Accidents (See Workplace injuries and illnesses.) Agriculture Agricultural employment: has the decline ended?—Nov. 1981. Changing face of farm employment, The.—Apr. 1995.  Fatal occupational injuries to older workers in farming, 1995-2002.—Oct. 2005. How U.S. exports are faring in the world wheat market.—Oct. 1985.  Large meat, grain supplies cut recent food price increases.—Jan. 1982. Multifactor productivity in farm and garden equipment.—June 1991.  Productivity growth average in farm machinery manufacturing.—Oct. 1982. The 1996 grain price shock: how did it affect food inflation?—Aug. 1998. Unpaid family workers: long-term decline continues.—Oct. 1982. Apprenticeship (See also Education and training.) Armed Forces Defense—related employment and spending, 1996-2006.—July 1998. Employment effects of the rise and fall in defense spending. —Apr. 1993. Labor force data from CPS to undergo revision in January 1983.—Nov. 1982. The changing makeup of the military and the effect on labor data.—Jul. 1984. The defense buildup, 1977—85: effects on production and employment.—Aug. 1987. Vietnam—era cohort: employment and earnings.—June 1992. Working for Uncle Sam: a look at members of the Armed Forces.—Jul. 1984. Australia A comparison of youth unemployment in Australia and the U.S.—Oct. 1984. Comparisons of economic performance: Canada versus Australia, 1983–2000.—Apr. 2005. Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993. International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.—Aug. 1995. Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.—Aug. 1985. Auto industry Auto industry jobs in the 1980's: a decade of transition.—Feb. 1992. Auto retailing: changing trends in jobs and business.—Oct. 1998. Employment and unemployment in the first half of 1981.—Aug. 1981. Japanese exchange rates, export restraints, and auto prices.—Feb. 2007. Multifactor productivity in motor vehicle industries.—Aug. 1987. Price measures of new vehicles: a comparison.—Jul. 2008. Rise and decline of auto parts manufacturing in the Midwest, The.—Oct. 2007. The employment expansion in retail trade, 1973-85.—Aug. 1986. Vehicle ownership, purchases, and leasing: consumer survey data.—June 1997. Automation (See Technological change.) Bargaining (See Collective bargaining.) Bargaining (See Collective bargaining.) Belgium Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995. Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991. U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997. Benefits 1989 employee benefits address family concerns (PDF 392K).—Jun. 1990. 401(k) plans move away from employer stock as investment vehicle.—Nov. 2008. Accounting for wages and benefits using the ECI.—Sept. 2004. Age-related reductions in workers' life insurance.—Sept. 1985. Alternatives to hospital care under employee benefit plans.—Dec. 1991. An analysis of lump-sum pension distribution recipients.—May 2002. Analyzing short-term disability benefits.—June 1989. BLS takes a new look at employee benefits.—Aug. 1982. Comparing benefit costs for full- and part-time workers.—Mar. 1999. Comparing medical care expenditures.—Mar. 1987. Compensation for death and dismemberment.—Sept. 1989. Compensation trends into the 21st century.—Feb. 1990. Contributions to savings and thrift plans.—Nov. 1990. Costs of employee compensation in public and private sectors.—May 1993.  Defining participation in defined contribution pension plans.—Aug. 2003. Development and growth of employer-provided health insurance, The.—Mar. 1994. Distribution of retirement income benefits.—Apr. 2003. Early retirement: an international overview.—Mar. 1987. Earnings and benefits of contingent and noncontingent workers.—Oct. 1996. Earnings and benefits of workers in alternative work arrangements.—Oct. 1996. Employee income protection against short-term disabilities.—Feb. 1985. Employee participation in savings and thrift plans, 1993.—Mar. 1996. Employee payments for health care services.—Nov. 1992. Employer generosity in employer-matched 401(k) plans, 2002-03.—Sept. 2007. Employer provisions for parental leave.—Oct. 1989. Employer-provided benefits: employer cost versus employee value.—Dec. 1989. Employer-sponsored health insurance: what's offered, what's chosen?—Oct. 1995. Employer-sponsored life insurance: a new look.—Oct. 1989. Employer-sponsored long-term disabilitu insurance.—Jul. 1987. Employers’ health insurance cost burden, 1996–2005.—Jun. 2008. Factors affecting retirement income.—Mar. 1993. Family-related benefits in the workplace.—Mar. 1990. Family and medical leave: evidence from the 2000 surveys.—Sept. 2001. Family leave coverage in the 1990s.—Oct. 1999. Federal statistics on healthcare benefits and cost trends.—Nov. 2004. Flexible benefits plans: employees who have a choice.—Dec. 1989. Growth of employer-sponsored group life insurance.—Oct. 1991. Health and retirement benefits: data from two BLS surveys—Mar. 2000. Health benefits coverage among male workers.—Mar. 1995. Health insurance coverage for families with children.—Aug. 1995. Health insurance trends in cost control and coverage.—Sept. 1986. Health maintenance organizations: plan offerings and enrollments.—Apr. 1991. Helping employees with family care.—Sept. 1990. Helping labor and a firm set up a quality-of-worklife plan.—Mar. 1984. How firm size and industry affect employee benefits.—Dec. 1990. How social security payments affect private pensions.—May 1984. Incidence benefits measures in the National Compensation Survey.—Aug. 2004. Is employer-sponsored life insurance declining relative to other benefits?—Sept. 1981. Leisure and illness leave: estimating benefits in combination.—Feb. 2009. Life insurance benefits for retired workers.—Sept. 1990. Major medical coverage during a period of rising costs.—Jul. 1983. Measuring defined benefit replacement rates with PenSync.—Nov. 2004. Medical and retirement plan coverage: exploring the decline in recent years.—Aug. 2004. Mental health benefits financed by employers.—Jul. 1987. New benefits data from the National Compensation Survey.—Aug. 2004. New statistics for health insurance from the National Compensation Survey.—Aug. 2004. Outpatient surgery: helping to contain health care costs.—Nov. 1992. Pension integration and retirement benefits.—Feb. 2001. Portability of pension benefits among jobs.—July 1994. Preventive care provisions, other benefits: are they described in plan documents?—Oct. 2002. Profit sharing today: plans and provisions.—Apr. 1991. Projected pension income: equality or disparity for the baby-boom cohort?—Mar. 2006. Results from the 1995 Survey of Employer-Provided Training.—June 1998. Substance abuse coverage provided by employer medical plans.—Apr. 1991. Surviving spouse's benefits in private pension plans.—Apr. 1984. Survivor income benefits provided by employers.—June 1991.  The growth of fringe benefits: implications for social security.—Nov. 1981. The National Compensation Survey: a wealth of benefits data.—Aug. 2004. Time-off benefits in small establishments.—Mar. 1992. Trends in employer-provided health care benefits.—Feb. 1991. Trends in employer-provided mental health and substance abuse benefits.—Apr. 2005. Trends in employer-provided prescription-drug coverage.—Aug. 2004. Trends in retirement plan coverage over the last decade.—Feb. 2006. Variations in holiday, vacation, and area pay levels.—Feb. 1989. Who really has access to employer-provided health benefits?—Jun. 1995. Worker training programs help ease impact of technology.—Nov. 1987. Young worker participation in post-school education and training.—June 1998. Bureau of Labor Statistics A century of wage statistics: the BLS contribution.—Nov. 1984. BLS and the economy: a centennial timetable.—Nov. 1984. BLS and the Marshall Plan: the forgotten story.—Jun. 2005. BLS at 125: using historic principles to track the 21st-century economy.—Jun. 2009. BLS regional offices and the Federal-State statistics program.—Dec. 1992. BLS regional offices: contribution to wage programs.—Jul. 1992  BLS takes a new look at employee benefits.—Aug. 1982. Improving estimation and benchmarking of State labor force statistics.— May 2005. New look at occupational wages within individual establishments.—Nov. 1982. One hundred years of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.—Jul. 1985. The AFL and a national BLS: labor's role is crystallized.—Mar. 1982. Canada A perspective on the U.S.—Canada manufacturing productivity gap.—Feb. 2001. Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995. Comparisons of economic performance: Canada versus Australia, 1983–2000.—Apr. 2005. Differences in productivity growth: Canadian-U.S. business sectors, 1987–2000.—Apr. 2003. Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993. International comparisons of unemployment indicators.—Mar. 1993. International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.—Aug. 1995. Information technology and economic growth in Canada and the U.S.—Oct. 2002. Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991. New views of inequality trends in Canada and the United States.—Apr. 1998. Purchasing power parity between the U.S. and Canada.—Dec. 1987. Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.—Aug. 1985. Task force urges diffusion of microelectronics in Canada.—Oct. 1983. U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997. Child care Boom in child care industry the result of many social changes.—Aug. 1995. Child-care: arrangements and costs.—Oct. 1991. Child-care problems: an obstacle to work.—Oct. 1991. Child day care services: industry at a crossroads.—Dec. 1990. Comparing childcare measures in the ATUS and earlier time diary studies.—May 2007. Expenditures of single parents: how does gender figure in?—Jul. 2002. China China’s changing economy.—Jun. 2006. China’s manufacturing employment and compensation costs: 2002–06.—Apr. 2009. Employment restructuring during China’s economic transition.—Aug. 2002.  Labor costs of manufacturing employees in China: an update to 2003–04.—Nov. 2006. Manufacturing earnings and compensation in China.—Aug. 2005. Manufacturing employment in China.—Jul. 2005. Collective bargaining An experiment in the mediation of grievances.—Mar. 1983. Area wage surveys shed light on declines in unionization.—Sept. 1985. Bargaining activity light in private industry in 1985.—Jan. 1985. Bargaining calendar will be heavy in 1982.—Dec. 1981. Bargaining outlook for 1996.—Jan./Feb. 1996. Baseball negotiations: a new agreement.—Dec. 2002. Baseball strike of 1994-95, The.—Mar. 1997. Can employee associations negotiate new growth?—July 1989. Changing employment patterns of organized workers.