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Spare the Air Status

Friday 8/14

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Today.

Waterfront Plaza
Alameda County
Air Quality Fact

Weather patterns play a fundamental role in determining whether air pollution will disperse or accumulate.


August 2009



  • Lisa Harper
  • Clerk of the Boards, Executive Office
  • 415 749-5073

Hearing Board

The Hearing Board is established by state law and consists of five members - an attorney, a professional engineer, a member from the medical profession and two members of the public. The Hearing Board is a quasi-judicial body that rules on particular cases that affect only individual facilities. It is authorized to hear requests for variance relief, permit revocation, abatement orders, and appeals by permit applicants, or by interested third parties, concerning the issuance or denial of permits.

In accordance with California Health & Safety Code Section 40807, the Hearing Board may adopt rules for the conduct of its hearings.

The Hearing Board Rules govern how the Board operates and how parties are to make submissions to the Board.