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Popular press articles

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Articles include reports about AIPL research written by AIPL staff and other reporters.


  • Bierma, J., S. Schneider, J. Stegink, and B. Wesseldijk. The HI selection: All the index news of January 2009. Holstein International 16(2):46–51. 2009.
  • Brown, D. Genomics 101. Hoard's Dairyman 154:464. 2009.
  • Cassell, B. Doubled young sire accuracy expands producer opportunities. Hoard's Dairyman 154:59. 2009.
  • Cassell, B. "First-crop" proofs will never be the same. Hoard's Dairyman 154:445. 2009.
  • Cassell, B. New sire conception rates measure bull fertility. The Virginia Dairyman January(5):18, 22. 2009.
  • Chromosome 18 appears to be a major source of calving difficulty [Hoard's has heard …]. Hoard's Dairyman 154:355. 2008.
  • Crossbreeds remain small sector [editorial]. Hoard's Dairyman 154:138:2009.
  • England, D. Farmers paid for it all. Hoard's Dairyman 154:202. 2009.
  • Evaluations show Jerseys rank first for productive life. California Dairy 18(1):26. 2009.
  • Genomic evaluations become official. Jersey Journal 56(1):17. 2009.
  • Genomic evaluations trumped a few additional daughters. Hoard's Dairyman 154:84. 2009.
  • Hoard's Dairyman editors. Differences in PTAs [Questions from our readers]. Hoard's Dairyman 154:171. 2009.
  • Hoard's Dairyman editors. Female Jersey, Holstein PTAs [Questions from our readers]. Hoard's Dairyman 154:365. 2009.
  • Hoard's Dairyman staff. Genomic proofs have moved into the mainstream. Hoard's Dairyman 154:85. 2009.
  • Hutchison, J. Dystocia and stillbirth compared [Questions from our readers]. Hoard's Dairyman 154:489. 2009.
  • In a position to thrive [editorial]. Jersey Journal 56(3):17. 2009.
  • Jersey jargon [genomic evaluation]. Jersey Journal 56(3):62, 70. 2009.
  • Jersey jargon [sire conception rate]. Jersey Journal 56(2):81. 2009.
  • Lawlor, T., and C. Wolfe. How to obtain genomic info [Questions from our readers]. Hoard's Dairyman 154:93. 2009.
  • Montogomerie, B. AE Notebook: Computers need quality inputs too. Dairy Exporter 84(8):112. 2009.
  • Sattler, M. Four steps to breeding healthier cows. Hoard's Dairyman 154:402–403. 2009.
  • Selner, D. Complete data for April sire summaries. Holstein World 106(5):16, 20. 2009.
  • Selner, D. Genomic era begins with uneasiness. Holstein World 106(2):30–31. 2009.
  • Stegink, J. Sire fertility: Specialists receive full use. Holstein International 16(2):80–81. 2009.
  • Van Tassell, C. Bull-to-heifer ratio. Hoard's Dairyman 154:329. 2009.
  • Wright, L. A flip of the Coyne. Holstein World 106(1):12. 2009.


