The WorkKeys® System
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Products and Services

WorkKeys® Solutions Provider Locations

Assessments—Practice tests, online registration, WorkKeys additional score reports (ASRs), and Proficiency Certificate for Teaching Assistants (PCTA) Package
Job Analysis—Job profiling consulting and job analysis programs
Training—WorkKeys curriculum, KeyTrain™, and WIN courses


WorkKeys Prep Package—Booklet format
Educational sites can order this booklet with WorkKeys site assessment order forms. Prep packages are available for Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, Locating Information, and Applied Technology. The WorkKeys Prep Package offers comprehensive test preparation for WorkKeys. Included in the package are: practice test, answer key, estimated skill level worksheet, justification and scoring guide, testing tips, explanation of skill levels, and directions for proceeding to take the real WorkKeys assessment. The package is available for educators who are helping students identify where they need improvement.

WorkKeys Practice Tests—Booklet format
Educational sites can order practice tests with WorkKeys site assessment order forms. The practice tests are bundled with the regular WorkKeys assessments. Practice tests are not sold separately. Practice tests are available for Applied Mathematics, Reading for Information, Locating Information, and Applied Technology. Each practice test includes a full-length assessment of retired questions, answer key, and copy of an answer sheet. Practice tests offer students the opportunity to experience taking a WorkKeys test in a simulated situation prior to taking the regular assessment.

WorkKeys online practice tests
Purchase an online WorkKeys practice test to see what it's like to take a WorkKeys test. WorkKeys online practice tests:

Purchase an online WorkKeys practice test

WorkKeys assessments are available in paper-and-pencil and computer-based formats.

Other Forms & Documents

WorkKeys Transcripts

You may order WorkKeys transcripts for WorkKeys tests you've taken within the past five years. Each transcript costs $5 and is available as an electronic PDF only.

WorkKeys Proficiency Certificate for Teacher Assistants (PCTA)

WorkKeys Proficiency Certificate for Teacher Assistants is a valid, field-proven certification meeting No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) requirements.

Rescoring Service
ACT administers and scores millions of tests each year with the highest levels of integrity and accuracy. Individuals who have questions regarding their test score can contact 1-800/WORKKEY(967-5539) for further explanation of scores. ACT is committed to helping individuals understand the full meaning of their test scores. Individuals can also request a rescoring of their test by completing the Rescoring Request Form (PDF; 1 page, 38KB). For help with PDF files, see these tips.

Job Analysis

Job Profiling

Apply for Job Profiling training


Request more information about SkillMap

WorkKeys Estimator

Request more information about WorkKeys Estimator


WorkKeys Targets for Instruction

Designed to help develop curriculum and training strategies, WorkKeys Targets for Instruction offer:


KeyTrain is a comprehensive training curriculum that:

Visit the KeyTrain website
(Opens new window.)


The WIN Instruction Solution for WorkKeys:

Visit the WIN Website
(Opens new window.)