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Research That Matters
Key Education Team Members

Making Readiness a Reality

College and Career Readiness Workshops

(Formerly Educator Workshops)

ACT invites you to attend one of over 270 newly redesigned College and Career Readiness Workshops this fall where the focus will be on improving every student's college and career readiness. Each member of your education team—school counselor, lead teacher, curriculum director, principal, and superintendent—will gain an understanding of how ACT tools can provide the information and data schools and districts need to support the success of every student.

Workshop Highlights

The College and Career Readiness Workshops will focus on the role of each team member in utilizing data as the foundation for building systems of excellence. Each workshop will include an in-depth look at the types of information available to every school district and will also provide engaging activities focused on:

  • Sharing student-level and aggregate data across the team, school, and district
  • Translating data into actionable information
  • Integrating data as a foundation for supporting student growth
Additionally, each workshop will:
  • Include Peer Group Roundtables
  • Provide each team member with specific resources customized to his or her role

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General Information

  • There is no charge to attend an ACT College and Career Readiness Workshop.
  • Registration times will vary by workshop.
  • These half-day workshops typically end by noon. Start times may vary.
  • All registered attendees will receive a copy of the 2009 ACT College and Career Readiness Resource Manual.
  • Continuing education credits may be available for members of the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC).
  • Find a workshop near you

Middle School Educators

New ACT research (The Forgotten Middle) highlights the importance of monitoring college and career readiness early. Please consider sharing this information with middle school educators in your district and attending together.