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CCS: Institutes: CBI: Resources

CBI Resources

CBI offers scientists access to unique facilities and expertise available at ORNL.

  • The Center for Computational Sciences (CCS)

    Computing Cray X1, IBM p690, IBM RS/6000 SP, SGI Altix, High Performance Storage System, 35 Megapixel Visualization, High Bandwidth Connectivity, Internet2 Connection. See CCS Computers for more details.

  • Laboratory for Comparative and Functional Genomics

    Fondly referred to as the “Mouse House,” this brand new 30,000 square-foot facility will be stocked from scratch with pathogen-free mice. This state-of-the-art facility has been designed to prevent potential contamination from any viruses, bacteria or parasites. To learn more, visit the Mouse House.

  • Analysis tools for computational biology

    ORNL's Life Sciences Division maintains a range of tools, including the Genome Channel, Grail, and PROSPECT. To access the tools, visit compbio.ornl.gov/public/tools

ORNL offers a number of other unique resources, such as the Spallation Neutron Source and the High Flux Isotope Reactor.

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 URL http://www.ccs.ornl.gov/cbi/cbi_resources.html
 Updated: Thursday, 11-Mar-2004 18:25:13 EST