—Feb. 1985. Collective bargaining agreements in 1992.—May 1993. Collective bargaining agreements: safety and health provisions.—May 1998. Collective bargaining and private sector professionals.—Sept. 1989. Collective bargaining and labor-management relations in 1988.—Jan. 1989. Collective bargaining calendar crowded again in 1984.—Jan. 1984. Collective bargaining in 1982: results dictated by the economy.—Jan. 1983. Collective bargaining in 1983: a crowded agenda.—Jan. 1983. Collective bargaining in 1986: cost pressures remain.—Jan. 1986. Collective bargaining in 1987: local, regional issues to set tone.—Jan. 1987. Collective bargaining in 1989: talks set in diverse industries.—Jan. 1989. Collective bargaining in 1989: old problems, new issues.—Jan. 1990 Collective bargaining in 1990.—Jan. 1990. Collective bargaining during 1991.—Jan. 1991. Collective bargaining in 1990: search for solutions continues.—Jan. 1991. Collective bargaining in 1992: contract talks and other activity.—Jan. 1992. Collective bargaining in 1993: jobs are the issue.—Jan. 1993. Collective bargaining in 1994.—Jan. 1994. Collective bargaining in private industry, 1994.—June 1995. Collective bargaining in State and local government, 1994.—Jun. 1995. Collective bargaining outlook for 1995.—Jan. 1995. Collective bargaining, 1991: recession colors talks.—Jan. 1992. Compensation gains moderated in 1993 private industry settlements.—May 1994.  Economy improves, bargaining problems persist in 1983.—Jan. 1984. Helping labor and management see and solve problems.—Sept. 1982. Higher settlements in 1989 end innovation decade.—May 1990. How do labor and management view collective bargaining?—Oct. 1998. Industrial democracy: made in the U.S.A.—May 1984. Industrial relations in 1980 influenced by inflation and recession.—Jan. 1981. Job-creating performance of employee-owned firms.—Aug. 1983. Labor contract negotiations in the airline industry.—Jul. 2003. Labor, firms continue to combat mutual problems in 1985.— Jan. 1986. Labor-management bargaining in 1992.—Jan. 1993. Labor-management bargaining in 1993.—Jan. 1994. Labor-management bargaining in 1994.—Jan. 1995. Labor-management bargaining in 1995.—Jan./Feb. 1996. Labor-management scene in 1986: industrial woes continue.—Jan. 1987. Labor relations in basketball: the lockout of 1998-99 —Apr. 1999. Major agreements in 1984 provided record low wage increases.—Apr. 1985. Major collective bargaining settlements in private industry in 1988.—May 1989. Major labor contracts in 1986 provided record low wage adjustments.—May 1987. Measuring union-nonunion earnings differences.—Jun. 1990. Modest labor-management bargains continue despite recovery.—Jan. 1985. Negotiated changes in State and local government contracts, 1993.—Aug. 1994. Negotiated wage changes in government, 1992.—June 1993. Organized labor in 1981: a shifting of priorities.—Jan. 1982. Reforming the U.S. system of collective bargaining.—Mar. 1983. Scheduled wage increases and cost-of-living provisions in 1981.—Jan. 1981. Scheduled wage increases and cost-of-living provisions in 1982.—Jan. 1982. Should works councils be used as industrial relations policy?—Jul. 1985. South African trade unions, 1970-90.—Oct. 1989. The evolution of fair labor standards: a study in class conflict.—Aug. 1983. The hockey lockout of 2004–05.—Dec. 2005. Union membership in 2007: a visual essay.—Oct. 2008. Union membership statistics in 24 countries.—Jan. 2006. Wage and compensation changes in settlements, 1991.—May 1992. Wage increases in 1981.—May 1982. Wages and compensation: 1990 negotiated adjustments.—May 1991. Compensation costs A perspective on U.S. and foreign compensation costs in manufacturing.—Jun. 2002. Accounting for missing data in the Employment Cost Index.—Apr. 2006. Analyzing employers' costs for wages, salaries, and benefits.—Oct. 1987. BLS compensation programs: what will users need?—Feb. 1990. BLS prepares to broaden scope of its white-collar pay survey.—Mar. 1987. BLS takes a new look at employee benefits.—Aug. 1982. Changes affecting the Employment Cost Index: an overview.—Apr. 2006. China’s manufacturing employment and compensation costs: 2002–06.—Apr. 2009. Comparing benefit costs for full- and part-time workers.—Mar. 1999. Compensation gains moderated in 1993 private industry settlements.—May 1994. Compensation trends into the 21st century.—Feb. 1990. Cost of employee compensation in public and private sectors.—May 1993. Employer-provided benefits: employer cost versus employee value.—Dec. 1989. Employment Cost Index publication plans.—Apr. 2006. Employment Cost Index rebased to June 1989 (PDF 149K).—Apr. 1990 The 1978-80 pay guidelines: meeting the need for flexibility.—Jul. 1981. The Employment Cost Index in 1980: a first look at total compensation.—Jun. 1981. International comparisons of manufacturing compensation costs.—Nov. 1994. Introducing 2002 weights in the Employment Cost Index.—Apr. 2006. Introducing new weights for the Employment Cost Index.—Jun. 1985. Is employer-sponsored life insurance declining relative to other benefits?—Sept. 1981. Is the ECI sensitive to the method of aggregation? an update.—Dec. 2002. New measure of compensation cost adjustments.—Aug. 1990. Planning ahead: consumer expenditure patterns in retirement.—Jul. 2002. Post-recession productivity gain helps curb labor cost growth.—Dec. 1984. Real compensation, 1979 to 2003: analysis from several data sources.—May 2005. Seasonal adjustments in the Employment Cost Index.—Apr. 2006. State and local government pay increases outpace gains in industry.—Feb. 1987. The BLS wage query system: a new tool to access wage data.—Oct. 2001. The Employment Cost Index: recent trends and expansion.—May 1982. The Employment Cost Index: what is it?—Sept. 2001. Wage and compensation changes in settlements, 1991.—May 1992.  Workers' compensation insurance: recent trends in employer costs.—Mar. 1981. Computers (See Technological change.) Developing a hedonic model for Internet access service in the CPI.—Jul. 2008. Consumer expenditures A century of family budgets in the United States.—May. 2001. A changing market: expenditures by Hispanic consumers, revisited.—Aug. 2003. A growing market: expenditures by Hispanic consumers.—Mar. 1998. Analysis of Southern energy expenditures and prices, 1984–2006, An.—Apr. 2008. CE data: quintiles of income versus quintiles of outlays.—Dec. 1994. Child-care: arrangements and costs.—Oct. 1991. Comparing medical care expenditures.—Mar. 1987. Consumer expenditures for selected items, 1999 and 2000.—May 2003. Consumer expenditures: results from the Diary and Interview surveys.—Jun. 1986. Consumer Expenditure Survey: a comparative analysis, The.—Dec. 1994. Consumer spending: an engine for U.S. job growth.—Nov. 2002. Consumer spending on durables and services in the 1980's.—May 1992.  Economic inequality through the prisms of income and consumption.—Apr. 2005. Effects of health insurance on consumer spending, The.—Mar. 1995. Elderly and nonelderly expenditures on necessities in the 1980s.—Sept. 1996. Expenditures of single parents: how does gender figure in?—Jul. 2002. Expenditure patterns of young single adults: two recent generations compared.—Dec. 2008. Expenditure patterns of older Americans, 1984-97.—May 2000. Expenditure patterns of retired and nonretired persons.—Apr. 1994. Experimental Consumer Price Index for the poor, An.—Sept. 1996. Experimental poverty measures: accounting for medical expenditures.—Aug. 2002. Food-at-home expenditures of Asian households.—Jun. 2006. Health care and prescription drug spending by seniors—Mar. 2003. Health insurance trends in cost control and coverage.—Sept. 1986. Household-food-expenditure patterns: a cluster analysis.—Apr. 2007. How does rental assistance influence spending behavior?—May 1994. Income imputation and the analysis of consumer expenditure data.—Nov. 2006. Interarea price levels: an experimental methodology.—Sept. 2006. Imputing income in the Consumer Expenditure Survey.—Dec. 1994. Income and spending patterns of single-mother families.—May 1994. Let's do lunch: expenditures on meals away from home.—May 2000. Making it on their own: the baby-boom meets generation X.—Feb. 1998. Planning ahead: consumer expenditure patterns in retirement.—Jul. 2002. Retirement expenditures for Whites, Blacks, and persons of Hispanic origin.—Jun. 2003. Seasonal adjustment of quarterly consumer expenditure series.—Dec. 1994. Spending by older consumers: 1980 and 1990 compared.—May 1993. Spending patterns of families receiving public assistance.—Apr. 1996. Spending patterns of older persons revealed in expenditure survey.—Oct. 1986. Spending patterns of public-assisted families.—May 2000. Teenagers: employment and contributions to family spending.—Sept. 2000. The CE and the PCE: a comparison.—Sept. 2006. The Consumer Expenditure Survey: quality control.—Mar. 1987. Trends in out-of-pocket spending on health care, 1980-92.—Dec. 1995. U.S. consumers: which jobs are they creating?—June 1996. Vehicle ownership, purchases, and leasing: consumer survey data.—Jun. 1997. What does it mean to be poor in America?—May 1996. Consumer Price Index Addressing misconceptions about the Consumer Price Index.—Aug. 2008. Adjusting VCR prices for quality change.— Sep. 1999. Alternative CPI aggregations: two approaches.—Nov. 2000. Analysis of Southern energy expenditures and prices, 1984–2006, An.—Apr. 2008. Anatomy of price change. A special issue.—Dec. 1993.  The Consumer Price Index: underlying concepts and caveats. Basic components of the CPI: estimation of price changes. The commodity substitution effect in CPI data, 1982-91. Quality adjustment of price indexes. Changing the item structure in the Consumer Price Index.—Dec. 1996. Changing the treatment of homeownership in the CPI.—Jun. 1982. Comparing U.S. and European inflation: the CPI and the HICP.—May 2006. Comparison of the revised and the old CPI.—Nov. 1987. Consumer gasoline prices: an empirical investigation.—Jul. 2003. Consumer inflation higher in 2000.—Apr. 2001. Consumer inflation in 1997 at 11-year low.—May 1998. Consumer inflation lower in 2001: energy and apparel prices declined.—Mar. 2002. Consumer inflation remains modest in 1998 —Apr. 1999. Consumer price index, 2004.—Apr. 2005. Consumer price slows in first half of 1991.—Oct. 1991. Consumer prices during 2003.—Apr. 2004. Consumer prices for energy and food accelerated in 1996.—Apr. 1997. Consumer prices in the 1980's.—Aug. 1990. Consumer prices in 1994.—Jun. 1995. Consumer prices in 1995.—Jun. 1996. Consumer prices rise sharply in 1990.—May 1991. Consumer prices rose less in 2006 than in 2005.