Data Submission Information

  1. Purpose
  2. Who is responsible for submitting IUID data?
  3. What data is required for initial submission of items to the IUID Registry?
  4. How do I provide embedded UID information on new procurements?
  5. When is submission of data to the IUID Registry required?
  6. How do I submit IUID data via WAWF?
  7. I submit Invoices and Material Inspection and Receiving Reports via WAWF for repaired items but they reject at the IUID Registry, what can I do?
  8. How do I submit IUID data directly without utilizing WAWF?
  9. Can I have an IUID Registry direct submission file format validated before using it in the production environment?
  10. For the direct submission methods, will there be any status files returned that would need to be processed?
  11. What do I do if I am using a prior version of the XML Schema?
  12. How do I modify data that has already been sent to the registry?
  13. What is the requirement for updating item data in the registry?
  14. Since the allowable values for the 'Mark Contents' field are standardized, how do I report marks that are not on the list of acceptable values?
  15. Can I write software or use an API to query the registry?
  16. Who can I contact for more information?

  1. Purpose

    To convey methods of submitting IUID data for newly procured items, items currently owned by DoD (Legacy), and Government Furnished Property (GFP) to the IUID Registry. It also provides high level guidance on when and what IUID data is required. It is not intended to be an instruction document for populating any of the file formats with IUID data.

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  2. Who is responsible for submitting IUID data?

    New Procurement: In accordance with DFARS 252.211-7003, the prime contractor has the responsibility to submit Unique Item Identifiers (UIIs) or other DoD recognized unique identification equivalents and to provide the IUID data for items that are delivered to the Department under a DoD contract.

    GFP: In accordance with DFARS 252.211-7007, the prime custodial contractor has the responsibility to submit UIIs or other DoD recognized unique identification equivalents and to provide the IUID data for all Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) that meets IUID policy criteria.

    In addition to mandatory GFE submissions, voluntary submission of other GFP data to the IUID Registry is encouraged for contracts with GFP awarded. Volunteer contractors should submit GFP IUID data related to the IUID Registry no later than May 31 of the transition year in order for the validation and contract change to be completed prior to September 30. Detailed instructions on voluntarily transitioning contracts from use of the DD Form 1662 to use of the IUID Registry for reporting GFP are available at:

    Legacy: Government program and item managers are responsible for applying IUID policy to existing personal property in inventory and operational use, including items manufactured by organic DoD depots. They are also responsible for recording the IUID data in the IUID Registry for those items that meet the criteria for IUID. (See: Policy for Unique Identification (UID) of Tangible Personal Property Legacy Items in Inventory and Operational Use, Including Government Furnished Property (GFP) (December 23, 2004)).

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  3. What data is required for initial submission of items to the IUID Registry?

    New Procurement: New procurement requirements for IUID data are based on the DFARS clause 252.211-7003, Item Identification and Valuation (AUG 2008), as prescribed in DFARS Subpart 211.274.

    GFP: Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) requirements for IUID data are based on DFARS 252.211-7007, Reporting of Government-Furnished Equipment in the DoD Item Unique Identification (IUID) Registry, as prescribed in DFARS Subpart 211.274-5(b).

    In addition to mandatory GFE submissions, voluntary submitters of other GFP data to the IUID Registry should reference the Guidelines for Industry Transition from DD Form 1662 ( as well as the Data Reporting Requirements table at:

    The Guidelines for the Virtual Unique Item Identifier (UII) v1.2 (or latest version) provides detailed guidance on virtual UII registrations:

    Legacy: Legacy data requirements for IUID data are based on the IUID Policy Update for Legacy Items (December 23, 2004).

    The Data Reporting Requirements table at identifies the required, optional, and contingent data elements when submitting legacy items to the IUID Registry.

    The Guidelines for the Virtual Unique Item Identifier (UII) v1.2 (or latest version) provides detailed guidance on virtual UII registrations:

    All Populations: The Data Reporting Requirements link ( in the right-hand column of this page provides a detailed listing of the IUID data elements required for each population. In addition, the IUID Elements Structure document provides definitions of all IUID Registry data elements.

    Note: New procurement data submitted in Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) is limited to a single automatically-generated 2D COMPLIANT UID mark and a single level of embedded UIIs (see Question 4). Direct submission to the IUID Registry via web entry at or via IUID XML or IUID flat file format is required to provide additional marks and/or more than one level of embedded items below a “parent” end-item UII. See Question 8 for additional information on the IUID XML and IUID flat file format.

    The Common Data Submission Errors link ( in the right-hand column of this page lists a few common data capture errors to be mindful of when generating records.

