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Spare the Air Status

Thursday 10/22

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Today.

Friday 10/23

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Tomorrow.

Fruitvale Transit Village
Alameda County
Air District Fact

California has more cars per household (1.8) than any other state, along with a thriving business population. These reasons greatly contribute to the air quality challenge, and our need for the Spare the Air Program.

Public Notices on Permits

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) distributes and/or posts on its website notices and relevant documents to inform the public about certain projects, facilities or permits under review in the following programs.

  • Public Notice for Schools (Regulation 2, Rule 1, Section 412): New and modified sources increasing hazardous air emissions within 1,000 feet of a K-12 school.
  • New Major Facility or Major Modification of Existing Facilities (Regulation 2, Rule 2, Section 405): Permit applications meeting the definition of new major facility or major modification, or requiring a Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) analysis or subject to the Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) requirements described in Regulation 2, Rule 2.
  • Emissions Banking (Regulation 2, Rule 2, Section 405): Banking applications for emissions reductions greater than 40 tons per year.
  • Major Facility Review - Title V Permits (Regulation 2, Rule 6, Section 412): Renewal of Title V permits and applications that meet the definition of major revision of the Title V permit under Regulation 2, Rule 6.
  • Air Toxics “Hot Spots” Information and Assessment Act (AB2588, California Health and Safety Code Section 44362): Facilities that are found to pose a significant health risk from facility-wide emissions of toxic air contaminants.
  • California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code, Section 21000, et seq.): projects that trigger environmental review under this law and for which the BAAQMD is the lead agency.

Public Notices - Permit Applications - 2009

The Air District issues Public Notices to inform the public about certain projects, facilities or permits under review. There is a 30-day period for the public to comment on a proposed project. Specific instructions for submitting a comment are contained within the Public Notices.

Date Plant Number Application Number Documents
10/21/2009 B9671 20624 Advanced Surgery Institute
10/20/2009 B9773 20819 Pangea Environmental Services Inc
10/15/2009 B9693 20667 Verizon Wireless Alameda Island
10/9/2009 B7745 20926 Mills College
10/9/2009 B9699 20678 Tamalpais Union High School District