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Source Test Methods

These source test methods can be viewed or downloaded in sections by clicking on the appropriate link below.

DISCLAIMER:  These methods may involve the use of hazardous materials, operations, and equipment.  They do not address safety problems associated with their use.  The user of these methods has the responsibility to know, consult, establish, and follow appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.  The mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the SCAQMD.

PDF files require the use of a reader:


Chapter:     I     II      III      IV      V      VI      VII      VIII      IX      X

Chapter I - Introduction

Chapter II - Source Test Program Overview (online version being developed*)

Chapter III - Calibrations

Chapter IV - Determinations and Measurements Prior to Sampling

Velocity and Sample Traverse Points

Method 1.1 - Stacks Greater than or Equal to 12 in. Diameter (138 kb)

Method 1.2 - Stacks Less than 12 in. Diameter (62 kb)


Stack Gas Flow Rate

Method 2.1 - Stacks Greater than or Equal to 12 in. Diameter (216 kb)

Method 2.2 - Direct Measurement

Method 2.3 - Stacks Less than 12 in. Diameter (60 kb)


Stack Gas Density and Moisture

Method 3.1 - Molecular Weight and Excess Air (86 kb)

Method 4.1 - Moisture (136 kb)

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Chapter V - Methods for Measurement of Criteria Pollutants

Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions

Method 5.1 - Wet Impingement (195 kb)

Method 5.2 - Heated Probe and Heated Filter (89 kb)

Method 5.3 - In-Stack Filter (152 kb)

Method 5.4 - Stack Less than 12 in. Diameter (62 kb)


Determination of Sulfur Compound Emissions

Method 6.1 - Sulfuric Acid and Sulfur Oxides (117 kb)

Method 6.2 - Hydrogen Sulfide (53 kb)


Determination of Other Gaseous Emissions

Method 7.1 - Nitrogen Oxides (131 kb)

Method 10.1 - Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen (256 kb)

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Chapter VI - Methods for Measurement of Organic Emissions

Method 25.1 - Total Carbon Analysis using GC/NDIR (824 kb)

Method 25.3 - Low Concentration Non-Methane Non-Ethane Organic Compound from Clean Fueled Combustion Sources

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Chapter VII - Instrumental Methods for Gaseous Emissions

Method 100.1 - Nitrogen Oxides, Sulfur Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, and Oxygen (153 kb)

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Chapter VIII - Methods for Measurement of Non-Criteria Pollutants

Method 12.1 - Lead (90 kb)

Method 101.1 - Mercury (142 kb)

Method 202.1 - Cyanide (78 kb)

Method 205.1 - Hexavalent Chromium and Total Chromium (127 kb)

Method 207.1 - Determination of Ammonia Emissions from Stationary Sources (193 kb)

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Chapter IX - Source Specific Methods

Method 501.1 - Organic Liquid Loading and Storage (83 kb)

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Chapter X - Non-Standard Methods and Techniques (online version being developed*)

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*Email Tom Lee if you would like a copy of Chapter II or Chapter X.