  • A gain, but not enough. Jersey Journal 55(7):17. 2008.
  • Abortions highest in summer; average 1.6 percent. Hoard's Dairyman 153:404. 2008.
  • "All breed" genetic evaluations are here. The Virginia Dairyman January(5):30–31. 2008.
  • Bierma, J. New revolution! Holstein International 15(7):7. 2008.
  • Bovine Veterinarian and Dairy Herd Management staff. Cut stillbirths! Dairy Herd Management 45(10):42–43. 2008.
  • Caldwell, E. The big switch? [from 4 to 3 sire evaluations each year]. Progressive Dairyman 22(13):69. 2008.
  • Cassell, B. Genome-tested bulls may soon reach the market. Hoard's Dairyman 153:474. 2008.
  • Cassell, B. High-fertility bulls are just a bit different. Hoard's Dairyman 153:283. 2008.
  • Cassell, B. Like schools, genetic evaluations put cows in different classes. Hoard's Dairyman 153:142. 2008.
  • Cassell, B. New fertility evaluations better define sire impact. Hoard's Dairyman 153:542. 2008.
  • Cassell, B. Use genetics to improve calving ease and calf survival. The Virginia Dairyman June(9):24. 2008.
  • Cassell, B. We've made some progress in controlling inbreeding. Hoard's Dairyman 153:231. 2008.
  • Crawley, T. President's corner [daughter pregnancy rate]. Milking Shorthorn Journal 89(6):4. 2008.
  • Dechow, C.D. Is fertility heritable? Hoard's West 10:W-60–W-61. 2008.
  • Edlund, D. Usable identification in dairy records. California Dairy 17(5):12. 2008.
  • Genetic evaluation schedule for 2008. Jersey Journal 55(1):60. 2008.
  • Genetic selection for reproduction. Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Newslett. 2(1). 2008.
  • Genomic selection has arrived. Jersey Journal 55(12):18–19, 22. 2008.
  • Good records, good ID needed for progeny testing. Hoard's Dairyman 153:624. 2008.
  • Goodling, R. Genetic selection: A more profitable future generation of cows. Lancaster Farming, Feb. 16:E27. 2008.
  • Goodling, R.C., Jr. Sire conception rate evaluated. Lancaster Farming. Dec. 20:E6, E9. 2008.
  • Hansen, P.J. Genetics can improve fertility. Hoard's Dairyman 153:10. 2008.
  • Hoard's Dairyman staff. Code busters just made top genetics easier to find. Hoard's Dairyman 153:293. 2008.
  • Hoard's Dairyman staff. Finding your way through sire proofs. Hoard's Dairyman 153:116. 2008.
  • Holsteins still dominate the national dairy herd. Hoard's Dairyman 153:532. 2008.
  • ICAR session: Genomics to agri-terrorism to visual image analysis. Holstein World 105(8):28–29. 2008.
  • Jersey jargon [genetic-economic indexes]. Jersey Journal 55(2):48. 2008.
  • Jersey jargon [genomic predicted transmitting abilities]. Jersey Journal 55(12):33. 2008.
  • Jersey ranks first among all breeds for productive life in April USDA evaluations. Jersey Journal 55(5):88. 2008.
  • Jersey ranks first among all breeds for productive life in USDA evaluations. Jersey Journal 55(9):84. 2008.
  • Jerseys rank No. 1 for Productive Life among main breeds. Hoard's West 10:W-87. 2008.
  • Low SCC sires are worth $6,000 to aA 200-cow dairy. Hoard's Dairyman 153:564. 2008.
  • Ott, T.L. Dry off dilemma. Lancaster Farming, Jan. 18:E22. 2008.
  • Savage, D. And now to reality: Getting value from genomics. Holstein Inter. 15(9):8–9. 2008.
  • Savage, D. Genomics (marker testing) is arriving … and now for real! Holstein Inter. 15(4):8–9. 2008.
  • Selner, D. A new era of evaluations as arrived. Holstein World 105(5):41. 2008.
  • Selner, D. Is the future genetics or genomics? Holstein World 105(9):38, 40. 2008.
  • Seminars scheduled on calf growth, genomic-based sire evaluations. Jersey Journal 55(2):80. 2008.
  • Smith, M. R. Budget freeze stalls research at USDA's Beltsville campus. The Business Monthly 16(12):1, 10. 2008.
  • Stegink, J. O-Man: Genetic limits not in sight yet. Holstein International 15(11):18–19. 2008.
  • Stevenson, J. We're moving forward on repro issues. Hoard's Dairyman 153:16. 2008.
  • The first cloned bull being commercially marketed [Hoard's has heard …]. Hoard's Dairyman 153:327. 2008.
  • VanRaden, P. Breeds are not equal. Hoard's Dairyman 153:721. 2008.


