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Evaluation Guides from the Outreach Evaluation Resource Center

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Planning and Evaluating Health Information Outreach Projects

This 2006 series presents step-by-step planning and evaluation methods. Along with providing information about evaluation, each booklet includes a case study and worksheets to assist with outreach planning. The booklets are designed to supplement Measuring the Difference: Guide to Planning and Evaluating Health Information Outreach and to support evaluation workshops.


../booklets/booklet 1

Booklet 1: Getting Started With Community-Based Outreach ( 10252kb)

../booklets/booklet 2
../booklets/booklet 3 Booklet 3: Collecting and Analyzing Evaluation Data ( 34670kb)

If the PDF files do not display properly in your browser, save the files to your local computer and view them there.

Measuring the Difference: Guide to Planning and Evaluating Health Information Outreach

Cover Image for Measuring the Difference

This 130-page guide from September 2000 is a primer (including tools and resources) for planning and evaluating health information programs. It was developed by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Northwest Region and the National Library of Medicine.


If the PDF files do not display properly in your browser, save the files to your local computer and view them there. Additionally, these PDF files are available in a single zip file: Measuring the Difference, zip file (3530kb)