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Environment, Safety, Health & Quality (ESH&Q) Division

ISM Logo Jefferson Lab's ISM website provides a platform for active sharing of the ISM-related documents, tools and processes being used across the Lab to accomplish the goals of ISM.

Work Planning, Control and Authorization Flow Diagram

work flow

Update to ES&H Manual Chapter 1300 Content Review Policy and Appendix T1 Content Review Procedure

  • ES&H Manual Chapter 1300 Content Review Policy and its Appendix T1 Content Review Procedure have undergone the following revisions:
  • Revision to Chapter 1300:  Chapter/appendix authors to be designated by AD-ESH&Q.
  • Revision to Chapter 1300:  Chapter/Policy content to be approved by Laboratory Director and designees
  • Revision to Chapter 1300: Appendix/Procedure content to be approved by AD -- ESH&Q.
  • Revision to Appendix 1300-T1: Review/Approval Procedure edited to reflect above changes.

If you have any questions, please contact Mary Jo Bailey x7277.

The ESH&Q Division's mission is to provide support, programs and expertise to the laboratory in order to ensure a safe, secure and environmentally sound workplace in an efficient manner.  The goal is to foster best-in-class quality performance with continuous improvement.

The primary objectives of the ESH&Q Division are:

After Shutdown Meeting Presentations

"After" Shutdown Safety Meeting
CEBAF Center Auditorium
November 12, 2008
9:00-10:00 a.m.

Introduction: A. Hutton (pdf)

Accelerator Activities: S. Suhring / W. Oren (pdf)

Hall A Activities: J. Segal (pdf)

Hall B Activities: D. Tilles (pdf)

Hall C Activities: W. Kellner (pdf)

Safety Observations and Trends of Lessons Learned: S. Smith (pdf)

SAD Lessons Learned Summary: S. Smith (pdf)

Wrap-Up: A. Hutton (pdf)