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Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the
National Safety Council (NSC)
October 25, 2004

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed

September 9, 2003

Evaluation Period

September 9, 2003 – September 8, 2004


The Alliance agreement encourages OSHA and NSC to work together to improve health and safety in the workplace for employers and employees, including Hispanic and youth workers, by helping to reduce traffic collisions; providing first aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automatic External Defibrillator training; and delivering and implementing safety and health management system programs.

Implementation Team Members

Patty Adair*
Brett Besser
Todd Briggs
Cathy Cronin
Bob Curtis
Elise Handelman
Earl Hicks
Lee Anne Jillings
Jess McCluer
Bob Nester
Kim Nguyen
John Piacento
Don Wright
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances (OOSA)
Salt Lake Technical Center (SLTC)
Office of Training and Education
Office of Occupational Health Nursing (OHN)
Office of Occupational Medicine (OOM)
Leo Carey
Marvin Greene
Bobby Jackson
Larry Liberatore
John Kennedy
Donna Fredenhagen
NSC, Executive Director Government Services
Associate Editor, Publications
Senior VP, National Programs
Executive Director, Occupational Health and Safety Group
Director, Defensive Driving Program
Manager, National Programs and Initiatives, NSC Home and Community Group

*Patty Adair was co-Alliance Coordinator until April 2004

II. Implementation Team Meetings

November 5, 2003
November 21, 2003
January 7, 2004
January 13, 2004
April 8, 2004
May 4, 2004
Kick-off Meeting, OSHA, Washington, DC
Meeting, OSHA, Washington, DC
Meeting, NSC, Washington, DC
Meeting, NSC, Washington, DC
Meeting, NSC, Washington, DC
Meeting, NSC, Washington, DC

III. Results
  1. Events and Products

    Outreach and Communication

    • Develop and disseminate information through print and electronic media, including electronic assistance tools and links from OSHA's and NSC's Websites.


      Forklift Safety Information Packet

      NSC distributed the Forklift Safety Information Packet to its members. The information packet, prepared by OSHA, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), and the Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division, is designed to increase awareness of the hazards of powered industrial forklift use by young workers. The packet includes: OSHA's Safety and Health Information Bulletin on "Protecting Young Workers: Prohibition Against Young Workers Operating Forklifts"; NIOSH's "Forklift Alert"; the Wage and Hour Division's "Forklift Stop Sticker" (to be affixed to forklifts as a warning to young workers); and a DOL Compliance Assistance Fact Sheet.

      OSHA Editorial Boards

      NSC members serve on 7 of OSHA's eTool and 18 of OSHA's Safety and Health Topics pages' Editorial Boards, including:

      Safety and Health Topics pages

      Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout), Hazardous Communication, Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing and Motor Vehicle Safety.


      Evacuation Plans and Procedures, Machine Guarding and Respiratory Protection.
      For a complete listing of the OSHA Editorial Boards that NSC members are on, please see Appendix A.

      Print and Electronic Media

      News releases and articles on the OSHA and NSC Alliance have appeared in a number of printed and online publications, including: NSC Safety Focus, OSHA Up to Date and Business and Industry Safety News, Industrial Safety and Hygiene News and Focus, the Professional Roofing magazine. Over 60,000 individuals were reached through the publications. For more information on the articles, please see the Alliance Program Reach table on pages 5-7.

    • Speak, exhibit, or appear at conferences or other events such as the NSC's Annual Congress & Expo and generate other opportunities for OSHA and NSC leadership to speak to safety and health professionals.


      • OSHA Compliance Assistance Training Sessions: Mark Riso, NSC Program Manager staffed a NSC exhibit at OSHA Compliance Assistance Training Sessions, June 14-18, 2004, in Falls Church, Virginia.

      • Federal Network for Young Worker Safety and Health (FedNet), March 10, 2004, Washington, DC

        Chuck Hurley, NSC's Vice President Transportation Safety Group, made a presentation on the need for and methods to encourage safe driving among young workers to 20 attendees.

