
Contact information by area of responsibility. Individuals are also listed in the phone book. Contact lists by APS organization are available through the division and group web pages.


User Contacts

Floor coordinator on duty:
2-0101 (on-call pager)

Beamline phone numbers
Direct telephone numbers for all APS beamlines.

User Office Staff
Contacts for user-related administrative questions.

Scientific Contacts
Partial directory of APS staff and resident users listed by self-identified areas of expertise.

Sectors Directory
Websites maintained by individual sectors, with technical details and contacts.

Floor Coordinators
(User ESH Support)
Contacts for operational and safety support for users.

Safety Staff
Contacts for specific safety concerns, e.g., hazardous or radioactive materials, chemical exposure, electrical safety, hoisting and rigging.


Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Laboratory
Building 401
9700 S. Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439

Dial 2-XXXX from on-site phones

General Inquiries (User Office)

Media Contact
