APS Safety Plan Review Committee
Oct. 7, 2002 (Revised April 30, 2004)

1. Purpose

The APS Safety Plan Review Committee (SPRC) advises the AES Division Director on the completeness of APS Beamline (CAT) ES&H Plans.

The SPRC reviews each CAT’s environment, safety, and health plan, and provides feedback directly to the CAT for enhancements or revisions.

2. Membership

The SPRC members are appointed by the AES Division Director. The current members of the SPRC are:

Bruce Glagola AES - Chair
Edmund Chang AES
Paul Rossi XSD
Steve Davey AES
Nena Moonier AES

3. Method

  • The Chair will coordinate the review by committee members and provide feedback to the CAT and APS.
  • Outside experts are brought in on an as needed basis

The SPRC reviews each CAT’s environment, safety, and health plan and updates thereof to ensure that:

  • The CAT Safety Plan complies with the current version of CAT Safety Plan criteria as published on the APS User Policies and Procedures web page.

4. Frequency of Meetings

Meetings are held on an as-needed basis.

Updated: September 19, 2006