  • Calf survival added to Lifetime Net Merit score. Frederick News-Post, Mar. 19, p. A-8. 2007.
  • Cassell, B.G. DHI notes. The Virgina Dairyman 71(6):20. 2007.
  • Cassell, B.G. Fluorescent snapshots may enhance sire evaluations. Hoard's Dairyman 152:711. 2007.
  • Cassell, B.G. Genetic evaluations will now cross breed barriers. Hoard's Dairyman 152:449. 2007.
  • Cassell, B. Pure or cross, bull proofs fit both mating plans. Hoard's Dairyman 152:636. 2007.
  • Cassell, B.G. Research addresses heifer fertility. Hoard's Dairyman 152:77. 2007.
  • Changes to May Jersey genetic evaluations. Jersey Journal 54(6):40, 42. 2007.
  • DCR reflects milk records' accuracy level. Milking Shorthorn Journal 88(6):24. 2007.
  • Focus on research: Milking speed in Brown Swiss. Inter. Dairy Topics 6(5):37. 2007.
  • Goodling, R. Merit indexes designed to help breeders. Farmshine 28(37):7. 2007.
  • Hoard's Dairyman staff. DHI somatic cell levels continue to decline. Hoard's Dairyman 152:444.
  • How do breeds compare for calving difficulty? Hoard's Dairyman 152:208. 2007.
  • Jersey continues as first for productive life. Jersey Journal 54(6):42. 2007.
  • Jersey jargon [expected future inbreeding]. Jersey Journal 54(10):26, 33. 2007.
  • Jersey jargon [productive life]. Jersey Journal 54(4):56. 2007.
  • Jersey remains first in industry for productive life. Jersey Journal 54(9):84. 2007.
  • Kendall, D. The soapbox … [multibreed evaluation]. Milking Shorthorn Journal 88(3):4. 2007.
  • King. T. Good genetics and milk production records are key to Caprikorn Farm's success in producing top milking Saanens. Dairy Goat Journal 8(6):16–19. 2007.
  • National Dairy Herd Information Association. DCR reflects milk records' accuracy level. Holstein World 104(12):33. 2007.
  • Norman to be recognized as Guest of Honor. Jersey Journal 54(9):69. 2007.
  • Pritchard, D.E. You can breed for low somatic cell counts. Hoard's Dairyman 152:648–649. 2007
  • Sattler, J. Lifetime Net Merit considers differences among sires in stillbirth rate. Holstein World. Online bonus feature, Jan. 18. 2007.
  • Savage, D. In-breeding: is it the path to disaster? Holstein Inter. 14(9):8–11. 2007.
  • Selner, D. Genetic evaluations—The rest of the story. Holstein World 104(8):52, 54. 2007.
  • Selner, D. New TPI adds more emphasis on health traits. Holstein World 104(6):87–88. 2007.
  • Soapbox …, The [summary of evaluations]. Milking Shorthorn Journal 88(5):4. 2007.
  • Synch programs improve herd repro performance. Hoard's Dairyman 152:164. 2007.
  • What about short dry periods for Jerseys. Hoard's Dairyman 152:332. 2007.


