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U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services - Annual Revision for 2008

Release date: June 10, 2009



In this release and the accompanying “U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services: April 2008,” the U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) are jointly publishing revised data on U.S. trade in goods for 2005-2007 and the first three months of 2008 and revised data on services for 2004-2007 and the first three months of 2008.

This annual revision has not changed the overall trend in the goods and services balance. For 2001-2007, the goods and services deficit is revised less than 1 percent each year. For 2008, the goods and services deficit is revised up $14.8 billion, or 2.2 percent.

  • Goods:

    The 2008 not seasonally adjusted Census-basis goods data were revised to redistribute monthly data that arrived too late for inclusion in the month of transaction but that were included, initially, in the month in which the data were received. In addition, corrections were made to previously published 2008 data. Also, goods export data from January 2004 through December 2008 were revised as a result of analysis of the aircraft industry. Once the redistributions of data to the proper month of transaction and corrections were completed, factors for seasonal adjustment and trading day adjustments were recomputed and the seasonally adjusted current-dollar series were revised for 2006-2008 and the first three months of 2009. Similar changes were made to the chain-weighted dollar series. The chain-weighted dollar series has also been revised using 2005 as the base year.

    Beginning with 2001, a new balance of payments adjustment to Census-basis imports has been added to improve the coverage of locomotives and railcars. Other import adjustments have been revised for 2008 based on updated source data. The export adjustment for transfers under U.S. military agency sales contracts has been revised beginning with 2002 because of a change in methodology, and other export adjustments have been revised beginning with 2007 based on updated source data.

  • Services:

    The services estimates were revised for 2006-2008 and for the first three months of 2009. The revisions resulted largely from the incorporation of updated results from BEA’s benchmark survey of selected international services for 2006, updated results from BEA’s quarterly surveys of international services beginning with the first quarter of 2007, and new information on transfers under U.S. military agency sales contracts beginning with 2006. The BEA surveys cover transactions in royalties and license fees and other private services. On an annual basis, the revisions to services receipts are larger than the revisions to services payments.

  • Data revised with the 2008 Annual Revision but not part of the exhibits listed below is available.

