NAME: Joseph P. Allen (Ph.D.) NASA Astronaut BIRTHPLACE AND DATE: Born in Crawfordsville, Indiana, on June 27, 1937. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Allen III, reside in Frankfort, Indiana. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Brown hair; blue eyes; height: 5 feet 6 inches; weight: 130 pounds. EDUCATION: Attended Mills School and is a graduate of Crawfordsville High School in Indiana; received a bachelor of arts degree in math-physics from DePauw University in 1959, and a master of science degree and a doctor of philosophy degree in physics from Yale University in 1961 and 1965, respectively. MARITAL STATUS: Married to the former Bonnie Jo Darling of Elkhart, Indiana. Her mother, Mrs. W. C. Darling, resides in Elkhart. CHILDREN: David Christopher, September 1968; and Elizabeth Darling, May 1972. RECREATIONAL INTERESTS: His hobbies include handball, squash, flying, sailing, skiing, music, and photography. ORGANIZATIONS: Member of the American Physical Society, the American Astronautical Society, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Phi Beta Kappa, Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Xi, and Phi Eta Sigma. SPECIAL HONORS: Winner of a Fulbright Scholarship to Germany (1959-1960), the Outstanding Flying Award, Class 69-06, Vance Air Force Base (1969), two NASA Group Achievement Awards (1971 and 1974) in recognition of contributions to the Apollo 15 Lunar Traverse Planning Team and for sub- sequent work on the Outlook for Space Study Team; pres- ented the 1972 Yale Science and Engineering Association Award for Advancement of Basic and Applied Science, the DePauw University Distinguished Alumnus Award (1972), a NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal (1973), a NASA Exceptional Service Medal (1978), and a NASA Superior Performance Award (1975 and 1981), an honorary doctor of science from DePauw University (1983), and the Komarov Diploma from the Federation Aeronautique Internationale. EXPERIENCE: Allen was a research associate in the Nuclear Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington prior to his selection as an astronaut. He was a staff physicist at the Nuclear Structure Laboratory at Yale University in 1965 and 1966, and during the period 1963 to 1967, served as a guest research at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He has logged more than 3,000 hours flying time in jet aircraft. NASA EXPERIENCE: Dr. Allen was selected as a scientist-astronaut by NASA in August 1967. He completed flight training at Vance Air Force Base, Oklahoma. He served as mission scientist while a member of the astronaut support crew for Apollo 15 and served as a staff consultant on science and technology to the President's Council on International Economic Policy. From August 1975 to 1978, Dr. Allen served as NASA Assistant Administrator for Legislative Affairs in Washington, D.C. Returning to the Johnson Space Center in 1978, as a senior scientist astronaut, Dr. Allen was assigned to the Operations Mission Development Group. He served as a sup- port crew member for the first orbital flight test of the Space Transportation System and was the entry CAPCOM for this mission. In addition, in 1980 and 1981, he worked as the technical assistant to the director of flight operations. Dr. Allen served as mission specialist on STS-5, the first fully operational flight of the Shuttle Transportation System, which launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on November 11, 1982. He was accompanied by Vance D. Brand (spacecraft commander), Col. Robert F. Overmyer (pilot), and Dr. William B. Lenoir (mission specialist). STS-5, the first mission with four crewmembers, clearly demonstrated the Space Shuttle as fully operational by the successful first deployment of two commercial communica- tions satellites from the Orbiter's payload bay. The mission marked the first use of the Payload Assist Module (PAM-D), and its new ejection system. Numerous flight tests were performed throughout the mission to document Shuttle performance during launch, boost, orbit, atmos- pheric entry and landing phases. STS-5 was the last flight to carry the Development Flight Instrumentation (DFI) package to support flight testing. A Getaway Special, three Student Involvement Projects, and medical experiments were included on the mission. The STS-5 crew successfully concluded the 5-day orbital flight of Columbia with the first entry and landing through a cloud deck to a hard-surface runway and demonstrated maximum braking. STS-5 completed 81 orbits of the Earth in 122 hours before landing on a concrete runway at Edwards Air Force Base, California, on November 16, 1982. Dr. Allen was a mission specialist on STS 51-A, which launched from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on November 8, 1984. He was accompanied by Captain Frederick (Rick) Hauck (spacecraft commander), Captain David M. Walker (pilot), and fellow mission specialists, Dr. Anna L. Fisher and Commander Dale H. Gardner. This was the second flight of the Orbiter Discovery. During the mis- sion the crew deployed two satellites, Canada's Anik D-2 (Telesat H) and Hughes' LEASAT-1 (Syncom IV-1), and operated the 3M Company's Diffusive Mixing of Organic Solutions experiment. In the first space salvage attempt in history the crew successfully retrieved for return to Earth the Palapa B-2 and Westar VI communications satel- lites. STS 51-A completed 127 orbits of the Earth in 192 hours before landing at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on November 16, 1984. With the completion of this flight Dr. Allen logged a total of 314 hours in space. Currently President, Space Industries, Houston, Texas. NOVEMBER 1989