  • An index for stillbirths in the Holstein breed. Hoard's Dairyman 151:146. 2006.
  • Bierma, J. Vitality of calves: Which bloodlines provide perspective? Holstein Inter. 13(9):28–31. 2006.
  • Cassell, B. Changes are in store for productive life. Hoard's Dairyman 151:299. 2006.
  • Cassell, B. Cull difficult calving genes. Hoard's Dairyman 151:644. 2006.
  • Cassell, B. Net Merit gets a new look this August. Hoard's Dairyman 151:488. 2006.
  • Cassell, B. They're tracking dead calves. Hoard's Dairyman 151:383. 2006.
  • Dickrell, J. Cell counts creep up. Dairy Today 21(6):14. 2006.
  • Dickrell, J. Jerseys lead in longevity. Dairy Today 21(6):27. 2006.
  • Heifers are calving earlier but breeding back slower. Hoard's Dairyman 151:80. 2006.
  • Jersey jargon [predicted producing ability and yield deviation]. Jersey Journal 53(11):70, 53. 2006.
  • Jersey jargon [predicted transmitting ability]. Jersey Journal 53(12):26. 2006.
  • New ways of finding top A.I. bulls. 2006. Hoard's Dairyman 151:788. 2006.
  • Selner, D. What changes were made to genetic evaluations. Holstein World 103(9):25. 2006.
  • Time is right to aggressively sample young sires. Jersey Journal 53(5):58–59. 2006.
  • VanRaden, P. Letters about … calf survival (1). Holstein Inter. 13(11):42. 2006.
  • VanRaden, P., Dematwewa, M., Pearson, R., and Tooker, M. Productive life credits for cows revised. Calif. Dairy. 15(9):18. 2006.
  • When was your calf born? Hoard's Dairyman 151:366. 2006.
  • Which American total index would you choose: TPI or NM? 2006. Holstein Inter. 13(11):18–21. 2006.


  • 60-Day dry period still most common in U.S. Holsteins. Hoard’s Dairyman 150(7):260. 2005.
  • ABS profit power and trait definitions. Breeders Journal 18(4):4–5. 2005.
  • Base change [Items of Importance]. The Red Bloodlines 78(January):4. 2005.
  • Coburn, A. Crossbreeding: is it the dairyman's next magic pill? Holstein World 102(6):86, 88. 2005.
  • Cows need to be bred more quickly after calving. Hoard's Dairyman 150:656. 2005.
  • Dickrell, J. U.S. genetic base changes in February. Dairy Today 20(1):18. 2005.
  • Faust, M. Answering the million dollar questions about genetic traits [part 1]. Breeders Journal 18(2):2, 4. 2005.
  • Faust, M. Answering the million dollar questions about genetic traits [part 2]. Breeders Journal 18(3):2–4. 2005.
  • Kendall, D. Thoughts from the Secretary. Brown Swiss Bull. 84(1):4. 2005.
  • Meland, O. What changes took place in the February 2005 summary? Genetic Trends 57(1):4–5. 2005.
  • National sire evaluations are more reliable than regional. Hoard’s Dairyman 150(5):164. 2005.
  • Powell, R.L. Types of genetic bases. Jersey Journal 52(1):80. 2005.
  • Pritchard, D.E. Somatic cell counts continue to decline in DHI herds. Hoard's Dairyman 150:792. 2005.
  • PTA values to change with genetic base update. Jersey Journal 52(1):80. 2005.
  • Savage, D. Getting them sampled accurately. Holstein Inter. 12(10):16–19. 2005.
  • Selner, D. A new genetic report card and more improvements. Holstein World 102(1):86. 2005.
  • Simon, L. Fertility and reproduction: Can genetics make a difference? Horizons 11(3):18. 2005.
  • Somatic cell count levels dropped last year. Hoard's Dairyman 150:631. 2005.
  • Somatic cell testing doesn’t guarantee better milk quality. Hoard’s Dairyman 150(6):216. 2005.
  • Updating the genetic base. Brown Swiss Bull. 84(1):6, 12 2005..
  • VanRaden, P.M., and Tooker, M.E. Genetic base change in February. Calif. Dairy 14(1):18. 2005.
  • Weigel, K. Productive life builds long-lasting cows. Hoard's Dairyman 150:772. 2005.


