Training & Education Materials Production


Training & Education Materials Production Division


Image Library


Conservation Library

Publications Requests

304-876-7203 or 1-800-344-WILD


Training & Education Materials Production Division

  • David Cooper, Division Chief; 304-876-7662

    David Cooper joined NCTC in November, 1996 as a videographer and producer for the Division of Training and Education Materials Production’s video branch. In 2003, David was selected as the chief of the video branch and in 2008 became the division chief.  Prior to working for the Fish and Wildlife Service, David was employed at the Defense Intelligence Agency at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. for over ten years.  David served eight years in the U.S. Army and with his federal service, has a combined total of over thirty years experience in television.
  • Eileen Hornbaker, Administrative Specialist; 304-876-7687

    Eileen Hornbaker has over 20 years of administrative experience working predominantly in the areas of communication, customer service and personnel. She came to NCTC in 2001, but has worked for the Federal government since 1986. She is responsible for the administrative operations of the office, personnel, budget, procurement, property, and contracting. Eileen enjoys learning, traveling, and working with people.
  • Debora Martin, Secretary; 304-876-7426

    Debora Martin has over 30 years of administrative experience, working in areas of financial management, purchasing, human resource, travel. Seven of those years were with the USDA, APHIS, PPQ. Prior to working for the federal government, she was a paralegal for the Public Defender Corporation of West Virginia for 6 years. Debora's hobbies include riding her motorcycle, reading, and spending time with family.

Video Branch

  • Mike McAtee, Branch Chief; 304-876-7674

    Mike McAtee joined the NCTC in March, 2009. Mike retired from the US Army in 1993 and has over 27 years of experience in video production both inside and outside of the Government. Since leaving the Army, Mike has worked for KRMA-TV in Colorado, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice, and Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Of note, Mike served as a Combat Cameraman during Operation Desert Storm where he earned the Bronze Star medal.
  • Brett Billings, Video Production Specialist ; 304-876-7671

    Brett Billings began working at NCTC in March 2004. Prior to NCTC, he learned all the best places to hunt, fish and boat in his native Bluegrass state while producing Kentucky Afield - the nation's longest-running outdoors TV show. Brett's 16 years production experience also includes tours in Germany, Portugal and Alaska as a military broadcaster. He earned a BIS in Environmental Broadcast Journalism from Eastern Kentucky University in 1997, and just finished his MS in Biology at EKU as well. Around NCTC Brett is known as the "Bug guy" and is always happy to show off his collection of aquatic insects.
  • Martin Brady, Title; 304-876-7663

    Martin Brady has 25+ years in private/public sector as radio/television engineer
    Employed with NCTC since 1999.
  • Doug Canfield, Video Production Specialist ; 304-876-7384

    Doug Canfield began his career as a volunteer at NCTC in 1996 after graduating with a BA in English Literature and Communications. He spent the next 10 years doing freelance work for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, National Park Service, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, 60 Minutes, CBS Sunday Morning, and various other clients. His work has taken him all around the U.S. as well as Guatemala, England, Holland, and Ghana. His passion for travel has lead him to five continents, including 2 months in Latin America to study Spanish and a trip to Fiji to get certified for scuba diving.
  • Mark Chesna, Studio Manager; 304-876-7342

    Mark Chesna has been with NCTC since 1998 and has over 23 years experience working in video with the government. He received a BS from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh in Radio-TV-Film and worked for 8 years in the Army before becoming a federal employee. Before coming to NCTC he spent 9 years at the Defense Intelligence Agency in Washington D.C. splitting his time between video work at DIA, and working at the studio of DIN (Defense Intelligence Network) at the Pentagon. As an avid sports fan, he expects to attend his 2,300th career game sometime next year.
  • Ryan Hagerty, Photographer; 304-876-7290

    Ryan Hagerty has been working for NCTC since 1996 when he started as a volunteer. He graduated with a BFA in fine arts and works as a still photographer and videographer for the Fish and Wildlife Service. He has photographed wildlife on more than 80 National Wildlife Refuges, and sometimes climbs trees and scuba dives to obtain his photographs.
  • Jenny Peterson, Technical Information Specialist; 304-876-7675

    Jenny Peterson began working at NCTC in February 2008. She has over 14 years in federal service including six years with the Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office as a Technical Information Specialist. She earned a B.A. in Music from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and a MLIS from San Jose State University.
  • Jeannie Gales, Librarian Assistant; 304-876-7376

    Jeannie Gales is a Library Technician in the Image Library. She has been at NCTC since 1999 and has 24 years government service.

