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Socioeconomic Analysis

AQMD socioeconomic analysis evaluates cost and other economic impacts of individual rules on affected facilities. Although the California Health and Safety Codes and AQMD Governing Board establish the perimeter of such analysis, its sophistication has evolved over the years in response to changing regulatory environment.  Previous socioeconomic analysis may be viewed by going to the Meetings and Agendas page, then looking at the Governing Board agenda for specific rules.

Aside from rulemaking, socioeconomic analysis is also performed on the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP). The Socioeconomic Reports on the AQMPs include cost and benefit of clean air and their impact on the local economy.

Additional socioeconomic analyses can be found by visiting the AQMD library or contact Sue Lieu at (909) 396-3059 or via e-mail (

In an effort to augment the AQMD socioeconomic analysis in the areas of small business and post-rule impacts, the AQMD issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) in 2000 and selected BBC Research & Consulting in this important endeavor. Under the contractual agreement, BBC has produced the following reports: 

To view PDF files, you may wish to download a free viewer at:

Literature and Methodology Review (204 KB PDF File)
Business Stakeholder Interviews
(120 KB PDF File)
Summary Report: Interim Findings and Preliminary Recommendations (295 KB PDF File)
Facility-based Assessment Case Studies (1.98 MB PDF File)
Guidelines and Methodology for Facility-based Assessments(1.24 MB PDF File)
Guidelines and Methodology for Post-Rule Assessments (473 KB PDF File)
Criteria and Resources for Facility-based and Post-Rule Assessment (506 KB PDF File)

If you have any questions about the report, or need more information, please contact Sue Lieu via email

Socioeconomic Reports are available electronically for the last three AQMPs. Click on the links below to access the socioeconomic reports for the respective AQMPs. 

(note: The 2003 AQMP webpage also includes the Final Socioeconomic Report for the 2003 AQMP)

  • 1997 AQMP (including the Final Socioeconomic Report for the 1997 AQMP)

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