2006 Publications

Brooks, S.B., A. Saiz-Lopez, H. Skov, S.E. Lindberg, J.M.C. Plane, and M.E. Goodsite. The mass balance of mercury in the springtime arctic environment. Geophysical Research Letters 33(13), L13812, doi:10.1029/2005GL025525 (2006).

Hollinger, S.E., C.J. Bernacchi, and T.P. Meyers. Reply to Letter to the Editor “Comment on ‘Carbon budget of mature no-till ecosystem in North Central Region of the United States’ by Doberman et al.” Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 136(1-2) doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2005.11.021 (2006).

Hollinger, S.E., C.J. Bernacchi, and T.P. Meyers. Corrigendum to “Carbon budget of mature no-till ecosystem in north central region of the United States [Agric. For. Mete. 130:59–69 (2005). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 135:88–89 (2006).

Leaching, G., T.P. Meyers, S.G. Pal lardy, P.J. Hanson, B. Yang, M. Hewer, K.P. Housman, J.S. Riggs, D. Slues, and S.D. Wullschleger. Direct and indirect effects of atmospheric conditions and soil moisture on surface energy partitioning revealed by a prolonged drought at a temperate forest site. Journal of Geophysical Research 111, D16102, doi:10.1029/2006/JD007161 (2006).

Meyers, T.P., W.T. Luke, and J.L. Meisinger. Fluxes of ammonia and sulfate over maize using relaxed eddy accumulation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 136:203-213 (2006).

Myles, L., T. Meyers, and L. Robinson. Atmospheric ammonia measurement with an ion mobility spectrometer. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 40(30):5745-5752 (2006).

Rao, K. S., Uncertainty Analysis in Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling. Pure appl. Geophys.162, Birkhauser Verlag, Switzerland, 1893-1917 (2005).

Also published in Weather and Climate: The M.P. Singh Volume, Part II,

M. Sharan and S. Raman, Editors, Birkhauser Verlag, Boston (2005).

Skov, H., S.B. Brooks, M.E. Goodsite, S.E. Lindberg, T.P. Meyers, M.S. Landis, M.R.B. Larsen, B. Jensen, G. McConville, J. Christensen. Fluxes of reactive gaseous mercury measured with a newly developed method using relaxed eddy accumulation. Atmospheric Environment 40(28):5452-5463.

Walker, J.T., W.P. Robarge, Y. Wu, and T.P. Meyers. Measurement of bi-directional ammonia fluxes over soybean using the modified Bowen-ratio technique. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 138:54–68 (2006).