—May 2007. Consumer prices rose 3.4 percent in 2005, about the same as last year.—May 2006. Consumer prices up slightly more in 2002, led by energy and hospital services.—Mar 2003. CPI for hospital services: concepts and procedures, The.—July 1996. Defining the rate of underlying inflation.—Sept. 1981. Developing a hedonic model for Internet access service in the CPI.—Jul. 2008. Effects of rounding on the Consumer Price Index, The.—Oct. 2006. Empirical analysis of price transmission by stage of processing, An.—Nov. 2002. Energy, food prices helped slow inflation in 1991.—May 1992. Experimental consumer price index for elderly Americans (CPI-E): 1982–2007, The.—Apr. 2008. Experimental Consumer Price Index for the poor, An.—Sept. 1996. Experimental price index for elderly consumers.—May 1994. Growth rate slows down in consumer prices, 1993.—May 1994. Half-year decline in inflation: its antecedents and structure, A.—Oct. 1986. Hedonic regression models using in-house and out-of-house data.—Dec. 2004. Incorporating a geometric mean formula into the CPI.—Oct. 1998. Inflation continues to abate during the first quarter.—Jul. 1982. Inflation cross-currents: energy, food, and homeownership.—Jun. 1981. Inflation fueled by oil prices in first 9 months of 1987.—Dec. 1987. Inflation remained low during 1984.—Apr. 1985. Inflation remained low in 1983 in face of strong recovery.—May 1984. International comparisons of Harmonized Indexes of Consumer Prices.—Feb. 2007. Large meat, grain supplies cut recent food price increases.—Jan. 1982. New market basket for the Consumer Price Index.—Jan. 1987. New methodology for selecting outlet samples.—Dec. 1996. Overview of the 1998 revision of the Consumer Price Index.—Dec. 1996. Prescription drug prices for the elderly.—Sep. 1998. Price and expenditure measures of petroleum products: a comparison.—Dec. 2006. Price changes in 1980: double-digit inflation persists.—Apr. 1981. Price changes in 1981: widespread slowing of inflation.—Apr. 1982. Price highlights of 1988: rising pressures on consumer prices.—May 1989. Price measurement in the United States: A decade after the Boskin Report.—May 2006. Price measures of new vehicles: a comparison.—Jul. 2008. Publication strategy for the 1998 revised Consumer Price Index.—Dec. 1996. Quality adjustment in CPI housing sample (PDF 351K).—Nov. 1990. Reconciling the CPI and the PCE Deflator.—Sept. 1981. Redesign of the CPI geographic sample, The.—Dec. 1996. Revising the Standard Occupational Classification system—Jun. 1999 Revision of the Consumer Price Index now under way.—Apr. 1985. Revision of the CPI housing sample and estimators.—Dec. 1996. Revision of the CPI hospital services component.—Dec. 1996. Rising producer prices in 1999 dominated by energy goods.—Aug. 2000. Some proposals to improve the Consumer Price Index.—Sept. 1981. The 1989 price increase largest in eight years.—May 1990. The revised Consumer Price Index: changes in coverage.—Jul. 1986. Using survey data to asses bias in the Consumer Price Index.—Apr. 1998. Construction A visual essay: post-recessionary employment growth related to the housing market.—Oct. 2006. Employment and unemployment in the first half of 1981.—Aug. 1981. Employment changes in construction : secular, cyclical, seasonal.—Mar. 1983. Employment created by construction expenditures.—Dec. 1981. Employment trends in the lumber and woods products industry.—Aug. 1983. Fatal occupational injuries at road construction sites.—Dec. 2004. Fatal work injuries among foreign-born Hispanic workers.—Oct. 2005. How does rental assistance influence spending behavior?—May 1994. Recent employment trends in residential and nonresidential construction.—Oct. 2006. Two new construction employment series for specialty trade contractors.—Oct. 2006. Cost of living Planning ahead: consumer expenditure patterns in retirement.—Jul. 2002. Scheduled wage increases and cost-of-living provisions in 1981.—Jan. 1981. Scheduled wage increases and cost-of-living provisions in 1982.—Jan. 1982. Wages and compensation: 1990 negotiated adjustments.—May 1991. What does it mean to be poor in America?—May 1996. Work, poverty, and the working poor: a multifaceted problem.—Sept. 1986. Current Population Survey Analyzing CPS data using gross flows.—Sept. 2005. Blacks in the 1970s: did they scale the job ladder?—Jun. 1982. Cognitive testing of racial and ethnic questions for the CPS supplement.—Sept. 1996. Discouraged workers how strong are links to job market?Aug. 1984. Employment change by occupation, industry, and earnings quartile, 2000-05.—Dec. 2006. Estimating gross flows consistent with stocks in the CPS.—Sept. 2005. Involuntary part-time work: new information from the CPS.—Feb. 1981. Labor force data from CPS to undergo revision in January 1983.—Nov. 1982. Model-based seasonally adjusted estimates and sampling error.—Sept. 2005. New household survey and the CPS: labor force differences.—Sept. 1985. Overhauling the Current Population Survey: A special issue.—Sept. 1993. Why is it necessary to change? Redesigning the questionnaire. Evaluating changes in the estimates. Testing racial and ethnic origin questions in the CPS supplement.—Sept. 1996. The Current Population Survey: a historical view and the BLS role.—Jun. 1984. Understanding the employment measures from the establishment and household surveys.—Feb. 2006. Youth labor force activity: alternative surveys compared.—Mar. 1981. Czechoslovakia Low unemployment in the Czech Republic: 'miracle' or 'mirage'?—Aug. 1998. Defense Defense-related employment and spending, 1996-2006.—July 1998. Defense spending in the 1990's.—Oct. 1990. Employment effects of the rise and fall in defense spending.—Apr. 1993. Employment in high-tech defense industries in a post cold war era.—Aug. 1996. The changing makeup of the military and the effect on labor data.—Jul. 1984. The defense buildup, 1977-85: effects on production and employment.—Aug. 1987. Working for Uncle Sam: a look at members of the Armed Forces.—Jul. 1984. Denmark Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995. Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991. U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997. Disability Disability and the characteristics of employment.—May 2003. Disability benefits for employees in private pension plans.—Aug. 1982. Disability payments stabilizing after era of accelerating growth.—May 1981. Employer-sponsored long-term disabilitu insurance.—Jul. 1987. Employment programs for disabled youth: and international view. (PDF 493K).—Dec. 1990. Employment rate of people with disabilities, The.—Nov. 2008. How valid are estimates of occupational illness?—Aug. 1982. Labor force trends of persons with and without disabilities.—Oct. 1994. Persons with disabilities: Demographic, income, and health care characteristics, 1993.—Sep. 1998. Persons with disabilities: Labor market activity, 1994.—Sep. 1998. Work shifts and disability: a national view.—Sep. 2002. Displaced workers (See also Unemployment.) A new method for estimating job separation rates by sex and age.—Jun. 1983. Are single mothers finding jobs without displacing other workers?—Jul. 2001. Britain's redundancy payments for displaced workers.—Jun. 1987. Business Processes and Business Functions: a new way of looking at employment.—Dec. 2008. Displaced workers of 1979-83: how well have they fared?—Jun. 1985. Employer interviews revealed that most of the relocations.—Aug. 2005. Health insurance loss: the case of the displaced worker.—Apr. 1987. How often do workers receive advance notice of layoff?—Jun. 1987. Imports and domestic employment: identifying affecting affected industries.—Aug. 1982. Industrial structure of job displacement, 1979-89.—Sept. 1992. Job displacement, 1979-86: how blacks fared relative to whites.—Jul. 1991. Layoffs and permanent job losses: workers' traits, patterns.—Sept. 1983. Mass layoff data indicate outsourcing and offshoring work.—Aug. 2005. Race and the shifting burden of job displacement: 1982-93.—Sept. 1996. Recent recessions swell ranks of the long-term unemployed.—Feb. 1984. Recession swells count of displaced workers.—June 1993. The future of work: does it belong to us or to the robots?—Sept. 1982. The Great Migration of Afro-Americans, 1915-40.—Mar. 1987. The pulse of economic change: displaced workers of 1981-85.—Jun. 1987. Trade and displacement in manufacturing.—Apr. 1995. Worker displacement: a decade of change.—Apr. 1995. Worker displacement in 1999–2000.—Jun. 2004. Worker displacement in a period of rapid job expansion: 1983-87.—May 1990. Worker displacement in a strong labor market.—June 2001. Worker displacement in the mid-1990's—July 1999. Worker displacement still common in the late 1980's.—May 1991. Drugs and alcohol Drug and alcohol use at work: a survey of young workers.—Aug. 1991. Prevalence of drug testing in the workplace.—Nov. 1996. Substance abuse coverage provided by employer medical plans.—Apr. 1991. Workplace alcohol-testing programs: prevalence and trends.—June 1998. Earnings and wages A century of wage statistics: the BLS contribution.—Nov. 1984. A surge in growing income inequality?—Aug. 1995. Accounting for wages and benefits using the ECI.—Sept. 2004. An examination of occupational mobility among full-time workers.—Sept. 2003. Analyzing employers' costs for wages, salaries, and benefits.—Oct. 1987. BLS area wage surveys will cover more areas.—Jun. 1986. Bureau seeks better measures of service employment.—Nov. 1982. Clerical pay differences in metropolitan areas, 1961-80.—Jul. 1982. Comparable worth: how do we know it will work?—Dec. 1985. Comparable worth: organizational dilemmas.—Dec. 1985. Comparable worth: some questions still unanswered.—Dec. 1985. Comparing earnings inequality using two major surveys—Mar. 2000. Compensation trends into the 21st century.—Feb. 1990. Cost of employee compensation in public and private sectors.—May 1993. Do some workers have minimum wage careers?—May 2001. Earnings and benefits of contingent and noncontingent workers.—Oct. 1996. Earnings and benefits of workers in alternative work arrangements.—Oct. 1996. Earnings and employment trends in the 1990s—Mar. 2000. Earnings and inequality in the 1980's.—Dec. 1990. Earnings by gender: evidence from Census 2000.—Jul./Aug. 2007. Earnings differences by sex: an introductory note.—Jun. 1984. Earnings in the 1980's: an occupational perspective.—Jul. 1994. Earnings mobility and low-wage workers in the United States.—Jul. 2006. Earnings mobility in the United States, 1967-91.—Sept. 1995. Earnings of college graduates.—Dec. 1995. Earnings of college graduates: women compared with men.