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In addition to the broad technical skills of our staff, CSM has many physical resources to apply to challenging problems. Autonomous collaborative robots, driving simulators, high-end computing and communication systems, and immersive visualization environments are just a few of the resources available in the division and through our centers.

Automotive Crashworthiness

When first established by CSM, the automotive crashworthiness project had assets including several vehicles (Audi A8s, Ford Explorer) and portions of vehicles, used to construct digital models for computational simulations. Current resources include a portfolio of digital models and associated materials datasets used for computational simulations.

Center for Computational Sciences

The Center for Computational Sciences (CCS) provides state-of-the-art supercomputing resources with integrated access to immersive visualization and collaborative tools. Center resources include high-performance supercomputing systems and terabytes of archival storage. CCS was one of the first two high-performance computing research centers established by the DOE Office of Science.

Climate and Carbon Research

Research at the CCS Climate and Carbon Research Center (CCR) focuses on the computational aspects of how the global climate and carbon systems interact with natural and anthropogenic processes. The goals of the CCS CCR are to serve as a world-class climate and carbon research center and to be a focal point for the computational climate and carbon simulation community.

Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research

The Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research (CESAR), established as a national resource in 1984 by the DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences, is a collaborative research facility providing guests from universities, federal laboratories, and industry with access to state-of-the-art (and often unique) technology and equipment in a stimulating research environment. CESAR resources include

Division Computing Resources

The CSM computing environment includes a network of Unix workstations; Unix, Linux, and NT servers; experimental and production clusters; PCs and Macs; notebook computers; and a variety of network communications equipment, including wireless LANs.

Probe Storage Testbed --archival page

DOE's Probe testbed allows storage activities related to the High-Performance Storage System (HPSS) to be investigated. to be investigated. The National Energy Research Supercomputer Center (NERSC) is also a participant in PROBE and is constructing a similar facility.

Tennessee Oak Ridge Cluster

The Tennessee Oak Ridge Cluster (TORC) Project is a collaborative effort between the University of Tennessee's Innovative Computer Laboratory and the CSM. Uses of this testbed include development of user interfaces to assist in the system management of PC clusters.


The CSM Visualization Laboratory (VizLab) uses fast parallel processors to drive immersive viewing platforms coupled with long-range trackers and haptic (tactile feedback) devices, providing a robust toolset for data exploration and remote collaborations.

   CSM Projects   
   Colossal Magneto Resistance   
   Compound Wavelet Matrix   
   Electronic Notebook   
   Earth System Grid   
   Functionally Graded Materials   
   New Fourier Transforms Methods   
   Statistical Physics of Fracture   
   Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Multiphysics Applications   
   High-Performance Circuit-Switched Networks   
   Packet-Switched and Circuit-Switched Networks   
   Infiniband Connections across the United States   
   Siemens Competition National Finals   
   Protein Dynamics   
  INCITE Funded Projects  
   An Integrated Approach to the Rational Design of Chemical Catalysts   
   Multidimensional Simulations of Core Collapse Supernovae   
   Predictive and accurate Monte Carlo based simulations for Mott insulators, cuprate superconductors, and nanoscale systems   
   Cellulosic Ethanol: Physical Basis of Recalcitrance to Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass   
   Clean and Efficient Coal Gasifier Designs using Large-Scale Simulations   
   Climate-Science Computational End Station Development and Grand Challenge Team   
   Modeling Reactive Flows in Porous Media   
   Assessing Global Climate Response of the NCAR-CCSM3: CO2 Sensitivity and Abrupt Climate Change   
   Performance Evaluation and Analysis Consortium End Station   
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Updated: Tuesday, 02-Nov-2004 10:13:20 EST
