BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Charleston & Wheeling West Virginia

Trade Statistics

Here you will find links to useful export information. You can find specific figures on export numbers to learn about expanding markets and industries worldwide. Please check this page frequently to receive updated trade statistics and information.

For West Virginia export statistics, please click here.

TradeStats Express

Here you will find national and state export data. You have the option to retrieve, visualize, analyze, print and download your customized output.

To access the site, please click here.

United States International Trade Commission

An independent federal agency determining import injury to U.S. industries in antidumping, countervailing duty, and global and China safeguard investigations; directing actions against unfair trade practices involving patent, trademark, and copyright infringement; supporting policymakers through economic analysis and research on the global competitiveness of U.S. industries; and maintaining the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule.

To access the site, please click here. You can navigate through the Industry and Economic Analysis link or any other information that the USITC offers.

U.S. Department of Labor: Foreign Labor Statistics

The Foreign Labor Statistics (FLS) program provides international comparisons of hourly compensation costs; productivity and unit labor costs; labor force, employment and unemployment rates; and consumer prices. The comparisons relate primarily to the major industrial countries, but other countries are included in certain measures.

To access the U.S. Department of Foreign Labor Statistics, please click here.

U.S. Census Bureau: Foreign Trade Statistics

The U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics division can supply you with specialized information research, trade highlights, export data, and much more. You can also view trade regulations and access the agency’s large reference library.

To access the Foreign Trade Statistics, please click here.