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  4. How do I provide embedded UID information on new procurements?

    At this time, UID data for newly procured subassemblies, components, and embedded parts one level below the end item can be provided via WAWF. One level below the end item means that the end item is the direct “parent” UII of the “child” UII being registered. WAWF allows submission of up to 100 embedded UIIs per CLIN/SLIN/ELIN end item deliverable.

    If there are multiple levels of embedded parts that require registration, the embedded IUID data can be provided by direct submission via either the IUID XML or IUID flat file formats or by utilizing the IUID Registry's web entry capability after acceptance.

    End item “parent” UIIs must be populated in the IUID Registry prior to submission of embedded “child” UIIs. Parent and child UIIs can be submitted in the same IUID XML or IUID flat file – the parent UIIs will be loaded into the Registry first.

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  5. When is submission of data to the IUID Registry required?

    New Procurement: IUID data for the line items must be included when the electronic Material Inspection and Receiving Report (MIRR) is created in Wide Area Workflow (WAWF). WAWF captures the IUID data and forwards it to the IUID Registry upon Government acceptance of the MIRR. WAWF also has the capability to capture, and submit to the IUID Registry, a single level of embedded items below the line item UII (not to exceed 100 embedded items per parent).

    When WAWF is not available and for embedded items not submitted via WAWF, if an IUID Registry direct submission method is used, data entry or upload must occur after Government acceptance of the MIRR.

    GFP: All data for Government Furnished Property (GFP) subject to IUID policy should be submitted to the IUID Registry by September 30 of the applicable contract year.

    Legacy: All Class II, Class IX, and embedded legacy items requiring IUID have until December 31, 2015 to complete IUID registration and marking. All other legacy Government items subject to IUID policy must be submitted to the IUID Registry by December 31, 2010.

    Updates: Updates to existing IUID Registry data should occur as close to real-time as possible. For property transfers performed in WAWF, custody updates will be sent to the IUID Registry following receipt entry.

    Note: See Question 8 for further discussion of IUID Registry direct submission methods.

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  6. How do I submit IUID data via WAWF?

    New Procurement: Vendors can submit Invoices and Material Inspection and Receiving Reports electronically into WAWF using existing Electronic Commerce methods. Choices include web interactive forms and electronic submission from Vendor automated systems. Vendors can access the WAWF system via the web interface at and follow the link called "Self Register to use WAWF (New Users)," where they will be walked through the process of gaining access to the WAWF system.

    Government users, which include inspectors and acceptors, have the ability to review Material Inspection and Receiving Reports, compare products/services to the contract terms, and accept shipments online. Improper documents can be electronically rejected back to the vendor for modification and resubmission.

    Utilization of the WAWF Material Inspection and Receiving Report (MIRR) and the WAWF Invoice/MIRR Combo to capture IUID data is annotated in the enhanced vendor guides available at

    Step-by-step instructions on manually providing IUID data on the MIRR or Combo in WAWF are available by selecting “Creating UIDs” from the second column at:

    GFP and Legacy: Legacy items, including Government Furnished Property (GFP), cannot be initially populated in the IUID Registry via WAWF (see Question 8 for further discussion on the direct solutions that can be utilized to submit legacy items to the IUID Registry). Once registered, WAWF’s property transfer capability allows shipment and receipt of all Government assets populated in the IUID Registry to capture movement between DoD and contractors.

    Note: New procurement data submitted in WAWF is limited to a single automatically-generated 2D COMPLIANT UID mark and a single level of embedded UIIs (see Question 4). Property transfers of legacy items submitted via WAWF provide the IUID Registry custody updates when there is a transfer of GFP items between DoD and a contractor. Part number rollovers can also be recorded in the Registry via WAWF Property Transfers.

    Direct submission to the IUID Registry via web entry at or via IUID XML or IUID flat file format is required to provide additional marks, more than one level of embedded items below a “parent” end-item UII, and any UII updates (e.g., life cycle events, rollovers, or embedded status changes) not available with WAWF’s property transfer capability. See Question 8 for additional information on the IUID XML and IUID flat file format.

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  7. I submit invoices and receiving reports via WAWF for repaired items but they reject at the IUID Registry, what can I do?

    Scheduled with WAWF v4.1 Implementation (planned for mid summer of 2009), WAWF will include the capability for the Contractor to create a Reparables Receiving Report (RRR). The RRR will permit the Contractor to submit a single document to report delivery of the repair service as well as the actual property. The Government Acceptor will be able to accept the repair service to support payment as well as a property transfer update to the IUID Registry to reflect the repaired item being returned to the Government.