  • Are we sampling too many bulls? Holstein Inter. 11(11):8–9. 2004.
  • Bentley, S. Dairy form: What form is most functional and profitable? Breeders Journal 17(1):1. 2004.
  • Cassell, B. February's base change highlights genetic progress. Hoard's Dairyman 149(20):786-787. 2004.
  • Cassell, B. It takes science to turn records into proofs. Hoard's Dairyman 149(12):453. 2004.
  • Cassell, B. We can change lowly heritable traits. Hoard's Dairyman 149(4):152. 2004.
  • Clones show small difference from full siblings. Hoard's Dairyman 149(8):288. 2004.
  • Dickrell, J. More milk, more losses. Dairy Today 20(8):30. 2004.
  • Dickrell, J. Optimal dry period. Dairy Today 20(8):25. 2004.
  • Evaluating the evaluations [editorial]. Jersey Journal 51(12):17. 2004.
  • Jersey Productive Life leads U.S. dairy industry. Jersey Journal 51(8):45. 2004.
  • Kendall, D. Thoughts from the Secretary. Brown Swiss Bull. 83(11):4. 2004.
  • Milk somatic cell levels are holding steady. Hoard's Dairyman 149(7):268. 2004.
  • Overton, M.W. Economic advantages of A.I. use on dairies. Breeders Journal 17(1):6–7, 9. 2004.
  • Schnell, S. Genetic prediction: all the bulls will go down! Horizons 10(4):8–9. 2004.
  • Starkenburg, R. Dairy form: Is too much a bad thing? Milking Shorthorn Journal 85(6):18. 2004.
  • Visser, R. Lifetime net merit index reflects your breeding goals. Horizons 10(1):20–21. 2004.
  • Wesseldijk, B. Secondary traits make up 26% of breeding goal. Holstein Inter. 11(6):8–11. 2004.
  • You can rely on Interbull proofs for foreign bulls. Hoard's Dairyman 149(17):624. 2004.
  • Zwald, N. We can breed healthier cows. Hoard's Dairyman 149(11):394. 2004.
    Also published as:


  • ABS Dairy Product Management. How to interpret Daughter Pregnancy Rate (DPR). Breeders Journal 17(2):7. 2003.
  • Barrett, J. International bulls share spotlight. Holstein World 100(3):35, 40. 2003.
  • Barrett, J. The August run–stable proofs, new net merit. Holstein World 100(9):93, 96. 2003.
  • Cassell, B. Genetic control of fertility a hot topic in Phoenix. Hoard's Dairyman 148(14):531. 2003.
  • Cassell, B. New bull proofs for daughter fertility are here. Hoard's Dairyman 148(4):152–153. 2003.
  • Cassell, B. Reproduction, calving traits make Net Merit more valuable. Hoard's Dairyman 148(16):614. 2003.
  • Daughter pregnancy rate PTA to be released. Guernsey Breeders Journal 172(1):12. 2003.
  • Dairy industry key to unlocking more secrets to bovine genome. Dairy Herd Mgt. 40(3):4. 2003.
  • Dickrell, J. Daughter pregnancy rates. Dairy Today 19(4):14. 2003.
  • Freeman, G., and Healey, M. How are we doing genetically? Hoard's Dairyman 148(10):375. 2003.
  • Net merit formula improved for August proofs. Jersey Journal 50(8):64. 2003.
  • Schnell, S. Daughter pregnancy rating Q&A. Horizons 9(1):6. 2003.
  • Schnell, S. New formula makes lifetime net merit better than ever. Horizons 9(4):6-7. 2003.
  • Selner, D. Focusing on fertility. Holstein World 100(4):32, 36. 2003.
  • Simon, L. Sorting cows. Horizons 9(5):14. 2003.
  • Stultz, J. Production information contributes to dairy goat breeding programs. Dairy Goat Journal 81(6):35. 2003.
  • VerBoort, B. Wild and crazy data. Calif. Dairy Herd Improvement 12(10):6, 10. 2003.
  • Zwald, N. What exactly is daughter pregnancy rate? Hoard's Dairyman 148(17):660. 2003.


