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Application Catalog


The major activity for Cancer Prevention Fellows is mentored research, traditionally involving one or more of the following areas: laboratory-based cancer prevention research, epidemiologic research (including molecular epidemiologic studies and prevention trials), behavioral science research, clinical prevention research, prevention-related policy research, ethics of prevention and public health research, and quantitative or qualitative methodologies in cancer prevention and control research. All fellows are expected to develop original scientific projects and to report their findings at scientific meetings and in leading journals. Preceptors who serve to guide and enrich each fellow's experience are selected from skilled investigators across all NCI divisions, participating FDA centers, or local academic institutions. To date, nearly one hundred NCI staff members have served as preceptors.

Preceptorships are selected through a matching process. During their first summer onsite at NCI, fellows spend time meeting with potential preceptors. A mutual agreement is reached between the preceptor and the fellow on the research that will be completed during the fellowship. A research proposal for the initial project is then prepared for approval by the preceptor and the CPFP scientific staff. Whereas the CPFP has all administrative responsibility for each fellow, the preceptor provides scientific supervision. Preceptors are responsible for arranging for office space, supplies, and equipment; encouraging presentations and publications at local and national meetings; and providing supplemental travel funds for research-related activities.

Listed below are some of the NCI divisions, programs, laboratories, branches, and offices from which Cancer Prevention Fellows may select their preceptors. A listing of preceptors from the FDA is available on the website, — NCI—FDA Joint Training in Cancer Prevention.

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A Service of the National Cancer Institute

Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health