—Mar. 1998. Earnings of husbands and wives in dual-earner families.—Apr. 1998. Earnings of men and women: a look at specific occupations.—Apr. 1982. Education, on-the-job training, and the black-white earnings gap.—Apr. 1981. Effect of working wives on the incidence of poverty, The.—Mar. 1998. Effects of intermittent labor force attachment on women's earnings.—Sept. 1995. Employment and wage outcomes for North Carolina's high-tech workers.—May 2004. Employment change by occupation, industry, and earnings quartile, 2000-05.—Dec. 2006. Erosion of police and firefighter wage parity, The.—Apr. 1996. Establishment wage differentials.—Apr. 2007. Estimating the number of minimum wage workers (PDF 415K).—Jan. 1990. Exploring low-wage labor with the National Compensation Survey.—Nov./Dec. 2003. Foreign-born workers in the U.S. labor market: a special survey.—Jul. 1985. Gender-related shifts in the distribution of wages.—Jul. 1994. Has wage inequality stopped growing?—Dec. 1997. Hourly paid workers: who they are and what they earn.—Feb. 1986. How do immigrants fare in the U.S. labor market?—Dec. 1992. How does gender play a role in the earnings gap? an update—Mar. 2003. How hours of work affect occupational earnings.—Oct. 1998. How shifting occupational composition has affected the real average wage.—Jun. 2009. How widely do wages vary within jobs in the same establishment?—Feb. 2008. Hurricane Katrina’s effects on industry employment and wages.—Aug. 2006. Husbands and wives as earners: an analysis of family data.—Feb. 1981. Immigration and wage changes of high school dropouts.—Oct. 1997. Income and spending patterns of single-mother families.—May 1994. Interindustry wage differentials: patterns and possible sources.—Feb. 2000 Investigating differences in weekly earnings of women and men.—Jun. 1984. Investigating the link between competition and discrimination.—Dec. 1999. Job mobility and hourly wages: is there a relationship?—May 2004. Job mobility and wage growth: evidence from the NLSY79.—Feb. 2005. Job-related education and training: their impact on earnings.—Oct. 1993. Labor costs of manufacturing employees in China: an update to 2003–04.—Nov. 2006. Labor market success of young adults from two generations.—Feb. 1998. 'Lifetime earnings' in Japan for the class of 1955.—Apr. 1984. Manufacturing earnings and compensation in China.—Aug. 2005. Major agreements in 1984 provided record low wage increases.—Apr. 1985. Married couples: work and income patterns.—Dec. 1983. Measuring union-nonunion earnings differences.—Jun. 1990. Measuring wage dispersion: pay ranges reflect industry traits.—Apr. 1981. Most women who head families receive poor job market returns.—Dec. 1983. Nature of occupational employment growth: 1983-93, The.—June 1995. Negotiated wage changes in government, 1992.—June 1993. New look at occupational wages within individual establishments.—Nov. 1982. New views of inequality trends in Canada and the United States.—Apr. 1998. Noneconomic fluctuations in hours and earnings data.—Aug. 1999. Occupational wages in the fast-food restaurant industry.—Aug. 1994. On the decline in average weekly hours worked.—Jul. 2000. Pay differentials: the case of Japan.—Oct. 1984. Pay relatives for metropolitan areas in the NCS.—Mar. 2005. Persons with disabilities: Demographic, income, and health care characteristics, 1993.—Sep. 1998. Perspectives on comparable worth: an introduction to the data.—Dec. 1985. Preferred hours of work and corresponding earnings.—Nov. 1986. Profile of husbands in today's labor market.—Oct. 1987. Proportion of workers in selected pay ranges by region and State, 2005.—Dec. 2006. Public-private pay debate: what do the data show?, The.—May 1996. Public and private pay levels: a comparison in large labor markets.—Jul. 1981. Raising the minimum wage: effects on family poverty.—July 1990. Reassessing trends in U.S. earnings inequality.—Dec. 1997. Recent data on job prospects of college-educated youth.—Aug. 1993. Recent gains in women's earnings: better pay or longer hours?—Jul. 1990. Reconciling conflicting data on jobs for college graduates.—Jul. 1992. Reconciling divergent trends in real income.—Jul. 1986. Regulatory reform and labor outcomes in the U.S. electricity sector.—May 2003. Relative earnings of black men to white men by region, industry.—Apr. 1995. Replicate estimates of average hourly earnings.—Oct. 2000. Scheduled wage increases and cost-of-living provisions in 1981.—Jan. 1981. Scheduled wage increases and cost-of-living provisions in 1982.—Jan. 1982. Sources of increasing inequality in wages and salaries, 1960-80.—Apr. 1989. Staffing patterns prominent in female-male earnings gap.—Jun. 1984. State labor legislation enacted in 1996.—Jan. 1997. State labor legislation enacted in 2000.—Jan. 2001. State labor legislation enacted in 2001.—Jan. 2002. Temporary help workers: who they are, what jobs the hold.—Nov. 1986. Tenure as a factor in the male-female earnings gap.—Apr. 1982. The 1978-80 pay guidelines: meeting the need for flexibility.—Jul. 1981. The BLS wage query system: a new tool to access wage data.—Oct. 2001. The declining middle class: a further analysis.—Sept. 1986. The effects of firm size on wages in Colorado: a case study.—Jul. 2003. The influx of women into legal professions: an economic analysis.—Aug. 2002. The minimum wage: its relation to incomes and poverty.—Jun. 1987. The puzzling lag in southern earnings.—Jun. 1981. The shrinking middle class: myth or reality?—Mar. 1985. The spendable earnings series: has it outlived its usefulness?—Jan. 1982. The working poor in 2001.—Nov./Dec. 2003. Time rates tighten their grip on manufacturing industries.—May 1982. Trends in employment and earnings in the philanthropic sector.—Sept. 1984. Trends in wage and salary inequality, 1967-88.—June 1992. Using wage records in workforce investments in Ohio.—May 2004. Usual weekly earnings: intergroup differences and basic trends.—Apr. 1982. Vietnam-era cohort: employment and earnings.—June 1992. Wage and compensation changes in settlements, 1991.—May 1992. Wage and productivity stability in U.S. manufacturing plants.—May 2008. Wage differences for the same job and establishment.—Mar. 1985. Wage differentials associated with working at home.—Mar. 2007. Wage increases in 1981.—May 1982. Wages and compensation: 1990 negotiated adjustments.—May 1991. Wages and the university educated: a paradox resolved.—Jul. 1997. What do OES data have to say about increasing wage inequality?—Jun. 2009. White-collar pay determination under range-of-rate systems.—Dec. 1984. White-collar pay in goods and production, March 1990 (PDF 305K).—Dec. 1990. White-collar pay levels linked to corporate work force size.—May 1982. Women's earnings: an overview.—Dec. 1999. Work experience, earnings, and family income in 1981.—Apr. 1983. Work, poverty, and the working poor: a multifaceted problem.—Sept. 1986. Workers' purchasing power rises even as wage and salary gains lag.—May 1984. Working and poor in 1990.—Dec. 1992. Would a higher minimum wage help poor, female-headed families? (PDF 499K).—Aug. 1990. Economic and social statistics Boom in day care industry the result of many social changes.—Aug. 1995. Economic and demographic change: the case of New York City.—Feb. 1993. Economic and social conditions of children and the elderly.—Apr. 2000. Effect of working wives on the incidence of poverty, The.—Mar. 1998. Experimental poverty measurement for the 1990s.—Mar. 1998. International symposium on linked employer-employee data.—Jul. 1998. Knowing younger workers better: information from the NLSY97.—Sept. 2008. New international price series published by Nation and region.—June 1992. Poverty areas and the 'underclass:' untangling the web.—Mar. 1991. Providing comparable international labor statistics.—June 2002. Statistical needs in Eastern Europe.—Mar. 1992. The Leontief-BLS partnership: framework for measurement.—Jun. 2001. Understanding statistics on occupational illnesses.—Mar. 1981. Using statistics to manage a State safety and health program.—Mar. 1981. Work, poverty, and the working poor: a multifaceted problem.—Sept. 1986. Economic development and growth 1995 labor force: BLS latest projections, The.—Nov. 1985. 9/11 and the New York City economy: A borough-by-borough analysis.—Jun. 2004. A decade of economic change and population shifts in U.S. regions.—Nov. 1996. A second look at industry output and employment trends to 1995.—Nov. 1985. A summary of BLS projections to 2014.—Nov. 2005. An analysis of regional employment growth, 1973-85.—Jul. 1986. Another look at the labor force.—Nov. 1993. BLS and the Marshall Plan: the forgotten story.—Jun. 2005. BLS projections to 2006—a summary.—Nov. 1997. Bureau seeks better measures of service employment.—Nov. 1982. Business employment dynamics: tabulations by employer size.—Feb. 2006. Changes in regional unemployment over the last decade.—Mar. 1985. China’s changing economy.—Jun. 2006. Computer manufacturing enters a new era of growth.—Sept. 1986. Consumer spending: an engine for U.S. job growth.—Nov. 2002. Consumer spending on durables and services in the 1980's.—May 1992. Contribution of R&D to productivity growth, The.—Mar. 1986. Economic and demographic change: the case of New York City.—Feb. 1993. Economic outlook to 1995: new assumptions and projections, The.—Nov. 1985. Economic outlook through 1995: industry output and employment.—Nov. 1983. Economic projections to the year 2000.—Sept. 1987. Employment dynamics of individual companies versus multicorporations.—Dec. 2005. Employment in 1996: jobs up, unemployment down.—Feb. 1997. Employment in R&D-intensive high tech industries in Texas.—Nov. 1996. Employment projections to 2012: concepts and context.—Feb. 2004. Employment restructuring during China’s economic transition.—Aug. 2002. Employment rose in first half as recovery entered its third year.—Aug. 1985. Growth rate slows down in consumer prices, 1993.—May 1994.  Historical [economic] trends, 1950-92, and current uncertainties.—Nov. 1993. Industry output and employment.—Nov. 1993. Industry output and employment projections to 2006.—Nov. 1997.; Erratum Dec. 1997. Industry output and employment projections to 2010.—Nov. 2001. Industry output and employment projections to 2012.—Feb. 2004. Information technology and economic growth in Canada and the U.S.—Oct. 2002. Job creation and destruction within Washington and Baltimore.—Sept. 2001. Labor force 2006: slowing down and changing composition.—Nov. 1997.; Erratum Dec. 1997. Labor force projections to 2010: steady growth and changing composition.—Nov. 2001. Labor force projections to 2012: the graying of the U.S. workforce.