Graphics/Reprographics Branch

  • Richard DeVries, Branch Chief; 304-876-7656

    Richard started his position at NCTC in April '07. He came from the National Park Service, Harpers Ferry Design Center where he has been involved in interpretive publications design for six years. Prior to that he was at Shenandoah National Park for three years as an interpretive publications designer, writer, and webmaster. Before that he was with the Dept of Defense in Germany involved in marketing and advertising. He holds a BS Degree in Interdepartmental Studies with concentrated studies in marketing and advertising from Schiller International University in Heidelberg, Germany and an Associate Degree in Graphic Design from the American Academy of Art in Chicago.
  • Kristin Simanek, Senior Graphic Designer; 304-876-7669

    Kristin Simanek has been a graphic designer at NCTC since 1997. With over 22 years experience in this field, 10 of which were spent in the Department of Justice, she brings with her a wide range of skills in various aspects of design. She specializes in a variety of media, ranging from logos, posters, and publications, to exhibits and web sites. Kristin graduated from the Corcoran School of Art in 1986 with a BFA in graphic design. Working at NCTC has allowed her to combine her interests in art and nature.
  • Kelly Fike, Senior Graphic Designer; 304-876-7668

    Kelly Fike is a graphic designer, specializing in print and exhibit media, whose skills are applied to brochures, newsletters, catalogs, calendars, logos, CD covers, notebook covers, posters, museum exhibits, and traveling displays. She began her career at NCTC as an intern and then worked as a freelance designer before becoming a full-time Fish and Wildlife Service employee. Kelly is a 1999 Shepherd College graduate with a BFA in graphic design.
  • Sue Robinson, Reprographic Specialist; 304-876-7433

    Sue Robinson is the lead reprographics specialist. She produces notebooks and other publications that are used by students and faculty at NCTC. Susie began her career with the Fish and Wildlife Service in 1983, then transferred to the training center when it opened its doors in 1997. Susie is a native of Martinsburg, West Virginia, and really appreciates being able to work so close to her hometown. She enjoys the scenic beauty the state has to offer almost as much as she enjoys working with people.
  • Sharon Howard Roelkey, Reprographic Specialist; 304-876-7658

    Sharon Howard-Roelkey produces notebooks and other publications that are used by students and faculty at NCTC. Sharon started her career with the Fish & Wildlife Service in 1995 and appreciates the opportunity to work at NCTC. Her free time is spent with her husband, children, and Jack Russell "Cameo". She enjoys cooking, boating, and riding her Harley.

Writing/Editing - Media Resources Branch

  • David Klinger, Supervisory Writer-Editor, 304-876-7670

    David Klinger serves as chief of the media resources branch in the Division of Training and Education Materials Production at NCTC. He supervises much of NCTC’s relationship with the written word, from the writing of publications, video scripts, and Web-based text to the dissemination of printed literature and the research and information management capabilities of a centralized agency library. He has 32 years of Federal service, beginning in Washington, D.C., as a national press officer for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service between 1977 and 1988; in Portland, Oregon, as Pacific region press officer for the agency between 1988 and 1998; and now in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, since 1998. He holds an A.B. in journalism and political science (1976) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Anne Roy, Librarian; 304-876-7399

    Anne Post Roy is chief librarian at NCTC, where since 1997 she has built an impressive library collection for the training facility and has pioneered its critical online portal for access to scientific and technical information for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s scientists and field biologists. Her 11 years of Federal service are complemented by her 25 years in library and information management. She was graduated from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst with a B.A. in English (1978); she received her M.S. in library science from Catholic University in Washington, D.C. (1982).

Publications Unit

  • John Fisher, Publications Technician; 304-876-7659

    John Fisher supervises the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s national publications fulfillment office, headquartered at NCTC, where information requests for publications are received and processed for Federal and state agencies, business, educators, and the public. Inquiries from the public through the agency’s toll-free information line also are fulfilled through this center. He has 17 years of Federal service. He holds a A.A. in humanities and social science from the State University of New York at Alfred, a B.A. in political science from the State University of New York at Geneseo, and an M.A. in political science from the State University of New York at Binghamton. He worked in private business before joining the Service in 1992.

Last updated: May 21, 2009