    In the interim, the UID Tab on the WAWF Material Inspection and Receiving Report should NOT be used to report the UIIs of the items repaired. Instead the UIIs for the items repaired should be entered for informational purposes either within the Line Item Description field or in the Comments Section.

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  8. How do I submit IUID data directly without utilizing WAWF?

    Direct submission is defined as the process of submitting IUID data outside of the WAWF process. It should be used to provide IUID data to the IUID Registry only when WAWF is not available. There are five methods that can be used to submit IUID data directly. Electronically, data may be submitted via an X12 Ship Notice/Shipment and Billing Notice (856/857) transaction, an IUID XML transaction, an IUID flat file transaction, or a WAWF IUID Material Inspection and Receiving Report/Combo UDF. All four electronic submission methods require access to the Global Exchange (GEX). Manually, data may be entered via the IUID web entry site at For existing WAWF users, these methods do not replace the current WAWF interaction, but are performed in addition to it after the shipment has been accepted to provide IUID data that cannot be provided via WAWF.

    Both the X12 and UDF submission formats require adherence to the WAWF interface guides, which are available for new procurement only. Instructions for obtaining the updated guides can be found at In addition, the Federal Implementation Convention for the 4010 856 Ship Notice/Manifest and the Department of Defense Implementation Convention for the 4010 857 Shipment and Billing Notice have been modified to include IUID data and are posted on the Fed eBiz website. To separate the IUID X12 transactions destined for the IUID Registry from other X12 transactions, the IUID X12 transactions must have the Application Receiver Code (GS03) populated with the value "UIDREG".

    For the IUID XML data submission method (available for new procurement, legacy, and GFP), the compressed file (zip), IUID Direct Submission Information, contains the XML format particulars and the IUID Element Structure. Each IUID XML file will be sent to a GEX, which will pass the information on to the IUID Registry.

    For the IUID flat file data submission method (available for new procurement, legacy, and PIPC), the portable document format (pdf), IUID Flat File Specification, contains the flat file format particulars. Each IUID flat file will be sent to a GEX, which will pass the information on to the IUID Registry.

    All direct file submissions must utilize the GEX either directly or via a VAN. If an organization has an existing connection, it must contact their GEX administrator. If there is no existing connection, please contact to initiate the account setup process.

    Note: The filename length (including file extension) for any direct submission file must not exceed 26 characters. Filenames should only contain letters, numbers, underscores, dashes and periods (no spaces). Users are encouraged to embed time and date stamps into the filename to distinguish one file from another thus facilitating the identification of a particular file if issues arise. Timestamps should include hours, minutes and seconds.

    The final submission option is to manually enter the IUID data via the production IUID web entry site (available for new procurement, legacy, and GFP items). To do so, each Registry user must register for Controlled Access at the production IUID Registry via the website To update a user profile or add access to a user ID in production, visit

    To do so, each Registry user must register at the production IUID Registry via the website To update a user profile or add access to a user ID in production, visit

    Organizations that wish to explore the functionality of the IUID web entry site in a non-production environment may access the IUID Registry practice site at Separate registration is required for the production IUID Registry and the practice IUID Registry. To update a user profile or add access to a user ID in the practice site, visit

    All direct IUID submissions for new procurements that did not go through WAWF must occur after the Government has accepted the items.

    Once a submission method has been chosen, the following chart can be used as an aid to determine what action should be taken to deliver the data to the IUID Registry.

    Submission Method Action Criteria Action

    856/857 X12; GS03 = “UIDREG” (for New Procurement only)

    Currently connected to GEX via a VAN (VAN sends X12 to GEX)

    Use existing connection

    Currently connected directly to GEX

    Sending X12

    Use existing connection

    Sending non-X12 format

    Contact GEX administrator to coordinate X12 connection

    No GEX connection, either directly or via a VAN

    Contact the eBPSC at to initiate the account setup process


    Currently connected to GEX via a VAN (VAN sends X12 to GEX)

    Contact GEX administrator to coordinate XML connection

    Currently connected directly to GEX

    Contact GEX administrator to coordinate XML connection

    No GEX connection, either directly or via a VAN

    Contact the eBPSC at to initiate the account setup process

    IUID Flat File

    Currently connected to GEX via a VAN (VAN sends X12 to GEX)

    Contact GEX administrator to coordinate XML connection

    Currently connected directly to GEX

    Contact GEX administrator to coordinate XML connection

    No GEX connection, either directly or via a VAN

    Contact the eBPSC at to initiate the account setup process

    WAWF MIRR/ Combo UDF (for New Procurement only)

    Currently connected to GEX via a VAN (VAN sends X12 to GEX)

    Contact GEX administrator to coordinate connection

    Currently connected directly to GEX

    Contact GEX administrator to coordinate connection

    No GEX connection, either directly or via a VAN

    Contact the eBPSC at to initiate the account setup process

    Web Entry



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  9. Can I have the IUID portion of a selected file format validated before using it in the production environment?

