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January 25, 2001

2001 Year at a Glance

Status Reports

January Status Reports

This is an orbiter processing report and does not necessarily reflect the chronological order of upcoming Space Shuttle flights.  Visit for the latest schedule of future Shuttle missions.


MISSION: STS-98 -- 7th ISS Flight (5A) - U.S. Laboratory

Vehicle Atlantis/OV-104
Location Vehicle Assembly Building high bay 3
Target KSC Launch Date/Time Feb. 7, 2001 at 6:11 p.m. EST
Target KSC Landing Date/Time Feb. 18, 2001 at about 1:39 p.m. EST
Launch Window less than 5 minutes
Mission Duration 10 days, 19 hours
Crew Cockrell, Polansky, Curbeam, Jones, Ivins
Orbit Altitude and Inclination 177 nautical miles/51.6 degrees

Shuttle Processing Note  (mission processing summary)

Shuttle managers today announced Feb. 7 as the target launch date for Space Shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-98. The new date accommodates scheduled launch activities on the Eastern Range and better supports a desire to rendezvous with the orbiting International Space Station on flight day 3.

In Vehicle Assembly Building high bay 3, final preparations are under way to roll Atlantis out to Launch Pad 39A tomorrow at 7 a.m. Today, technicians are conducting standard pre-rollout inspections and are removing access platforms from around the Shuttle vehicle. Atlantis should be hard down at the pad by midday tomorrow. Launch pad validations will commence immediately after arrival, verifying all Shuttle and Mobile Launcher Platform electrical, pneumatic and mechanical interfaces.

Managers also announced a target launch date of no earlier than June 8 for Atlantis' next flight on mission STS-104. This shift accommodates an on orbit sun angle condition between May 18 and June 7. This so-called beta angel cut-out is an undesirable thermal condition for Shuttle/ISS docking operations.


MISSION: STS-102 -- 8th ISS Flight (5A.1) - Leonardo MPLM

Vehicle Discovery/OV-103
Location Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) bay 1
Target KSC Launch Date/Time Mar. 8, 2001, at about 7:00 a.m. EST
Target KSC Landing Date/Time Mar. 20, 2001, at about 1:00 a.m. EST
Launch Window less than 5 minutes
Mission Duration 11 days
Crew Wetherbee, Kelly, Thomas, Richards; (up) Voss, Helms, Usachev; (down) Shepherd, Gidzenko, Krikalev
Orbit Altitude and Inclination 177 nautical miles/51.6 degrees

Shuttle Processing Note 

Shuttle managers today announced March 8 as Discovery's new target launch date. This move gives managers time to review data from the STS-98 flight between Atlantis' landing and the STS-102 launch of Discovery.

In the OPF, technicians are closing out Discovery's forward, midbody and aft compartments in preparation to roll to the VAB next Thursday. Workers plan to close the payload bay doors today and begin orbiter weight and center of gravity tests next week.

MISSION: STS-100 -- 9th ISS Flight (6A) - Raffaello MPLM, SSRMS

Vehicle Endeavour/OV-105
Location Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF) bay 2
Target KSC Launch Date/Time April 19, 2001, at 2:04 p.m. EDT
Target KSC Landing Date/Time April 30, 2001, at 9:56 a.m. EDT
Mission Duration 11 days
Crew Rominger, Ashby, Hadfield, Parazynski, Phillips, Guidoni, Lonchakov
Orbit Altitude and Inclination 177 nautical miles/51.6 degrees

Shuttle Processing Note 

Endeavour's left-hand orbital maneuvering system pod has been removed to undergo processing at KSC's Hypergol Maintenance Facility. Two gaseous nitrogen tanks that support the power reactant storage and distribution system are being installed today. Window No. 1 is being replaced and the forward reaction control system is undergoing standard checks.

Status reports and other NASA publications are available on the World Wide Web at: Information about the countdown and mission can be accessed electronically via the Internet at: and at

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