  • 3X adjustments working. Holstein World 99(12):12. 2002.
  • Bernick, D. Probing productive life's questions. Holstein World 99(10):6. 2002.
  • Cassell, B. Is it time to select for disease resistance? Hoard's Dairyman 147(18):716–717. 2002.
  • Cassell, B. We need accurate I.D.s on crossbreds. Hoard's Dairyman 147(10):393. 2002.
  • Cassell, B. What longevity traits should you select? Hoard's Dairyman 147(6):244. 2002.
  • Dickrell, J. DairyTalk: Don't quit on quality. Dairy Today 18(5):40. 2002.
  • Genetic evaluations for fertility of cows. Natl. DHIA/QCS 4(4):1. 2002.
  • Holstein clone performance is slightly above average. Hoard's Dairyman 147(9):352. 2002.
  • How does young sire sampling measure up? Hoard's Dairyman 147(14):551. 2002.
  • Misidentified sires lead to inaccuracy of proofs. Hoard's Dairyman 147(1):8. 2002.
  • Mohr, P. USDA to publish female fertility data. Dairy Today 18(10):24. 2002.
  • Powell, R.L. Genética e inseminação artificial [Genetics and artificial insemination]. Taurus 4(14):30, 32. 2002.
  • Pritchard, D.E. Why are cell counts going higher? Hoard's Dairyman 147(18):704. 2002.
  • Somatic cell counts continue to rise. Hoard's Daryman 147(8):342. 2002.
  • VerBoort, B. USDA to introduce pregnancy rate index. California Dairy 11(9):3, 14. 2002.
  • Weigel, K. Daughter and service sire calving ease: There's new help to avoid calving problems. Hoard's Dairyman 147:553. 2002.
    Also published as:
  • Weigel, K. Zero in on the information you really need. Hoard's Dairyman 147(5):182. 2002.


  • Cassell, B. Make somatic cell score proofs work. Hoard's Dairyman 146(18):701. 2001.
  • Norman, H.D. The genetic challenge: will Jersey breeders meet it? Jersey Journal 48(2):18–19. 2001.
  • Unbiased "S" bulls. Dairy Today 17(9):29. 2001.
  • When was that show calf really born? Hoard's Dairyman 146(16):602. 2001.


  • Hansen, L., Powell, R., Sieber, M., and Casanova, D. Aqui, alla y en todas partes. Infortambo 134:92–94. 2000.
  • Powell, R.L., Sieber, M., and Hubbard, S. Los cambios de base. Infortambo 137:2–4. 2000.
  • VanRaden, P.M., and Powell, R.L. True protein's impact on USDA evaluations. Calif. Dairy 9(7):20–21:2000.


  • Powell, R., Sieber, M., and Hubbard S. What NOT to look for in advertisements for genetics. Holstein Journal 61(12):70, 72. 1999.
    Also published as:
  • Wiggans, G.R., and Hubbard, S.M. Genetic evaluation of yield and conformation traits of dairy goats. Amer. Dairy Goat Assn. News and Events, 2nd quarter, p. 11. 1999.


  • Anderson, C. Service aims to find best. Star Beacon, Mar. 9, p. CS. 1998.
  • Gengler, N., et al. Genetic evaluations for color breeds. Guernsey Breeders' Journal, Mar., p. 144. 1998.
  • Powell, R.L. Frequency of genetic evaluations: Two times per year vs 4 times per year. Red Bloodlines 21(March):12. 1998.
  • Sieber, M., Powell, R.L., and Hubbard, S. Como converter corretamente as provas para o pta americano. ImagemRural 6(56):17–19. 1998.
    Also published as:
    • Buscando la forma correcta para convertir a HPT U.S.A.? Accelerated Genet. Novedades de Genét. 6(1):1, 4–5, 1999.
    • Estas buscando la forma correcta de convertir las pruebas de otoros paises al PTA de los EE UU. Nuestro Holando. 1999.
  • Powell, R.L., Sieber, M., and Hubbard, S.M. Looking for the right way to convert to U.S. PTA? Ag-Link Inter., Nov. Online. 1998.
    Also published as:


  • Miller, R.H., Ashwell, M.S., and VanRaden, P.M. Genetic "markers" could guide our breeding. Hoard's Dairyman 142(5):195. 1997.
  • Powell, R.L. Heterogeneous variance adjustment (is it fair?). Calif. Dairy 6(8). 1997.

Last Modified: 08/11/2009