—Feb. 2004. Measuring job and establishment flows with BLS longitudinal microdata.—Apr. 2001 Measuring labor force flows: a conference examines the problems.—Jul. 1985. Nature of occupational employment growth: 1983-93, The.—June 1995. New BLS projections: findings and implications.—Nov. 1991. New economic projections through 1990-an overview.—Aug. 1981. New international price series published by Nation and region.—June 1992. Occupational employment: wide variations in growth.—Nov. 1993. Occupational employment projections: the 1984-95 outlook.—Nov. 1985. Occupational employment projections to 2006.—Nov. 1997.; Erratum Dec. 1997. Occupational winners and losers: who they were during 1972-80.—Jun. 1982. Overview of BLS projections to 2016, An.—Dec. 2007. Perestroika and its impact on the Soviet labor market.—Dec. 1991.  Producer price rises slowed in improving economy in 1993.—May 1994. Reconciling divergent trends in real income.—Jul. 1986. Role of computers in reshaping the work force, The.—Aug. 1996. Sensitivity of BLS economic projections to exogenous variables.—Dec. 1986. Slower economic growth affects the 1995 labor market.—Mar. 1996. Strong employment gains continue in 1994.—Feb. 1995. Summary of BLS projections to 2005.—Nov. 1995. Survival and longevity in the Business Employment Dynamics data.—May 2005. U.S. economy into the 21st century.—Nov. 1991. U.S. economy to 2005, The.—Nov. 1995. U.S. economy to 2005: framework for BLS projections.—Nov. 1993. U.S. economy to 2006, The.—Nov. 1997. U.S. economy to 2008: a decade of continued growth, The.—Nov. 1999. U.S. economy to 2012: signs of growth, The.—Feb. 2004. U.S. economy to 2014, The.—Nov. 2005. U.S. economy to 2016: slower growth as boomers begin to retire, The.—Dec. 2007. U.S. economy through 1990-an update, The.—Aug. 1981. Which industries are sensitive to business cycles?—Feb. 1997. Work experience in 1983 reflects the effects of the recovery.—Dec. 1984. Education and training Alaska’s ‘brain drain’: myth or reality?—May 2004. Are more college graduates really taking 'high school' jobs?—Dec. 1995. Black college graduates in the labor market, 1979 and 1989.—Nov. 1990 College graduates in 'high school' jobs: a commentary.—Dec. 1995. Earnings in the 1980's: an occupational perspective.—July 1994. Earnings of college graduates: women compared with men.—Mar. 1998. Education, on-the-job training, and the black-white earnings gap.—Apr. 1981. Education and the work histories of young adults.—Apr. 1993. Education data in the NLSY79: a premiere research tool.—Feb. 2005. Employer-provided training: results from a new survey.—May. 1995. Employment in public schools and the student-to-employee ratio.—July 1994. Future of jobs for college graduates.—July 1992. Helping ex-offenders enter the labor market.—Jul. 1983. High performance work systems and firm performance.—May. 1995. How high school students use time: a visual essay.—Nov. 2008. Immigration and wage changes of high school dropouts.—Oct. 1997. Job-related education and training: their impact on earnings.—Oct. 1993. Job Training Partnership Act: new help for the unemployed.—Mar. 1983. Knowing younger workers better: information from the NLSY97.—Sept. 2008. Racial differences in youth employment.—Aug. 2001. Recent data on job prospects of college-educated youth.—Aug. 1993. Reconciling conflicting data on jobs for college graduates.—July. 1992. Results from the 1995 Survey of Employer-Provided Training.—June. 1998. School-to-work programs: information from two surveys.—Aug. 2001. ‘Second-chance’ strategies for women who drop out of school.—Dec. 2000. Shared training: learning from Germany.—Mar. 1991. Shortages of machinists: an evaluation of the information.—Jul. 1982. Teen time use and parental education: evidence from the CPS, MTF, and ATUS.—May 2007. The NLSY97: an introduction—Aug. 2001. The transition from school to work: education and work experiences.—Feb. 2005. Training among young adults: who, what kind, and for how long?—Aug. 1993. Upgrading the U.S. workplace: do reorganization, education help?—May 1995. U.S. and German youths: unemployment and the transition from school to work.—Mar. 1997. Volunteerism in the United States.—Aug. 2003. Wages and the university educated: a paradox resolved.—July 1997. Who goes to college? Evidence from the NLSY97.—Aug. 2008. Worker training: what we’ve learned from the nlsy79.—Feb. 2005. Worker training programs help ease impact of technology.—Nov. 1987. Youth enrollment and employment during the school year.—Feb. 2008. Young men and the transition to stable employment.—Aug. 1994. Young worker participation in post-school education and training.—June 1998. Youth employment during school: results from two longitudinal surveys.—Aug. 2001. Employment (See also Unemployment; Labor force.) 1990-91 recession, The: how bad was the labor market?—June. 1994. 1992: Job market in the doldrums.—Feb. 1993. A data user's look back from 2015.—Apr. 1990. A decade of economic change and population shifts in U.S. regions.—Nov. 1996. A first look at employment and wages using NAICS.—Dec. 2001. A look at occupational employment trends to the year 2000.—Sept. 1987. A profile of the working poor.—Oct. 1989. A second look at industry output and employment trends to 1995.—Nov. 1985. A surge in growing income inequality?—Aug. 1995. A visual essay: post-recessionary employment growth related to the housing market.—Oct. 2006. Agricultural employment: has the decline ended?—Nov. 1981. Alaska’s ‘brain drain’: myth or reality?—May 2004. American work force, 1992-2005. A special issue.—Nov. 1993. Historical trends, 1950-92, and current uncertainties. The U.S. economy to 2005: framework for BLS projections. Another look at the labor force. Industry output and unemployment. Occupational employment: wide variations in growth. An analysis of regional employment growth, 1973-85.—Jul. 1986. An analysis of U.S. industries sensitive to foreign trade, 1982-87.—Feb. 1993. An evaluation of BLS projections of 1980 industry employment.— Aug. 1984. Analyzing CPS data using gross flows—Sept. 2005. Are male veterans at greater risk for nonemployment than nonveterans?—Dec. 2007. Are more college graduates really taking 'high school' jobs?—Dec. 1995. Are single mothers finding jobs without displacing other workers?—Jul. 2001. Auto industry jobs in the 1980's: a decade of transition.—Feb. 1992. Auto retailing: changing trends in jobs and business.—Oct. 1998. Bears, bulls, and brokers: employment trends in the securities industry.—Dec. 2005. Births and deaths of business establishments in the United States, The.—Dec. 2008. BLS employment projections for 1990: an evaluation.—Aug. 1992. Boom in day care industry the result of many social changes.—Aug. 1995. Britain's redundancy payments for displaced workers.—Jun. 1987. Bureau seeks better measures of service employment.—Nov. 1982. Business employment dynamics: annual tabulations.—May 2009. Business employment dynamics: new data on gross job gains and losses.—Apr. 2004. Business employment dynamics: tabulations by employer size.—Feb. 2006. Business employment dynamics: tabulations by size of employment change.—Apr. 2009. Business Employment Dynamics data: survival and longevity, II.—Sept. 2007. Can occupational labor shortages be identified using available data?—March 1999. Changes in hospital staffing patterns.—Mar. 1991. Changing face of farm employment, The.—Apr. 1995. Characteristics of and preference for alternative work arrangements, 1999.—Mar. 2001. Characteristics of multiple jobholders, 1995.—Mar. 1997. Characteristics of workers in nonprofit organizations.—Jul. 1987. China’s manufacturing employment and compensation costs: 2002–06.—Apr. 2009. Coal industry resurgence attracts variety of new workers.—Jan. 1981. Coal mining in the U.S. West: price and employment trends.—Aug. 1997. College graduates in 'high school' jobs: a commentary.—Dec. 1995. Competition drives the trucking industry.—Apr. 1998. Computer and Internet use at work in 2001.—Feb. 2003. Computer manufacturing: change and competition.—Aug. 1996. Contingent work: a second look.—Nov. 1998. Contingent work in the late-1990s.—Mar. 2001. Counting the counters: effects of Census 2000 on employment.—Feb. 2000. Cutting the cord: telecommunications employment shifts toward wireless.—Jul. 2006. Cyclical behavior of high tech industries.—May 1985. Diffusion indexes: an economic barometer.—Apr. 1990. Disability and the characteristics of employment.—May 2003. Do some workers have minimum wage careers?—May 2001. Drugs manufacturing: a prescription for jobs.—Mar. 1995. Earnings and employment trends in the 1990s—Mar. 2000. Earnings of college graduates, 1993.—Dec. 1995. Economic projections to the year 2000.—Sept. 1987. Education and the work histories of young adults.—Apr. 1993. Effect of business ownership change on occupational employment and wages, The.—Sep. 2008. Employed but not at work: a review of unpaid absences.—Nov. 1981. Employee absences in 1989 (PDF 396K).—Aug. 1990 Employment and other trends in the electric services industry.—Sep. 1999. Employment and unemployment: a report on 1980.—Feb. 1981. Employment and unemployment: developments in 1985.—Feb. 1986. Employment and unemployment gains widespread in 1983.—Feb. 1984. Employment and unemployment in the first half of 1981.—Aug. 1981. Employment and wage outcomes for North Carolina's high-tech workers.—May 2004. Employment and wages for the U.S. ocean and coastal economy.—Nov. 2004. Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993. Employment change by occupation, industry, and earnings quartile, 2000-05.—Dec. 2006. Employment changes in construction : secular, cyclical, seasonal.—Mar. 1983. Employment characteristics of Gulf War-era II veterans in 2006: a visual essay.—May 2008. Employment created by construction expenditures.—Dec. 1981. Employment during 1984: a second year of strong growth.—Feb. 1985. Employment dynamics: small and large firms over the business cycle. Employment dynamics of individual companies versus multicorporations.—Dec. 2005. Employment effects of the rise and fall in defense spending.—Apr. 1993. Employment gains slow in first half of 1989.—Aug. 1989. Employment impact of electronic business—May. 2001. Employment in 1996: jobs up, unemployment down.—Feb. 1997. Employment in business services: a year of unprecedented decline.—Apr. 2002. Employment in durable goods anthing but durable in 1979-82.—Feb. 1984. Employment in health services: long-term trends and projections.—Aug. 1986. Employment in high-tech defense industries in a post cold war era.