Current Issue

Exhbit Number Title Format
Full Report
FT900 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services - Annual Revision for 2008
PDF (465 KB)
ZIP (TXT) (140 KB)
ZIP (XLS) (330 KB)
Individual Exhibits
Seasonally Adjusted
Exhibit 1 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services
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TXT (11 KB)
XLS (16 KB)
Exhibit 2 U.S. Services by Major Category - Exports
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TXT (8 KB)
XLS (15 KB)
Exhibit 3 U.S. Services by Major Category - Imports
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TXT (8 KB)
XLS (13 KB)
Exhibit 4 U.S. Trade in Goods
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TXT (11 KB)
XLS (14 KB)
Exhibit 5 Exports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category
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TXT (7 KB)
XLS (16 KB)
Exhibit 5a Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category
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TXT (7 KB)
XLS (16 KB)
Exhibit 6 Exports of Goods by End-Use Category and Commodity
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TXT (12 KB)
XLS (88 KB)
Exhibit 7 Imports of Goods by End-Use Category and Commodity
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TXT (12 KB)
XLS (26 KB)
Exhibit 8 Petroleum and Non-Petroleum End-Use Category Totals
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XLS (18 KB)
Exhibit 9 Real Exports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category (2005 Chain-weighted dollars)
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XLS (14 KB)
Exhibit 9a Real Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category (2005 Chain-weighted dollars)
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XLS (15 KB)
Exhibit 10 Real Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods, Petroleum and Non-Petroleum End-Use Commodity Category Totals (2005 Chain-weighted dollars)
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TXT (12 KB)
XLS (20 KB)
Not Seasonally Adjusted
Exhibit 11 U.S. Trade in Goods
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TXT (9 KB)
XLS (13 KB)
Exhibit 12 Exports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category
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XLS (15 KB)
Exhibit 12a Imports of Goods by Principal End-Use Category
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XLS (14 KB)
Exhibit 13 - Annual Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods by Selected Countries and Areas: Annual Totals
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XLS (54 KB)
Exhibit 13: Part 1 Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods by Selected Countries and Areas: January - March
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XLS (74 KB)
Exhibit 13: Part 2 Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods by Selected Countries and Areas: April - June
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XLS (73 KB)
Exhibit 13: Part 3 Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods by Selected Countries and Areas - July - September
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XLS (73 KB)
Exhibit 13: Part 4 Exports, Imports, and Balance of Goods by Selected Countries and Areas: October - December
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XLS (73 KB)
Exhibit 14: Annual Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal SITC Commodity Groupings: Annual Totals
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TXT (7 KB)
XLS (15 KB)
Exhibit 14: Part 1 Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal SITC Commodity Groupings: January -April
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XLS (26 KB)
Exhibit 14: Part 2 Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal SITC Commodity Groupings: May - August
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Exhibit 14: Part 3 Exports and Imports of Goods by Principal SITC Commodity Groupings: September - December
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XLS (25 KB)
Exhibit 15 Exports, Imports, and Balance of Advanced Technology Products
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XLS (9 KB)
Exhibit 15a: Annual Exports, Imports, and Balance of Advanced Technology Products by Technology Group and Selected Countries and Areas: Annual Totals
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XLS (15 KB)
Exhibit 15a: Part 1 Exports, Imports, and Balance of Advanced Technology Products by Technology Group and Selected Countries and Areas: January -April
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XLS (26 KB)
Exhibit 15a: Part 2 Exports, Imports, and Balance of Advanced Technology Products by Technology Group and Selected Countries and Areas: May - August
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XLS (25 KB)
Exhibit 15a: Part 3 Exports, Imports, and Balance of Advanced Technology Products by Technology Group and Selected Countries and Areas: September - December
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XLS (25 KB)
Exhibit 16 Imports of Energy-Related Petroleum Products, Including Crude Oil
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XLS (11 KB)
Exhibit 17: Annual Exports and Imports of Motor Vehicles and Parts by Selected Countries: Annual Totals
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TXT (4 KB)
XLS (10 KB)
Exhibit 17: Part 1 Exports and Imports of Motor Vehicles and Parts by Selected Countries: January - March
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XLS (15 KB)
Exhibit 17: Part 2 Exports and Imports of Motor Vehicles and Parts by Selected Countries: April - June
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Exhibit 17: Part 3 Exports and Imports of Motor Vehicles and Parts by Selected Countries: July - September
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XLS (15 KB)
Exhibit 17: Part 4 Exports and Imports of Motor Vehicles and Parts by Selected Countries: October - December
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XLS (15 KB)
Historical Data
Exhibit 18 U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services (2001-2005)
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XLS (39 KB)
Exhibit 19 U.S. Services by Major Category - Exports (2003-2005)
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TXT (25 KB)
XLS (37 KB)
Exhibit 20 U.S. Services by Major Category - Imports (2003-2005)
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TXT (25 KB)
XLS (34 KB)

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FTD Web News

2009 Constant Dollar Data
- The Census Bureau identified a processing error that caused incorrect deflators to be applied to the revised data for 2009. The data have been corrected.

- U.S. Census Bureau will modify the structure of several data products to accommodate changing technology and user demand.

- The export environment has dramatically changed. Come and understand what it takes to remain compliant, aware and out of trouble.
- See Seminar and Workshop Schedule

2003 AES Option 4 Moratorium
Option 4 Filing Review Process Suspended

AES Compliance Best Practices:
Best Practices for maintaining AES Compliance are now available.

Related Party Database Application:
Time series RELATED PARTY data for specific commodities and countries.

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Source: FTDWebMaster, Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, D.C. 20233
Created: 10 June 2009
Last modified: 10 June 2009 at 08:38:29 AM