CDF/D0 SM Higgs Combination

Authors: This combination is performed by the Tevatron New Phenomena & Higgs Working Group on behalf of the CDF and D0 Collaborations: TEVNPHWG

CDF/D0 Combination(4.2fb-1): CDF Note 9713
Log10(S/B) mH=115 GeV: eps, gif
Log10(S/B) mH=165 GeV: eps, gif
Integrated Exp Signal vs Cumulative Events mH=115 GeV:: eps, gif
Integrated Exp Signal vs Cumulative Events mH=165 GeV:: eps, gif
CLs LRR Distribution: eps, jpg
CDF/D0 Combination: eps, gif
1-CLs Distribution: eps, jpg

Previous CDF/D0 Combination(3.0fb-1): hep-ex/0808.0534
Previous CDF/D0 Combination(1.0-2.4fb-1): hep-ex/0804.3423
Previous CDF/D0 Combination(1.0-1.9fb-1): hep-ex/0712.2383