Cross Sections
Single top
Top Quark Properties
Summary of W helicity results
Color code : 150 pb-1 - 1.8 fb-1 > 1.8 fb-1 New
Channel Description
(Link to web-page)
Measurement Integrated Luminosity (pb-1) Publication
Z+jets Search for FCNC t->Zq BR(t->Zq) < 3.7% at 95% C.L. 1.9 fb-1 PRL 101 192002
Z+jets Invisible search BR(t->Zc) < 13%, BR(t->gc) < 12%, BR(t->gamma c) < 18% 1.9 fb-1 07/17/2008
Conf. Note 9496
Lepton+jets Search for resonances in ttbar mass spectrum, template method 95% C.L. on &sigma ×BR(X->ttbar) 1 fb-1 03/12/2008
PRD 77 051102
All hadronic
Search for resonances in ttbar mass spectrum, matrix element + template 95% C.L. on &sigma ×BR(X->ttbar) 2.8 fb-1 6/28/2009
Conf. Note 9844
Lepton+jets Search for resonances in ttbar mass spectrum, matrix element + template 95% C.L. on &sigma ×BR(X->ttbar) 680 pb-1 6/13/2008
PRL 100 231801
Lepton+jets Search for resonances in ttbar mass spectrum using DLM method Limits on the Massive Gluon strength of coupling 1.9 pb-1 12/13/2007
Conf. Note 9164
Measurement of dSigma/Mttbar no evidence beyond the SM 2.7 pb-1 03//2009
PRL 102 222003
Lepton+jets Search for charged Higgs no significant excess of H+, set upper limit BR at 95% C.L. for H+ mass of 90 GeV/c2 to 150 GeV/c2 2.2 pb-1 05/08/2008
Conf. Note 9322
Dilepton Search for Stop quarks no significant excess of Stop quarks, set upper limit BR at 95% C.L. for stop masses of 115 GeV/c2 to 185 GeV/c2 2.7 pb-1 07/17/2008
Conf. Note 9439
Lepton+jets Search for a Massive t' Quark t' mass > 311 GeV at 95% CL 2.8 fb-1 03/07/2008
Conf. Note 9446

760 pb-1
PRL 100 161803
Lepton+jets Top Quark Width &Gammatop < 13.1 GeV at 95% C.L. 1 fb-1 PRL 102 042001
Lepton+jets Top Quark Lifetime top < 52.5 μm @ 95% C.L. 320 pb-1 02/14/2006
Conf. Note 8104
Dilepton Search for Anomalous Kinematics 1.0-4.5% 190 pb-1 PRL 95 022001
Dilepton, Lepton+jets, Single and double Vertex b-tags BR(t->Wb)/BR(t->Wq) 1.12 + 0.21 - 0.19 (stat) + 0.17 -0.13 (syst)
> 0.61 @ 95% C.L.
160 pb-1 PRL 95 102002
Dilepton, Lepton+tau, Lepton+jets single and double Vertex b-tags Search for Charged Higgs in top decays Limits on BR(t->H+b) 190, 160 pb-1 PRL 96 042003
Lepton+jets Top Production Mechanism using low Pt Tracks 0.07± 0.14(stat)± 0.07(syst)
for xs(gg->ttbar)/xs(ppbar->ttbar)
1 fb-1 PRD 78 111101
Lepton+jets Top Production Mechanism using a Neural Network Fraction of ttbar events produced by gluon fusion < 0.33 at 68% CL 1 fb-1 PRD 79 031101(R)
Lepton+jets Top Production Mechanism combination 0.07+0.15-0.07(stat+sys) 1 fb-1 PRD 79 031101(R)
Dilepton Top Production Mechanism using Azimuthal Correlation of Charged Leptons
Fgg = 0.53
( +0.35
(syst) )
2 fb-1 7/10/2008
Conf. Note 9432
Spin Correlations K = 0.32 + 0.55 - 0.78
-0.46 < K < 0.87 @ 68%CL
2.8 fb-1 06/11/2009
Conference Note
Lepton+jets, dilepton Top Charge Observed p-value = 0.31
Exclude top charge of -4/3 with 87% C.L.
Bayes Factor value very strongly favors SM
1.5 fb-1 08/09/2007
Conf. Note 8967
1 fb-1
Conf. Note 8782
Charge Asymmetry AF B (ppbar rest frame) AFB = 0.19 ± 0.07(stat) ± 0.02(syst) 3.2 fb-1 03/12/2009
Conference Note
Charge Asymmetry AFB vs Mttbar (ppbar rest frame) Scan vs Mtt, NLO comparison 3.2 fb-1 07/21/2009
Conference Note
Lepton+jets Charge Asymmetry AFB (ttbar rest frame) AFB = 0.24 ± 0.13(stat) ± 0.04(syst) 1.9 fb-1 PRL 101 202001
Lepton+jets Charge Asymmetry AFB (ppbar rest frame) AFB = 0.17 ± 0.07(stat) ± 0.04(syst) 1.9 fb-1 PRL 101 202001
Lepton+jets W helicity cos&theta * 1-parameter fit:
F0= 0.59 ± 0.11(stat) ± 0.04 (syst)
F+ = -0.04 ± 0.04(stat) ± 0.03(syst)
F+ < 0.07 @ 95% C.L.
2-parameter fit:
F0= 0.65 ± 0.19(stat) ± 0.03(syst)
F+= -0.03 ± 0.07(stat) ± 0.03(syst)
1.9 fb-1 02/12/2007
Conf. Note 9215
Dilepton, Lepton+jets W helicity Mlb2 F+ < 0.09 @ 95% C.L. 750 pb-1 05/11/2006
PRL 98 072001
Lepton+jets W helicity matrix element 0.64 ± 0.08(stat) ± 0.07(sys) 1.9 fb-1 11/15/2007
Conf. Note 9144
Lepton+jets W helicity cos&theta * (full reco) 1-parameter fit:
F0= 0.66 ± 0.10(stat) ± 0.06(syst)
F+= 0.01 ± 0.05(stat) ± 0.03(syst)

2-parameter fit:
F0= 0.38 ± 0.21(stat) ± 0.07(syst)
F+= 0.15 ± 0.10(stat) ± 0.04(syst)
1.9 fb-1 11/29/2007
Conference Note
320 pb-1
PRD 75 052001
Combination of
W helicity cos&theta * (full reco) and cos&theta * from above
1-parameter fit:
F0 = 0.62 ± 0.11
F+ = -0.04 ± 0.05
2-parameter fit:
F0 = 0.66 ± 0.16
F+ = -0.03 ± 0.07
correlation coeff = -0.82 with no assumption
1.9 fb-1
PLB 674 p160
Lepton+jets Combined W helicity cos&theta * and Lepton Pt spectrum F0= 0.74 +0.22 -0.34 (stat+syst)
F+ < 0.27 @ 95% C.L.
160 pb-1 PRD 73 111103