    Yes, you may have an IUID Registry direct submission file validated. Send an email to the eBusiness Policy Support center ( that includes your name, organization, phone number, email address, and a sample file in the format you will be using in production.

    When performing testing, please provide minimal size files (two to five items). This quantity is more manageable for our data team.

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  10. For the direct submission methods, will there be any status files returned?

    Currently, no files or acknowledgements will be returned.

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  11. What do I do if I am using a prior version of the XML Schema or the IUID Flat File?

    All entities are encouraged to use the latest version but a prior version will not be retired without ample notification. In other words, the IUID Registry will accept and process prior, unretired versions.

    Note: Versions 1.0 and 2.0 of the IUID Registry schema have been retired.

    When a schema version is retired, notification will be posted on the IUID website,, and on this Data Submission Information page. At that time, any application or organization using the retired schema will need to modify their process to use an acceptable schema prior to the published retirement date. There are currently no plans to retire any additional schema versions.

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  12. How do I modify data that has already been sent to the registry?

    The IUID Registry’s web entry site features the capability to correct all data for items entered via the IUID Registry's web entry site and new procurement and Government Furnished Property data submitted via direct file submissions. Changes may be made as long as they are made within 30 days of the initial data entry.

    For corrections of data submitted via Wide Area Workflow (WAWF), legacy items submitted via direct-file, and all data submitted over 30 days ago, please email the eBusiness Policy Support Center ( Include your name, organization, phone number, email address, and a brief description of the requested change. An eBusiness Policy Support Center staff member will contact the requestor for execution of the modification, if appropriate.

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  13. What is the requirement for updating item data in the Registry?

    The production IUID Registry is capable of capturing changes in an item's custody, part/batch/lot number, embedded status, and marks. The updates can be made either by submitting an IUID XML file, an IUID flat file, or by using the IUID Registry's web interface. Some of the events that would require one or more modifications to an item's data by either a contractor or the Government are:

    • A part number change due to a Class I or Class II engineering change.
    • Custody changes for Government Furnished Property (GFP).
    • UII Mark changes as the item marking is modified to comply with IUID policy requirements.
    • Embedded status changes, such as when a uniquely identified component is removed from its parent item and placed in another item.
    • Life cycle events when an item exits DoD inventory.
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  14. Since the allowable values for the 'Mark Contents' field are standardized, how do I report marks that are not on the list of acceptable values?

    Additional values may be added to the list if approved by the Unique Identification Policy Office. Send a request via email to the Unique Identification Policy Office ( containing the requested value along with documentation on how the mark is used and maintained.

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  15. Can I write software or use an API to query the IUID Registry?

    There are currently five Application Program Interfaces (APIs) developed that can be used to query the registry:

    • UII Verification - This API takes in one or more UII and checks to see if each is currently in the IUID Registry.
    • Element Retrieval - This API returns the Enterprise Identifier, Serial Number, Part Number and Batch/Lot Number from an item's pedigree for each UII provided.
    • UII Retrieval - In this API, the matching UII is returned - if found - for each set of pedigree data provided. A set of pedigree data requires the Enterprise Identifier and Serial Number and may include the Part Number and/or Batch/Lot Number.
    • UII Validation - This API is used to validate the UII construction from its parts and to determine whether or not a UII resides in the Registry. One or more UIIs may be provided in a single query.
    • UII Retrieval from Marks - By passing in one or more sets of Marks, this API will retrieve one or more UII. For each Mark set supplied, the API will return any associated UIIs for the given Mark set. A Mark set consists of one or more marks but must contain one of the following values for its Content:

      1. HULL NUMBER
      5. TAIL NUMBER
      6. USA NUMBER
      7. ASAF NUMBER
      8. USN NUMBER

    • Warranty - For each UII provided, this API returns a list of all Warranty Indicators and their associated Warranty Indicator Date, Award Instrument, and Warranty Event (Acquisition or Rollover). In addition, for each Warranty Event associated with a Rollover, the Rollover Type and Rollover Value are returned.

      The API Software Users Manual provides guidance and examples for these web services.

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  16. Who can I contact for more information?

    For additional information, please email any questions to the eBusiness Policy Support Center (eBPSC) at

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