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New Report: Energy Efficiency in Appalachia: How Much More is Available, at What Cost, and by When?
Full Report in PDF format (1.7 MB) | List of Downloadable Files by Section

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Renewable Energy and Energy-Efficiency Grant Competition winners, 2007 and 2008
In 2007 and 2008, ARC funded 21 renewable energy and energy-efficiency projects totaling nearly $1.2 million in the areas of renewable-energy production, energy-efficient facilities, green business financing programs, and workforce training and certification programs. See a list of funded projects from the 2007 and 2008 energy grant competitions.

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Energizing Appalachia: A Regional Blueprint for Economic and Energy Development

ARC's Energy Blueprint provides a strategic framework for the creation of energy-related job opportunities through the stimulation of sustainable energy production, efficiency, and innovation efforts in the Appalachian Region. Click below to view or download the blueprint.
>>HTML format
>>PDF format (660 KB)

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Develop the Appalachian Region's energy potential to increase the supply of locally produced, clean, affordable energy, and to create and retain jobs.

Strategic Objectives for Economic and Energy Development

Strategic Objective 1: Promote energy efficiency in Appalachia to enhance the Region's economic competitiveness.

Strategic Objective 2: Increase the use of renewable energy resources, especially biomass, in Appalachia to produce alternative transportation fuels, electricity, and heat.

Strategic Objective 3: Support the development of conventional energy resources, especially advanced clean coal, in Appalachia to produce alternative transportation fuels, electricity, and heat.

Appalachia and energy have been closely linked throughout the history of the nation. The Region is rich in energy resources—conventional fossil fuels, as well as renewable and alternative energy fuels. The Region's mines currently produce more than a third of the nation's coal, and its electrical utilities provide 15 percent of the nation's electrical output. The development of alternative and renewable energy in the Region is growing rapidly. Almost 150,000 jobs are generated by the Appalachian energy industry, with hundreds of thousands more producing and distributing products and services.

By using its full range of energy resources and staying at the forefront of emerging energy technologies and practices, the Region has the potential to increase the supply of locally produced, clean, affordable energy; create and retain jobs; help companies stay competitive; and keep the Region economically strong and moving toward energy independence. Use the links below to find information and resources and to learn more about ARC's energy programs.


Energy Efficiency in Appalachia: How Much More is Available, at What Cost, and by When? by the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance, March 2009.
Abstract | Executive Summary | Full Report in PDF format (1.7 MB) | List of Downloadable Files by Section

Economic Development Potential of Conventional and Potential Alternative Energy Sources in Appalachian Counties
Amy Glasmeier and Tom Bell, June 2006.
Abstract | Summary | Full Report in PDF (4.7 MB) | Table of Contents

Non-Renewable Energy Innovation: Research to Support the Appalachian Energy Initiative
Global Insight, Inc., September 2006.
Abstract | Summary | Full Report in PDF (748 KB) | Table of Contents

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Appalachia: Policy and Potential
The Center for Business and Economic Research, Marshall University, August 2006.
Abstract | Summary | Full Report in PDF (3.4 MB) | Table of Contents

Summary of National and State Energy Policy Trends
Keystone Center, August 2006.
Abstract | Summary | Full Report in PDF (4.7 MB) | Table of Contents

Summary of the ARC-ORCAS Energy Workshops on Creating an Energy Blueprint for Appalachia
Oak Ridge Center for Advanced Studies, August 2006.
Abstract | Summary | Full Report in PDF (767 KB) | Table of Contents

A Study on the Current Economic Impacts of the Appalachian Coal Industry and its Future in the Region
Mark Berger and Eric Thompson, March 2001.
Abstract | Executive Summary | Report in PDF | Report in HTML

Comparing Electricity Deregulation in California and Pennsylvania: Implications for the Appalachian Region
Tim Considine and Andy Kleit, Pennsylvania State University, January 2002.
Abstract | Executive Summary | Report in PDF (800 KB) | Report in HTML



Energy Efficiency: