Top Bulls for Net Merit, Cheese Merit, and Fluid Merit, by breed
Beltsville \ BARC Animal & Natural Resources Animal Improvement Programs

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Bull Lists by Breed - Sorted by Merit Index

Sire lists sorted by Net Merit $, Cheese Merit $, and Fluid Merit $ are available for each breed. 'Available' lists include Active AI bulls and foreign bulls with semen distributed in the US that are in or above the 80th percentile, based on Net Merit $ (extended to include the top 30 bulls). The 'All Bulls' lists are from domestic or Interbull US official evaluations,and include all bulls with or without semen available in US (top 200 bulls). Previous lists are available. Data are also available for download in Excel® Notebooks.

Lists including all bulls are available on release day [target noon].
Lists of available bulls are available the Thursday following release day [target noon].

  Available in US All Bulls
  Sorted By: Sorted By:
  NM$ FM$ CM$ NM$ FM$ CM$
Ayrshire and Red Breed NM$ FM$ CM$ NM$ FM$ CM$
Brown Swiss NM$ FM$ CM$ NM$ FM$ CM$
Guernsey NM$ FM$ CM$ NM$ FM$ CM$
Holstein NM$ FM$ CM$ NM$ FM$ CM$
Jersey NM$ FM$ CM$ NM$ FM$ CM$
Milking Shorthorn NM$ FM$ CM$      
Red and White NM$ FM$ CM$      

Top bulls in previous evaluations

The 'All Bulls' lists, sorted by Net Merit are also available from previous evaluations. Lists are recompiled each quarter so pedigree or other data changes may result in slight differences from originally published lists.

Excel® Notebooks

These notebooks contain all the available lists for the breed. These are active notebooks which can be downloaded once, and updated automatically by following the instructions provided in the notebook. You must have macros enabled to use the interactive features.If you are using other spreadsheet software, data will be available, but automatic update may not. Download the notebook anytime to get the data for the current release. Archived notebooks may be available by request.

Ayrshire and Red Breed ||  Brown Swiss ||  Guernsey ||  Holstein ||  Jersey ||  Milking Shorthorn ||  Red & White

Distribution availability is based on NAAB registration (coded A active or F foreign. Some foreign bulls registered with NAAB may not have semen currently available in the US.
For more information about sorted lists or using downloaded information contact AIPL,, 301-504-8334.

Last Modified: 01/21/2009