—Aug. 1996. Employment in hospitals: unconventional patterns.—Jun. 2006. Employment in public schools and the student-to-employee ratio.—July 1994. Employment in services industries affected by recessions and expansions.—Oct. 2001. Employment in the first half: robust recovery continues.—Aug. 1984. Employment in the public sector.—Oct. 2004. Employment on the rise in the first half of 1983.—Aug. 1983. Employment programs for disabled youth: and international view. (PDF 493K).—Dec. 1990. Employment rate of people with disabilities, The.—Nov. 2008. Employment restructuring during China’s economic transition.—Aug. 2002. Employment rose in first half as recovery entered its third year.—Aug. 1985. Employment shifts in high-technology industries, 1988-96.—Jun. 1997. Employment trends in energy extraction.—May 1981. Employment trends in textiles and apparel, 1973-2005.—Aug. 1997.; Erratum Sept. 1997. Employment trends in the security brokers and dealers industry.—Sept. 1995. Employment up, unemployment stable during 1986 first half.—Aug. 1986. Entry into and consequences of nonstandard work arrangements.—Oct. 1996. Estimating annual hours of labor force activity.—Feb. 1983. Estimating economic losses in the Bay Area from a magnitude-6.9 earthquake.—Dec. 2007. Estimating gross flows consistent with stocks in the CPS.—Sept. 2005. Evaluating BLS labor force, employment, and occupation projections for 2000.—Jul. 2005. Evaluating the 1980 projections of occupational employment.—Jul. 1982. Evaluating the 1990 projections of occupational employment.—Aug. 1992. Evaluating the 1995 industry employment projections.—Sept. 1997. Evaluating the 1995 occupational employment projections.—Sept. 1997.; Erratum Oct. 1997. Evaluating the BLS 1988–2000 employment projections.—Oct. 2003. Families and work in transition in 12 countries, 1980–2001.—Sept. 2003. Flexible labor: restructuring the American work force.—Aug. 1997. Flexible schedules and shift work: replacing the '9-to-5' workday?—June. 2000. Flexible work schedules: what are we trading off to get them? From supermarkets to supercenters: employment shifts to the one-stop shop.—Feb. 2006. Gender differences in occupational employment.—Apr. 1997. Geographic concentration of trade-sensitive employment.—June 1993. Geospatial distribution of employment: a new visual asset, The.—Mar. 2007. Government employment: an era of slow growth.—Oct. 1981. Have employment patterns in recessions changed?—Feb. 1981. Health care alternatives: employment and occupations in 2005.—Apr. 1994. Health service: the real jobs machine.—Nov. 1992. Health services industry: still a job machine?—Mar. 1999. High-technology employment: a NAICS-based update.—Jul. 2005. High technology employment: another view.—Jul. 1991. High technology today and tomorrow: small slice of employment.—Nov. 1983. Home-based workers: data from the 1990 Census of Population.—Nov. 1996. Home-sweet-home health care.—Mar. 1995. Hospital employment under revised medicare payment schedules.—Aug. 1986. Hospital staffing patterns in urban and nonurban areas.—Mar. 1995. Household survey data show labor market improvements.—Mar. 2007. Household survey indicators show some improvement in 2004.—Mar. 2005. Household survey indicators weaken in 2007.—Mar. 2008. How human resource systems adjust to the shift towards contingent workers.—Mar. 1989. How many new jobs since 1982? Two surveys differ.—Aug. 1989. How often do workers receive advance notice of layoff?—Jun. 1987. Hurricane Katrina’s effects on industry employment and wages.—Aug. 2006. Industry dynamics in the Washington, DC, area: has a second job core emerged?—Dec. 2006. Industry employment and the 1990-91 recession.—July 1993. Industry output and employment projections to 2014.—Nov. 2005. Industry output and employment projections to 2005.—Nov. 1995. Industry output and employment projections to 2008.—Nov. 1999. Industry output and employment projections to 2010.—Nov. 2001. Industry output and employment projections to 2012.—Feb. 2004. Industry output and employment projections to 2016.—Dec. 2007. Industry output and employment through the end of the century.—Sept. 1987. Industry output and employment.—Nov. 1993. Industry output, employment growth slowdown continues.—Nov. 1991. Infrastructure alternatives for 2005: employment and occupations.—Apr. 1994. Institutional barriers to employment of older workers.—Apr. 1989. Into contingent and alternative employment: by choice.—Oct. 1996. Job-creating performance of employee-owned firms.—Aug. 1983. Job creation and destruction within Washington and Baltimore.—Sept. 2001. Job creation and the emerging home computer market.—Aug. 1996. Job flows and labor dynamics in the U.S. Rust Belt—Sept. 2002. Job growth and industry shifts in the 1980's.—Sept. 1990. Job growth continued, unemployment dipped during 1986.—Feb. 1987. Job growth in television: cable versus broadcast.—Aug. 2000. Job growth in the 1990s: a retrospect.—Dec. 2000. Job growth moderated in 1989; unemployment steady.—Feb. 1990. Job market slid in early 1991, then struggled to find footing.—Feb. 1992. Job openings and hires decline in 2008.—May 2009. Job search methods: Internet versus traditional.—Oct. 2000. Jobs in 2005: How do they compare with their March 2001 counterparts?.—Jul. 2006. Knowing younger workers better: information from the NLSY97.—Sept. 2008. Labor force experience of women from ‘Generation X’.—Mar. 2002. Labor force projections: 1986-2000.—Sept. 1987. Labor force projections: the baby boom moves on.—Nov. 1991. Labor force status of families: a visual essay.—Jul./Aug. 2007. Labor market completes sixth year of expansion in 1988.—Feb. 1989. Labor market contrasts: United States and Europe.—Aug. 1983. Labor market developments in U.S. and nine other countries.—Jan. 1984. Labor market improves in 1993, The.—Feb. 1994. Long-term consequences of nontraditional employment, The.—May 1998. Lower unemployment in 2005.—Mar. 2006. Manufacturing employment in China.—Jul. 2005. Marriage, children, and women's employment: what do we know?—Dec. 1999. Married mothers' work patterns: the job-family compromise.—June 1994. Measuring job and establishment flows with BLS longitudinal microdata.—Apr. 2001 Measuring job security.—June 1997. Measuring labor force flows: a conference examines the problems.—Jul. 1985. Measuring self-employment in the United States.—Jan./Feb. 1996. Measuring wage dispersion: pay ranges reflect industry traits.—Apr. 1981. More than wages at issue in job quality debate.—Dec. 1989. Multimedia and digital visual effects: an emerging local labor market.—Mar. 1998. Multiple jobholding in States, 2004.—Dec. 2005. Multiple jobholding in States, 2006.—Sept. 2007. Multiple jobholding up sharply in the eighties.—Jul. 1990. Nature of employment growth, 1985-95, The.—June 1996. Nature of occupational employment growth: 1983-93, The.—Jun. 1995. New and emerging occupations.—Dec. 2004. New data on multiple jobholding available from the CPS.—Mar. 1997. New economic projections through 1990-an overview.—Aug. 1981. New estimates of working time for elementary school teachers —Apr. 1999. New tools for labor market analysis: JOLTS.—Dec. 2001. New worklife estimates reflect changing profile of labor force.—Mar. 1982. Nonprofit organizations: new insights from QCEW data.—Sept. 2005. Occupational change: pursuing a different kind of work.—Sept. 1989. Occupational employment based on 1972 and 1987 SIC (PDF 263K).—May 1990. Occupational employment growth through 1990.—Aug. 1981. Occupational employment in commercial banking, 1987-90.—Apr. 1993. Occupational employment in the not-for-profit sector.—Nov. 2008. Occupational employment projections.—Nov. 1991. Occupational employment projections to 2014.—Nov. 2005. Occupational employment projections to 2008.—Nov. 1999. Occupational employment projections to 2010.—Nov. 2001. Occupational employment projections to 2012.—Feb. 2004. Occupational employment projections to 2016.—Dec. 2007. Occupational employment to 2005.—Nov. 1995. Occupational employment: wide variations in growth.—Nov. 1993. Occupational mobility and job tenure in 1983.—Oct. 1984. Occupational trends in advertising, 1984-90.—Sept. 1992. Older workers in the 21st century: active and educated, a case study.—June 1996. On the decline in average weekly hours worked.—Jul. 2000. On the definition of 'contingent work.'—Dec. 1989. On their own: the self-employed and others in private business.—May 1987. Overemployment mismatches: the preference of income for fewer hours.—Apr. 2007. Overview and implications of the projections to 2000.—Sept. 1987. Part-time work and industry growth-March 1999.—Mar. 1999. Payroll employment and job openings continued to grow.—Mar. 2007. Payroll employment grows in 2004.—Mar. 2005. Payroll employment in 2005: recovery and expansion—Mar. 2006. Payroll employment in 2007: the slowdown.—Mar. 2008. Racial differences in youth employment.—Aug. 2001. Reasons for the continuing growth of part-time employment.—Mar. 1991. Reasons for not working: poor and nonpoor compared.—Aug. 1989. Recent changes in the national Current Employment Statistics survey.—June 2003. Recent changes in the State and Metropolitan Area CES survey.—June 2003. Recent employment trends in residential and nonresidential construction.—Oct. 2006. Regional variations in employment and unemployment, 1970-82.—Feb. 1984. Regulatory reform and labor outcomes in the U.S. electricity sector.—May 2003. School-to-work programs: information from two surveys.—Aug. 2001. Scientific and technical employment, 1990-2005.—Feb. 1992. Seasonal and sectoral patterns in youth employment.—Apr. 2000. Seasonal employment falls over past three decades.—July 1993. Secular and cyclical patterns in white and nonwhite employment.—May 1996. Self-employed workers: an update to 1983.—Jul. 1984. Self-employment, entrepreneurship, and the nlsy79.—Feb. 2005. Semiconductors: the building blocks of the information revolution.—Aug. 1996. Services: business demand rivals consumer demand in driving job growth.—Apr. 2002. Services industry in the 'good' versus 'bad' jobs debate.—Feb. 1998. Short workweeks during economic downturns.—Jun. 1983. Slower economic growth affects the 1995 labor market.—Mar. 1996. Software and engineering industries: threatened by technological change? The.—Aug. 1996. State and regional employment and unemployment in 1983.—Sept. 1984. Strong employment gains continue in 1994.—Feb. 1995. Strong employment growth highlights first half of 1987.—Sept. 1987. Strong job growth continues, unemployment declines in 1997.—Feb. 1998. Studying the labor market using BLS labor dynamics data.