      • 2003 National Safety Congress and Expo, September 5-12, 2003, Chicago, IL

        September 10, 2003 - Paula White, Director, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs, USDOL-OSHA, participated on a panel with other OSHA Directorate heads and updated 125 attendees on OSHA's cooperative programs, including Alliances.

        September 9, 2003 - Lee Anne Jillings, Director, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, USDOL-OSHA, and airline representatives from the OSHA/Airline Industry Alliance, presented a review of the Alliance to 65 attendees.
    • Cross-train OSHA personnel and industry safety and health practitioners in NSC's best practices or effective approaches, as jointly determined by OSHA and NSC.

      • No products or resources have been developed to meet this Alliance goal.
    • Promote and encourage NSC member participation in OSHA's cooperative programs such as compliance assistance, the Voluntary Protection Programs, Consultation, and the Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program.

      • No products or resources have been developed to meet this Alliance goal.
    • Work with OSHA's Regional and Area Offices to facilitate joint outreach activities with NSC Chapters in order to address safety and health issues, including vehicle safety, first aid, CPR and AED training, and safety and health management system programs.

      • No products or resources have been developed to meet this Alliance goal.
    National Dialogue on Safety and Health

    • Raise others' awareness of and demonstrate their own commitment to workplace safety and health whenever the NSC leaders address groups.

      • No products or resources have been developed to meet this Alliance goal.
    • Develop and disseminate case studies illustrating the business value of safety and health and publicize their results.

      • No products or resources have been developed to meet this Alliance goal.
    • Convene or participate in forums, round table discussions, volunteer relationships, or stakeholder meetings related to vehicle safety, first aid, CPR and AED training and safety and health management system programs to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace.

      • No products or resources have been developed to meet this Alliance goal.
  2. Executive Summary

    Through the Alliance Program, OSHA and NSC are working together to improve health and safety in the workplace for employers and employees, including Hispanic and youth workers, by helping to reduce traffic collisions; providing first aid, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automatic External Defibrillator training; and delivering and implementing safety and health management system programs. Some examples of the Alliance activities include the distribution of OSHA's Forklift Safety Information packet to NSC members and NSC members' participation on OSHA's electronic assistance tool's Editorial Boards.

    NSC also helped OSHA address the Agency's Strategic Management Plan areas of focus. For example, on March 10, 2004, Chuck Hurley, NSC's Vice President Transportation Safety Group, made a presentation on the need for and methods to encourage safe driving among young workers to 20 attendees at a FedNet meeting in Washington, DC. The Alliance was also promoted at OSHA's 2004 Compliance Assistance Training Sessions and the 2003 National Safety Congress and Expo, September 5-12, 2003 in Chicago, IL.

    During 2003-2004, NSC has helped to promote the activities of the OSHA and NSC Alliance and the Alliance Program through articles in its monthly publications, NSC Safety Focus and OSHA Up to Date. The articles focused on a number of topics such as the OSHA Forklift Safety Information packet and OSHA's new Alliances.

    NSC also expressed interest in working with OSHA on the development of a Motor Vehicle Safety eTool when OSHA has the necessary funds for the project. OSHA's Office of Training and Education expressed interest in working jointly with NSC to develop an online training tool i.e. Webinar on motor vehicle safety.

    At the National Safety Congress and Expo, on September 10, 2003 Paula White, Director, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs, USDOL-OSHA participated on a panel with other OSHA Directorate heads and updated 125 attendees on OSHA's cooperative programs, including Alliances. On September 9, 2003 Lee Anne Jillings, Director, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, USDOL-OSHA and airline representatives from the OSHA/Airline Industry Alliance presented a review of the Alliance to 65 attendees.

