Meeting Minutes
2008 (restricted)
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2005 (restricted)

APS Radiation Safety Shielding Committee for Design Reviews (RSSCDR)
(January 30, 2009)



1. Purpose

The APS Radiation Safety Shielding Committee for Design Reviews (RSSCDR) evaluates the design of radiation shielding systems that are used for personnel protection for all aspects of radiation safety. The committee provides the APS and the APS User Community with technical advice on radiation safety and shielding issues.


2. Membership

Members and the charter are approved by the PSC Associate Laboratory Director, acting as APS Director.  The current members of the RSSCDR are:

P. Fernandez XSD - Chair
S. Butala ESQ
L. Emery ASD
D. Haeffner XSD
C. Kurtz XSD
B. Micklich PHY
H. Moe ASD
M. Ramanathan AES


3. Method

The Committee will:

  • Evaluate the radiation safety of newly designed critical components and validate that they are within the existing safety envelope
  • Evaluate all changes to existing critical shielding components and validate that they are within the existing safety envelope
  • Evaluate the shielding ability of specialized radiation safety enclosures
  • Submit written reports of shielding evaluations with recommendations to the Steering Committee and Division Directors in a timely manner
  • Provide recommendations to APS Management regarding any changes to safety envelopes
  • Participate in investigations relating to shielding matters when potential exposure incidents occur

The APS RSSCDR Chair will provide the Steering Committee with relevant safety evaluation documentation, recommendations, and review results in a timely manner as requested by the steering committee. The RSSCDR Chair will maintain committee records (meeting minutes, reports, etc.) in the APS document management system.

4. Frequency of Meetings

Meetings will be triggered at the request of an APS Design Review Steering Committee, the APS Safety Committee for Design Reviews, APS Divisional Management or technical group Leaders to review specific projects, or at the discretion of the panel chair.

Updated:  February 10, 2009