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National Center on Elder Abuse (Title II)

Authorizing Legislation: Section 202(d) of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended

The Purpose of the Program and How it Works

First established in 1988 as a national elder abuse resource center, the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) was granted a permanent home at AoA through the 1992 amendments made to Title II of the Older Americans Act (OAA). The NCEA serves as a national resource center dedicated to the prevention of elder mistreatment, and operates as a multi-disciplinary consortium of collaborators with expertise in elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

The NCEA provides relevant information, materials, and support to enhance state and local efforts to prevent and address elder mistreatment. NCEA disseminates information to professionals and the public, and it provides technical assistance and training to states and to community-based organizations. The NCEA makes available news and resources; collaborates on research; provides consultation, education, and training; identifies and provides information about promising practices and interventions; answers inquiries and requests for information; operates a listserve forum for professionals; and advises on program and policy development. NCEA also facilitates the exchange of strategies for uncovering and prosecuting fraud and scams targeted at seniors.

The 2006 OAA reauthorization called for increased federal leadership from AoA in developing long-term plans to address elder mistreatment, to promote elder justice, and to foster the development of comprehensive elder justice systems. In light of this increased responsibility, AoA examined how the NCEA could better assist AoA in implementing more of the elder justice provisions of the OAA, particularly in fostering the development of comprehensive elder justice systems. As a result, AoA assumed directorship and redesigned the NCEA in 2007 around four priority areas:

  • Multidisciplinary Efforts: Promote multidisciplinary initiatives and provide technical assistance in the development of multidisciplinary efforts and coordinated elder justice systems.
  • Training: Promote and deliver effective and targeted training to elder rights and other professionals working to address elder mistreatment.
  • Public Awareness: Increase and enhance public awareness of the special problems of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
  • Special Projects: Influence systems change and promote innovative ideas and practices in the field of elder justice by undertaking activities to address emerging issues in the areas of elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

Data Highlight Extensive Services Provided to Seniors

The following highlights some of NCEA’s 2007 activities:

  • Responded to over 800 individual public inquiries and requests for information;
  • Maintained the NCEA Elder Abuse Listserve with over 1,600 members worldwide;
  • NCEA E-Newsletter: 1,700+ subscribers worldwide;
  • Tracked and compiled all state legislative actions during the 2007 period related to elder abuse;
  • Expanded the National APS/Elder Abuse Training Library to over 200 resources; and
  • Conducted three webcasts viewed by over 400 registered participants.

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Funding History

Funding for the National Center on Elder Abuse during the past four years is as follows:

FY 2005 $815,250
FY 2006 $815,250
FY 2007 $814,473
FY 2008 $796,832

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Resources and Useful Links

Visit the National Center on Elder Abuse.

AoA Prevention of Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation program

What is Elder Abuse?

What If I Suspect Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation?

National Elder Abuse Incidence Study

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Domestic Violence in Later Life

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Last Modified: 7/16/2009 8:52:28 AM