—Feb. 2008. Substantial job losses in 2008: weakness broadens and deepens across industries.—Mar. 2009. Survival and longevity in the Business Employment Dynamics data.—May 2005. Takeoff and descent of airline employment.—Oct. 2008. Taking note of the paper industry.—Sept. 1997. The 1982 Mexican peso devaluation and border area employment.—Oct. 1985. The 1987-88 surge in exports and the rise in factory jobs.—May 1990. The changing makeup of the military and the effect on labor data.—Jul. 1984. The characteristics of small-business employees.—Apr. 2000. The Current Population Survey response to Hurricane Katrina.—Aug. 2006. The declining middle class: a further analysis.—Sept. 1986. The effect of Hurricane Katrina on employment and unemployment.—Aug. 2006. The effects of shift work on the lives of employees.—Oct. 1981. The employment-at-will doctrine: three major exceptions The employment-population ratio: its value in labor force analysis.—Feb. 1981. The employment expansion in retail trade, 1973-85.—Aug. 1986. The employment shift to services: where did it come from?—Apr. 1984. The employment situation for military wives.—Feb. 1981. The employment situation in 1981: new recession takes its toll.—Mar. 1982. The female-male unemployment differential.—Nov. 1984. The health services industry: a decade of expansion.—May 1981. The impact of strikes on current employment statistics.—Aug 2000. The job market in 2000: slowing down as the year ended.—Feb. 2001. The job market remains strong in 1999.—Feb. 2000. The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey: what initial data show.—Nov. 2004. The labor market impact of Hurricane Katrina: an overview.—Aug. 2006. The Nation's employment situation worsens in the first half.—Aug. 1982. The negative income tax: would it discourage work?—Apr. 1981. The NLSY97: an introduction.—Aug. 2001. The outlook for industry output and employment through 1990.—Aug. 1981. The pulse of economic change: displaced workers of 1981-85.—Jun. 1987. The quality of BLS projections: a historical account—June 1999 The role of gender in job promotions.—Dec. 1999. The 'Sandwich generation': women caring for parents and children.—Sept. 2006. The service-producing sector: some common perceptions.—Apr. 1983. The transition from school to work: education and work experiences.—Feb. 2005. The U.S. economy to 2010.—Nov. 2001. The U.S. Employment Service at 50: it too had to wait its turn.—Jun. 1983. The U.S. labor market in 2003: signs of improvement by year’s end.—Mar. 2004. Time spent unemployed: a new look at data from the CPS.—Jul. 1987. Time to work: recent trends in shift work and flexible schedules, A.—Dec. 2007. Time use of working parents: a visual essay.—Jun. 2008. Tracking job growth in private industry.—Sept. 1982. Trade-sensitive employment: who are the affected workers?—Feb. 1981. Transportation by air: job growth moderates.—Mar. 2000. Trends in employment and earnings in the philanthropic sector.—Sept. 1984. Trends in employment and unemployment in families.—Dec. 1983. Trends in job demands among older workers, 1992–2002.—Jul. 2004. Trends in labor force flows during recent recessions.—Apr. 2009. Two new construction employment series for specialty trade contractors.—Oct. 2006. U.S. consumers: which jobs are they creating?—June 1996. U.S. labor market in 2008: economy in recession.—Mar. 2009. U.S. labor market in 2002: continued weakness.—Feb. 2003. U.S. labor market in 2001: economy enters a recession.—Feb. 2002. U.S. labor market performance in international perspective.—June 2002. U.S. labor market weakened in 1990.—Feb. 1991. Understanding the employment measures from the establishment and household surveys.—Feb. 2006. Unemployment, labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: update.—Nov. 1982. Union membership in 2007: a visual essay.—Oct. 2008. Unpaid family workers: long-term decline continues.—Oct. 1982. Unraveling employment trends in textiles and apparel.—Aug. 1995. Utilization of labor resources in Japan and the United States.—Apr. 2002. Wage differentials associated with flextime.—Mar. 2001. What is an employee? The answer depends on the Federal law.—Jan. 2002. What temporary workers earn: findings from new BLS survey.—Mar. 1989. Which industries are sensitive to business cycles?—Feb. 1997. White-collar pay levels linked to corporate work force size.—May 1982. Why did employment expand in poultry processing plants?—June 1994. Why size class methodology matters in analyses of net and gross job flows.—Jul. 2004. Women's part-time employment: a gross flows analysis.—Apr. 1995. Women and jobs in recoveries: 1970-93.—July 1994. Work and the work force in the nonprofit sector.—Apr. 1983. Work experience, earnings, and family income in 1981.—Apr. 1983. Work experience in 1983 reflects the effects of the recovery.—Dec. 1984. Work shifts and disability: a national view.—Sep. 2002. Worker displacement in an expanding economy.—Dec. 1997. Workers in alternative employment arrangements: a second look.—Nov. 1998. Working for Uncle Sam: a look at members of the Armed Forces.—Jul. 1984. Workplace e-mail and Internet use: employees and employers beware.—Feb. 2003. Young men and the transition to stable employment.—Aug. 1994. Youth employment during school: results from two longitudinal surveys.—Aug. 2001. Youth employment in the United States.—Aug. 2001. Youth initiation into the labor market.—Aug. 2001. Employment Cost Index Accounting for missing data in the Employment Cost Index.—Apr. 2006. Accounting for wages and benefits using the ECI.—Sept. 2004. Changes affecting the Employment Cost Index: an overview.—Apr. 2006. Employers’ health insurance cost burden, 1996–2005.—Jun. 2008. Employment Cost Index publication plans.—Apr. 2006. Introducing 2002 weights in the Employment Cost Index.—Apr. 2006. Introducing new weights for the Employment Cost Index.—Jun. 1985. Is the ECI sensitive to the method of aggregation? an update.—Dec. 2002. Is the ECI sensitive to the method of aggregation?—June 1997. Seasonal adjustments in the Employment Cost Index.—Apr. 2006. State and local government pay increases outpace gains in industry.—Feb. 1987. The Employment Cost Index: recent trends and expansion.—May 1982. The Employment Cost Index: what is it?—Sept. 2001. The Employment Cost Index in 1980: a first look at total compensation.—Jun. 1981. Transitional employment cost indexes for seasonal adjustment.—Apr. 2008. Using the Employment Cost Index to adjust Medicare payments—Oct. 2002. Workers' purchasing power rises even as wage and salary gains lag.—May 1984. Energy Analysis of Southern energy expenditures and prices, 1984–2006, An.—Apr. 2008. Consumer gasoline prices: an empirical investigation.—July 2003. Consumer inflation lower in 2001: energy and apparel prices declined.—Mar. 2002. Employment and other trends in the electric services industry. — Sep. 1999. Employment trends in energy extraction.—May 1981. Import price indexes for crude petroleum.—Nov. 1982. Inflation cross-currents: energy, food, and homeownership.—Jun. 1981. Price and expenditure measures of petroleum products: a comparison.—Dec. 2006. Price transmission: from crude petroleum to plastics products.—Dec. 2006. Productivity growth low in the oilfield machinery industry.—Dec. 1985. Productivity in crude oil and natural gas production.—Mar. 1992. Producer price highlights during 2001.—Jul. 2002. Producer price inflation accelerates in 2007 due to rising prices for energy and food.—Jul. 2008. Sharp drop in energy prices holds inflation in check during 1986.—May 1987. Engineers Scientific and technical employment, 1990-2005.—Feb. 1992. The software and engineering industries: threatened by technological change?—Aug. 1996. Equal Employment Opportunity Arbitrating discrimination cases after Gardner-Denver.—Oct. 1983. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant issues of 1992-96.—Jan. 1997. Labor Department's first program to assist black workers.—Jun. 1982. Europe BLS and the Marshall Plan: the forgotten story.—Jun. 2005. Comparing U.S. and European inflation: the CPI and the HICP.—May 2006. European job creation in the wake of plant closings and layoffs.—Oct. 1986. Foreign housing voucher systems: evolution and strategies.—May 1986. Helping Poland cope with unemployment.—Dec. 1990. How Poland's Solidarity won freedom of association.—Sept. 1989. International comparisons of Harmonized Indexes of Consumer Prices.—Feb. 2007. International comparisons of manufacturing unit labor costs.—Dec. 1993. Labor market contrasts: United States and Europe.—Aug. 1983. Low unemployment in the Czech Republic: 'miracle' or 'mirage'?—Aug. 1998. Statistical needs in Eastern Europe.—Mar. 1992. The European Community 1992 program and U. S. workers.—Nov. 1990. Expenditures (See Consumer expenditures.) A changing market: expenditures by Hispanic consumers, revisited.—Aug. 2003. Consumer expenditures in different-size cities.—Dec. 1989. Consumer expenditures in travel, 1980-97 (PDF 458K).—Jun. 1990. Expenditures of single parents: how does gender figure in?—Jul. 2002. Families of working wives spending more on services, nondurables.—Feb. 1989. Health insurance trends in cost control and coverage.—Sept. 1986. How family spending has changed the U.S.—Mar. 1990. Spending differences across occupational fields.—Dec. 1989. Spending patterns of elderly workers and nonworkers.—May 1990. The spendable earnings series: has it outlived its usefulness?—Jan. 1982. Exports (See Foreign trade.) Import and export price trends in 2006.—Oct. 2007. Japanese exchange rates, export restraints, and auto prices.—Feb. 2007. Family issues (See also Women.) 1989 employee benefits address family concerns (PDF 392K).—Jun. 1990. A century of family budgets in the United States.—May. 2001. American families: 75 years of change-Mar. 1990. Boom in day care industry the result of many social changes.—Aug. 1995. Changing impact of marriage and children on women’s labor force participation, The.—Feb. 2009. Child-care: arrangements and costs.—Oct. 1991. Child-care problems: an obstacle to work.—Oct. 1991. Child care services: a national picture.—Dec. 1983. Children of the NLSY79: a unique data resource.—Feb. 2005. Comparing childcare measures in the ATUS and earlier time diary studies.—May 2007. Earnings of husbands and wives in dual-earner families.—Apr. 1998. Effect of working wives on the incidence of poverty, The.—Mar. 1998. Expenditures of single parents: how does gender figure in?—Jul. 2002. Families and work in transition in 12 countries, 1980–2001.—Sept. 2003. Family members in the work force.—Mar. 1990. Family-related benefits in the workplace.