Argonne National Laboratory

Advanced Photon Source
Building and Services Coordination

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When in doubt, please page us and ask.  In the meantime, here are a few of the most frequently asked questions.

Does the APS have a lost and found?

    Yes.  If you find or misplace an item, please go to room B0149 or call anyone in the building management department (see Personnel).

How do I schedule a conference?

    Page Becky Tasker at 4-1854. Becky will help you select a room, find an available date, and choose a room setup that best meets your needs.

How do I arrange for conference amenities?

    Page Becky Tasker at 4-1854. Becky will help you set up conference calls and reserve items such as speaker phones, video projectors, easels, and flip charts based on availability.

How do I get new furniture or a furniture reconfiguration?

    Page Ed Russell at 4-1852.  Ed will walk you through the steps of obtaining approval, selecting furniture and layouts, and scheduling installation.

How do I get a locker?

    Contact Rita Vanderwall at extension 5011.   Rita will consult the list of occupants for the locker rooms in the 401 Ground Floor East, 401 Ground Floor West, and 400 EAA. A waiting list exists that assigns available lockers on a first come, first served basis.

Who do I contact when my lights go out?

    Page anyone in Building Management (see Personnel). They will verify the location, identify what type of light is out, and contact the proper people to rectify the situation.

Who do I contact about scheduling the riggers?

    Page Steve Downey at 4-1523. Steve will schedule the riggers accordingly.

Who do I contact with special cleaning requests?

    Page Becky Tasker at 4-1854. Becky will contact custodial and pass on your request.

What do I do if I’m locked out of my office?

    Page anyone in Building Management (see Personnel) with your room number.  If you are locked out during off-hours, contact Security on extension 5730.

U.S. Department of Energy UChicago Argonne LLC Office of Science - Department of EnergyOffice of Basic Energy Sciences - Department of Energy
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