Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General

Report a Possible Sexual Cybercrime

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Office of Attorney General

The Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Child Predator Unit is empowered to investigate any case in which a minor (under the age of 18 years) is the victim of a sexual solicitation from an adult via the Internet. This adult can reside inside or outside of Pennsylvania.

If you, or someone you know, has been the victim of a sexual cybercrime, please complete and submit the form below. An investigator from the Child Predator Unit will contact you.

If you are in immediate danger, you must call 911 to inform your local police department.

Victim's Information

Your Information

Incident Information

How was contact made? Please check the appropriate box(es) below. Please identify the contact source (i.e. Yahoo chat room)

(i.e. My Space, Xanga)


Do you still have copies of chats and/or e-mails from the suspect? If such copies exist, the investigator will help you to copy and print the contacts or help you to forward them via e-mail directly to the Child Predator Unit.