Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point

Vascular Plants

Plants of Wisconsin


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  Aster longifolius Lam. image
Photographer: Sue R. Crispin           

Botanical Illustration
Family Asteraceae
Aster longifolius Lam.
long-leaved aster, long-leaved blue aster
Aster: from the Greek aster, "a star," describing the radiate heads of the flowers
longifolius: longus for "long, extended;" folius for "leaves"
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Status: Special Concern
Plant: erect, perennial, 1/2' - 4' tall forb with long, creeping rhizomes
Flower: head 3/8"-1" wide with 20-50 blue rays; inflorescence of a few to several heads in open, leafy clusters
Leaf:mostly along the stem, stalkess and usually clasping, long and narrow, lance-like, 7 to 9 times as long as wide
Habitat: moist

More Information Natural Communities Herbarium Specimens
All Aster list Google- Images or Text

Flora of North America (off site)
Aster eminens Willd.
Aster junceus Aiton
Aster salicifolius sensu Willd, non Lam.
Symphyotrichum longifolium (Lam.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (L.) G.L.Nesom
Symphyotrichum novi-belgii (L.) G.L.Nesom var. novi-belgii

Vascular Plants

Plants of Wisconsin


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