for more information about chlamydia.