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The National Science Foundation's (NSF) Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Program is a multidisciplinary approach to understanding polar processes for climate and global change. ARCSS is the only element of the U.S. Global Change Research Program specifically concerned with the arctic region. By focusing on understanding Arctic processes in great detail, investigators are better able to characterize global changes through the improvement of global-scale models and other research tools.

The primary ARCSS data site is now at The National Center for Atmospheric Research's (NCAR's) Earth Observing Laboratory (EOL). For your convenience, NSIDC has retained an archive of pre-2008 ARCSS data.

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ARCSS Quick Data Search, pre-2008
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University of Colorado at Boulder Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)

The National Snow and Ice Data Center
Supporting Cryospheric Research Since 1976
449 UCB  University of Colorado  Boulder, CO 80309-0449
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NASA - National Science Foundation