DS-1648 Online Application - Now Required

Welcome to the DS-1648: Online Application for A,G, or NATO Visa (Applying in the United States only). Effective April 1, 2008 the online DS-1648 became a requirement for applicants eligible to use this form. It is recommended that applicants refer to the photo standards guide to acquire a photo suitable for this new application prior to completing data entry. Review the Frequently Asked Questions regarding this new online application before getting started. Please click New Online DS-1648 to begin your application when you are ready.

Important Notice: The online form DS-1648 available from the Department of State, using this web address: https://ceac.state.gov/agnato/, is the only acceptable version of this form and online (internet-based) is the only method of applying, for those eligible to use this form.  Applicants are cautioned that any other version of the DS-1648 found on other websites is not acceptable.