  3. Alliance Program Reach
Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
OSHA and NSC Alliance Web page on OSHA's Web site Data Not Available
July 2004 – "OSHA Launches Summer Teen Safety Pages," NSC's OSHA Up To Date 20,000
June 2004 – "OSHA Launches Teen Safety Site for Summer," NSC's Business and Industry Safety News 1,000
June 14-18, 2004 - NSC exhibit at OSHA Compliance Assistance Training Sessions in Falls Church, VA 230
April 2004 – September 2004 – "New OSHA Alliances," NSC's OSHA Up to Date 20,000
April 2004 – "Chemical Safety Board Criticizes OSHA on Reactives," NSC's OSHA Up to Date 20,000
March 10, 2004 - Chuck Hurley, NSC's Vice President Transportation Safety Group, made a presentation to FedNet on the need for and methods to encourage safe driving among young workers 20
February 2004 – "Safety Initiative Focuses on Forklift Dangers for Young Workers," NSC's Safety Focus Data Not Available
October 2003 – "A Safety Alliance," Focus, The Professional Roofing Magazine Data Not Available
September 15, 2003 – OSHA includes information on the OSHA/NSC Alliance in its bi-weekly e-newsletter; QuickTakes 35,000
September 12, 2003 – "OSHA, NSC Sign Alliance to Advance Safety and Health," Industrial Safety and Hygiene News ( Data Not Available
September 11, 2003 – "NSC: OSHA Announces New Alliances," Industrial Safety and Hygiene News ( Data Not Available
September 10, 2003 - Paula White, Director, Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs, USDOL-OSHA, participated on a panel with other OSHA Directorate heads and updated the attendees on OSHA's cooperative programs, including Alliances at the 2003 National Safety Congress and Expo in Chicago, IL 125
September 9, 2003 - Lee Anne Jillings, Director, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, USDOL-OSHA and airline representatives from the OSHA/Airline Industry Alliance presented a review of the Alliance 2003 National Safety Congress and Expo in Chicago, IL 65
September 9, 2003 – NSC distributed a news release announcing the Alliance signing Data Not Available
September 9, 2003 – OSHA distributed a news release announcing the Alliance signing 25 News Services
TOTAL 96,440

IV. Upcoming Milestones

The OSHA and NSC Alliance implementation team has discussed a number of activities that will be undertaken in the upcoming year. These activities will continue to have a positive impact on the Agency since they will help address OSHA's 2003-2008 Strategic Management Plan areas of focus, including small businesses and motor vehicle safety.

NSC would like to work with OSHA on the development of a Motor Vehicle Safety eTool when OSHA has the necessary funds for the project. NSC also plans to work with OSHA's Office of Training and Education to jointly develop an online training tool i.e. Webinar on motor vehicle safety. In addition, OSHA would like NSC's help in drafting a letter to send to Fortune 500 companies CEOs asking them to adapt the AED in the Workplace program. The AED in the Workplace issue will be addressed in OSHA's updated First Aid Directive, that is currently under internal review at the Agency, when the Directive is finalized.

Finally, at NSC's 2004 Congress and Expo, to be held September 10-17 in New Orleans, Louisiana, OSHA's Assistant Secretary John Henshaw, USDOL-OSHA, will speak during the conference. In addition, other Alliance Program participants will present workshops at the 2004 NSC Congress and Expo regarding products that they have produced through the OSHA Alliance program. The participating Alliance's include: the American Shipbuilders Association, National Shipbuilding Research Program, Shipbuilders Council of America, the Graphic Arts Coalition, the Airline Industry Alliance, the Roadway Workzone Safety and Health Coalition, IWLA: The Association for Logistics Outsourcing and the Society for Chemical Hazards Communication.

Report prepared by: Jess McCluer, Alliance Coordinator, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, October 25, 2004

Appendix A

Electronic Assistance Tool Editorial Boards with NSC Members

Safety and Health Topics pages

Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous Communication
Respiratory Protection
Machine Guarding
Noise and Hearing Conservation
Accident Investigation
Poultry Processing
Safety and Health Management System
Confined Spaces
Fire Safety
Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing
Motor Vehicle Safety
Trucking Industry
Eye and Face Protection
Laser Hazards
Video Display Terminals, Computers


Safety and Health Management
Respiratory Protection
Evacuation Plans and Procedures
Machine Guarding
Poultry Processing
Wood Products: Woodworking

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