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Spare the Air Status

Friday 8/14

There is no Spare the Air alert in effect Today.

Coit Tower located in the City of San Francisco
San Francisco City
San Francisco County
Air District Fact

Complaints are routinely received for many air contaminants which may include odors, smoke, dust, and/or fallout. During regular business hours, complaints are dispatched to an inspector as soon as received, or, with very few exceptions, no later than 30 minutes after receipt. This ensures a prompt, timely investigation while the event is in progress.



  • Joseph Slamovich
  • Senior Advanced Projects Advisor, Engineering
  • 415 749-4681


Compliance Assistance

415 749 4999

Compliance and Enforcement

415 749-4795

Compliance and Assistance Hotline


Industry Compliance School




Speakers Bureau


Full BAAQMD Directory

Compliance Assistance

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District's Compliance Assistance Program provides assistance to area business owners to aid their efforts to reduce emissions and comply with District regulations.

Helpful Services

Services Provided


Services Provided

Compliance Assistance Hotline: (415) 749-4999

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District Compliance Assistance Hotline provides businesses with valuable assistance in understanding and complying with air quality regulations. A call to the Hotline connects you to a compliance specialist who will get you the answers you need quickly and efficiently. The specialist will answer questions about compliance for your particular operation, including applicable regulations, record keeping, permitting and more. If you need additional technical assistance, a Courtesy Site Visit by a technical advisor can be arranged.

Industry Compliance School: (415) 749-4778

The Bay Area Air Quality Management District holds Industry Compliance Schools for selected small business categories at convenient sites throughout the Bay Area. The schools provide small business operators with extensive information on how to comply with air quality regulations, and how to set up and maintain self-inspection programs and record keeping systems. A binder of class materials is provided as well as a certificate of attendance.
There are no Industry Compliance Schools currently scheduled.
A list of previous Industry Compliance Schools may be found in the archives.

Speaker Bureau: (415) 749-4999

Staff experts are happy to talk to trade associations and groups who want to know more about air quality matters and Bay Area Air Quality Management District requirements. You can request a speaker for your group function by calling the Compliance Assistance Program Speaker Bureau.

Compliance and Enforcement Advisories

Compliance Tips and FAQs (including additional language translations)

Ombudsman - (415) 749-4681

The District has an Ombudsman who act as liaison with regulated businesses, trade associations and other regulatory agencies in order to promote and direct permit and compliance assistance activities. The Ombudsman also act as an advocate for businesses in resolving issues related to permit/compliance assistance and regulatory requirements.
Participant in CalGold "Business Permits Made Simple"