United States Department of Veterans Affairs
 Index D — Veterans Health Administration
A - Z Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Death Claim, Filing of https://insurance.va.gov/inForceGliSite/claims/deathClaims.htm
Dental Care Benefits http://www.va.gov/healtheligibility/coveredservices/SpecialBenefits.asp#Dental
Dental - OEF/OIF http://www.oefoif.va.gov/WhatCanVADoForMe.asp#ITEM1
Dependents http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/dependents/child.htm
Disease Preventionhttp://www.prevention.va.gov/
Disabled Veterans Insurance https://insurance.va.gov/inForceGliSite/buying/DisabledVets.htm
Dogs, Guide and Servicehttp://www.va.gov/health/ServiceAndGuideDogs.asp