Training & Education Materials Production

Production Plan

The Video Production Plan example below can be used as a general guide.
Follow the example, or contact Mike McAtee at NCTC, 304-876-7674, and NCTC will help you create a Plan that works for you.


Working Title

Just a few descriptive words, a more creative title can come later.


“Gulf of Mexico for Students” was the Working Title. Later, it was changed to “Making Waves” and sub-titled “ Why Care About the Gulf of Mexico.”

Point of Contact (POC)

The decisions that go into making a video are often very subjective. Therefore, only two people are involved in the final decision-making, the POC and the Producer. The POC may need organizational input and approval but, in the end, the POC will be the Aone-voice@ that communicates with the Producer. The POC and the Producer will work as a team to incorporate the best of many ideas into a final product. Be sure the POC has the authority to approve content, scripts, budget, and others production issues.


Larry Goldman, FWS Daphne Field Office,


Why do you need it? What will it accomplish?


The video will be used as an outreach tool to promote the conservation, protection and enhancement of Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem.....


It’s best to hold the message down to about three main points or less.


The videos will show and tell the students about the benefits people derive from the Gulf, the threats to the Gulf ecosystem, and the things that people can do to save the Gulf.


Who is the target audience? What age, group, organization, etc?


The primary audience will be teenage high school students that live in the Gulf Coastal states. The Video can also be used for general audiences.


Most informational videos are about 10 minutes, rarely more than 15 minutes.


10 minutes running time.

Viewing Conditions

Will it be aired on commercial TV, used in classrooms, on a large screen, in a Refuge visitor center, on the Internet, or in an information kiosk? This information is essential to determining the kind of video format that best suits your needs.


This video will be shown in school classrooms on videotapes, in NWR visitor center auditoriums on large screens and segments may be released to Educational TV.)


How will you determine if the video’s message reached the viewer?


A focus group people consisting of people unfamiliar with the FWS mission will be formed to evaluate the video.


How many copies, what format, who will get them and who will deliver them? We can help you with this one. We have contractors that can handle the shipping. All you need is a mailing list.


500 copies will be made on VHS videotape format and distributed according to a mailing list supplied by Larry Goldman.

Distribution Follow-Up

How will know if your target audience saw the video?


Ten recipients of the video will be called to see how much the video was used and how effective it was.

Treatment or Approach

How do you want to go about telling this story? This is a creative decision that you may want to discuss in detail with the video producer.


Making Waves will be produced in the documentary style. It will feature teenaged students that live along the Gulf Coast. Students will tell why the Gulf is an essential part of their lives. The program will use interviews with students that are involved with various educational....

Content Suggestions

It's like a shopping list of key facts, events, ideas or production elements that may be a part of the video. The list helps fix on what you want and what it will take to get it done. You may want to brainstorm with others and talk to a potential producer to get more ideas.


  • Much of our drinking water comes from the 33 major rivers that flow into the Gulf.
  • The Gulf Coast has a vast variety of habitats.
  • Show FWS employees working with students to save the Gulf.
  • Include aerial shots of the Gulf, especially the beautiful beaches.
  • Show lots of people having fun on beaches and in the water.
  • Use stock video shots of wildlife from the NCTC Video Library.
  • Videotape students participating in beach clean-up in May of next year. Call Ding Darling NWR for details.

Your list can be as long as you like. The more details, the better.


Where will the money come from? Is it a partnership?


Funding will be $10,000 from the Environmental Protection Agency, $5,000 from the Corps of Engineers, and $10,000 from FWS Daphene Field Office.


A cost estimate can be obtained by talking to a video producer (contractor, NCTC or others) The person making your estimate will need a production plan or statement of work before they can determine the cost.

Last updated: May 21, 2009