Gluskin of Photon Sciences named Argonne Distinguished Fellow

JULY 1, 2009

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Efim Gluskin

Efim Gluskin, Director of the Argonne Accelerator Systems Division (ASD) in Photon Sciences, has been named an Argonne Distinguished Fellow, Argonne’s highest scientific and engineering rank.

Also named Argonne Distinguished Fellows were Valerii Vinokour and Michael Pellin (both of the Materials Science Division), and Arthur Barry Wicklund (High Energy Physics Division).

Gluskin is acknowledged as a worldwide leader in the synchrotron radiation and accelerator communities for his contribution to the development and utilization of insertion devices, which produce x-rays by undulating accelerated electron beams. An important example was his technical leadership of the x-ray production system for the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) project at Stanford. He led early R&D and played the role of scientific director for the more than $50 million Argonne effort which played a key part in successful lasing of LCLS in April 2009. This was the first man-made x-ray laser ever and a major scientific achievement. His earlier successes include leadership of the group that developed a novel vacuum chamber for insertion devices during the construction of the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne, a technological innovation that continues to be utilized at other synchrotron facilities around the world. Gluskin intends to return to research after many years of management service. At present, Gluskin continues in his position as ASD Director while an international search is undertaken to select his replacement.

A list of all Argonne distinguished fellows is online.