Foreign Military Sales (FMS) for Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon (PAIL)

Purpose: To provide a centralized reference location for approved PAIL FMS acquisition and transportation instructions and supplementary information. This material is provided in part to insure the administrative processes in providing FMS support to these select countries is accurately and timely executed.

Authority: See attached memorandum Process for Building Capacity of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon Security Forces, signed by the DEPSECDEF, 22 July 2009.

Applicability: Applies to the acquisition and transportation workforce and other stakeholders engaged in FMS support. It is intended that these instructions and supplementary material be considered and applied early in the case development process and incorporated into the FMS contract and/or delivery order terms and conditions as required.

Instructions:Consider the following acquisition and transportation instructions by country when preparing FMS contract actions:

Points of Contact: For further information and assistance, please contact the following:

This page last updated: August 3, 2009
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