X-Ray Science Division: Overview and Mission

The quadrupole lamp furnace that was developed at the University of Illinois. This allows ceramic materials to be studied in air at temperatures approaching 2400 C.

The X-Ray Science Division (XSD) comprises 14 groups that perform scientific research and synchrotron theory, operate APS beamlines, and provide technical and optics support to beamlines and users in the APS General User program.

Currently, XSD operates 15 of the 34 sectors in use at the APS, which contain the X-Ray Operations and Research (XOR) beamlines.

XSD's mission is to develop and build leading-edge synchrotron radiation instrumentation, and to operate the facility beamlines in a safe and environmentally sound manner, for world-class research at the forefront of science and technology.

More specifically, XSD:

  • Develops novel ways of exploiting synchrotron radiation to explore the frontiers of x-ray physics, chemistry, and new scientific applications.
  • Develops, builds and operates experimental stations for the APS user community.
  • Recruits the highest quality staff and the best users to the APS.
  • Provides excellent scientific and technical support to APS users, and shares technical capabilities as well as scientific and technical developments.