Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

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What's New at ALIC: Archives Library Information Center

Spring 2007

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ALIC: Archives Library Information Center announces the following new and updated features:

New!The 2007 Quarterly Compilation of Periodical Literature (QCOMP) has been posted for the first quarter of the year. The Quarterly Compilation of Periodical Literature: Record Group Clusters has been updated for 2006, too! Read the newest literature.

New!The Current Periodical Subscriptions in ALIC: Archives Library Information Center has been updated for Spring 2007. This list includes titles of print and online journals available through ALIC.

ALIC's New Books Shelf has been updated for Fall 2006. Browse the bibliography online, then come to the Library to browse the books themselves!

The John E. Taylor Collection has been updated for 2006. This collection contains books on espionage and intelligence, based chiefly on research in the records of the National Archives, and available at ALIC.

The NARA Staff Writings page has been updated to include staff members' publications in the past year. If you have published something, send a citation to ALIC at and we will include your name on the list.

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States (9-11 Commission) Collection has been added to ALIC's Special Collections page. This collection contains one copy of each published title available to members of the Commission to use during its activities.

Check out the Table of Contents and Indexes to NARA's Prologue magazine! Back issues of Prologue since 1982 are now searchable by topic and article title. Also included are links to the online versions of selected articles.

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272