—Mar. 1990. Family and medical leave: evidence from the 2000 surveys.—Sept. 2001. Family leave coverage in the 1990s.—Oct. 1999. Health insurance coverage for families with children.—Aug. 1995. Helping employees with family care.—Sept. 1990. How family spending has changed the U.S.—Mar. 1990. Husbands and wives as earners: an analysis of family data.—Feb. 1981. Interrelation of child support, visitation, and hours of work.—June 1992. Labor force statistics from a family perspective.—Dec. 1983. Labor force status of families: a visual essay.—Jul./Aug. 2007. Married couples: work and income patterns.—Dec. 1983. Married women, work, and values.—Aug. 2000. Measuring the complexity of hours at work: the weekly work grid.—Apr. 2002. Most women who head families receive poor job market returns.—Dec. 1983. New household survey and the CPS: labor force differences.—Sept. 1985. Profile of husbands in today's labor market.—Oct. 1987. Raising the minimum wage: effects on family poverty.—July. 1990. State labor legislation enacted in 1999.—Jan. 2000. State labor legislation enacted in 2000.—Jan. 2001. Synchronicity in the work schedules of working couples.—Apr. 2002. The changing family in international perspective.—Mar. 1990. The employment situation for military wives.—Feb. 1981. The 'Sandwich generation': women caring for parents and children.—Sept. 2006. Time use of working parents: a visual essay.—Jun. 2008. Trends in employment and unemployment in families.—Dec. 1983. Trends in labor force participation of married mothers of infants.—Feb. 2007. Unemployment and its effect on family income in 1980.—Apr. 1982. Variations in time use at stages of the life cycle.—Sept. 2005. Wage differentials associated with working at home.—Mar. 2007. Welfare reform data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation.—Jul. 2001. Welfare reform impacts in SIPP.—Nov. 2002. Women paid low wages:who they are and where they work.—Sept. 2000. Women's work expectations and actual experience.—Nov. 1987. Work and family: impact of legislation.—Mar. 1990. Work at home: data from the CPS.—Feb. 1994. Work experience, earnings, and family income in 1981.—Apr. 1983. Working wives and mothers: what happens to family life?—Sept. 1981. Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) A special issue commemorating 75 years of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act.—Sept. 1991. Federal Employees' Compensation Act. Role of workers' compensation in developing safer workplaces. Sound medical evidence: key to FECA claims. U.S. worker rehabilitation in international perspective. Foreign trade An analysis of U.S. industries sensitive to foreign trade, 1982-87.—Feb. 1993. Are producer prices good proxies for export prices?-Oct. 1997. Chemical trade prospers in the 1980's.—June 1991. Dollar's fall boosts U.S. machinery exports, 1985-90.—July 1991. Factors affecting the international softwood lumber market, 1987-93.—Feb. 1994. Foreign trade alternatives for employment and occupations, 2005.—Nov. 1994. Geographic concentration of trade-sensitive employment.—June 1993. Import and export price trends, 2007.—Feb. 2009. Import and export prices gain ease in 1989.—Jun. 1990. Import price declines in 1986 reflected reduced oil prices.—Apr. 1987. Import price indexes for crude petroleum.—Nov. 1982. Import price rise in 2005 due to continued high energy prices.—Nov. 2006. Imports and domestic employment: identifying affecting affected industries.—Aug. 1982. IPP introduces additional Locality of Origin import price indexes.—Dec. 2005. Labor costs of manufacturing employees in China: an update to 2003–04.—Nov. 2006. Manufacturing earnings and compensation in China.—Aug. 2005. Manufacturing employment in China.—Jul. 2005. New international price series published by Nation and region.—June 1992. Prices of U.S. imports and exports declined in 1984.—Apr. 1985. Strong dollar, recovery mark international prices in 1983.—Apr. 1984. The 1982 Mexican peso devaluation and border area employment.—Oct. 1985. The 1987-88 surge in exports and the rise in factory jobs.—May 1990. Trade-sensitive employment: who are the affected workers?—Feb. 1981. Trade and displacement in manufacturing.—Apr. 1995. U.S. foreign trade prices in 1982: import and export indexes.—May 1983. U.S. import and export price indexes show declines in first half.—Jan. 1983. U.S. import and export prices in 2003.—Sept. 2004. U.S. import and export prices in 2004.—Jul. 2005. France Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995. Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993. International comparisons of unemployment indicators.—Mar. 1993. International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.—Aug. 1995. Manufacturing multifactor productivity in three countries.—July 1995. Manufacturing prices, productivity, and labor costs in five economies.—July 1995. Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991. Measuring the complexity of hours at work: the weekly work grid.—Apr. 2002. Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.—Aug. 1985. U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997. Germany Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995. Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993. International comparisons of unemployment indicators.—Mar. 1993. International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.—Aug. 1995. Manufacturing multifactor productivity in three countries.—July 1995. Manufacturing prices, productivity, and labor costs in five economies.—July 1995. Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991. Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.—Aug. 1985. Shared training: learning from Germany.—Mar. 1991. Statistical needs of Eastern Europe.—Mar. 1992. Trends in retirement age in four countries, 1965-95.—Aug. 1998 U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997. U.S. and German youths: unemployment and the transition from school to work.—Mar. 1997. Work participation and productivity change.—Sept. 1984. Great Britain (See United Kingdom.) Gross national product U.S. economy into the 21st century.—Nov. 1991. GDP components' contribution to U.S. economic growth.—June 1998. Government (See Public employees.) Health and insurance plans An analysis of lump-sum pension distribution recipients.—May 2002. Comparing benefit costs for full- and part-time workers.—March 1999. Consumer expenditures for selected items, 1999 and 2000.—May 2003. Development and growth of employer-provided health insurance.—March 1994. Effects of health insurance on consumer spending, The.—Mar. 1995. Employee income protection against short-term disabilities.—Feb. 1985. Employee payments for health care services.—Nov. 1992. Employer-sponsored health insurance: what's offered, what's chosen?-Oct. 1995. Employer-sponsored prescription drug benefits.—Feb. 1991. Employers’ health insurance cost burden, 1996–2005.—Jun. 2008. Federal statistics on healthcare benefits and cost trends.—Nov. 2004. Growth of employer-sponsored group life insurance.—Oct. 1991. Health and retirement benefits: data from two BLS surveys—Mar. 2000. Health insurance coverage for families with children.—Aug. 1995. Health insurance loss: the case of the displaced worker.—Apr. 1987. Health insurance trends in cost control and coverage.—Sept. 1986. Health maintenance organizations: plan offerings and enrollments.—Apr. 1991. HMOs and other health plans: coverage and employee premiums.—Jun. 1983. Incidence benefits measures in the National Compensation Survey.—Aug. 2004. Is employer-sponsored life insurance declining relative to other benefits?—Sept. 1981. Major medical coverage during a period of rising costs.—Jul. 1983. Medical and retirement plan coverage: exploring the decline in recent years.—Aug. 2004. Mental health benefits financed by employers.—Jul. 1987. New benefits data from the National Compensation Survey.—Aug. 2004. New statistics for health insurance from the National Compensation Survey.—Aug. 2004. Outpatient surgery: helping to contain health care costs.—Nov. 1992. Preventive care provisions, other benefits: are they described in plan documents?—Oct. 2002. Substance abuse coverage provided by employer medical plans.—Apr. 1991. The National Compensation Survey: a wealth of benefits data.—Aug. 2004. Trends in employer-provided health care benefits.—Feb. 1991. Trends in employer-provided mental health and substance abuse benefits.—Apr. 2005. Trends in employer-provided prescription-drug coverage.—Aug. 2004. Trends in out-of-pocket spending on health care, 1980-92.—Dec. 1995. Using the Employment Cost Index to adjust Medicare payments—Oct. 2002. Who really has access to employer-provided health benefits?-June 1995. Health care (See also Occupational safety and health.) BLS and Alice Hamilton: pioneers in industrial health.—Jun. 1986. Caring for America's aging population: a profile of the direct-care workforce.—Sept. 2007. Economic and social conditions of children and the elderly.—Apr. 2000. Employee income protection against short-term disabilities.—Feb. 1985. Employment in health services: long-term trends and projections.—Aug. 1986. Federal statistics on healthcare benefits and cost trends.—Nov. 2004. Health care alternatives: employment and occupations in 2005.—Apr. 1994. Health care and prescription drug spending by seniors—Mar. 2003. Health insurance trends in cost control and coverage.—Sept. 1986. Health services industry: still a job machine?-March 1999. HMOs and other health plans: coverage and employee premiums.—Jun. 1983. Hospital employment under revised medicare payment schedules.—Aug. 1986. Household-food-expenditure patterns: a cluster analysis.—Apr. 2007. Major medical coverage during a period of rising costs.—Jul. 1983. Persons with disabilities: Demographic, income, and health care characteristics, 1993.—Sep. 1998. Prescription drug prices for the elderly.—Sep. 1998. Preventive care provisions, other benefits: are they described in plan documents?—Oct. 2002. Special topics in health care. A special issue.—Mar. 1995. Home-sweet-home health care. Drugs manufacturing: a prescription for jobs. Hospital staffing patterns in urban and nonurban areas. The effects of health insurance on consumer spending. Health benefits coverage among male workers. The health services industry: a decade of expansion.—May 1981. Trends in out-of-pocket spending on health care, 1980-92.—Dec. 1995. Using the Employment Cost Index to adjust Medicare payments—Oct. 2002. Who really has access to employer-provided health benefits?-June 1995. Work-related hospitalizations in Massachusetts: racial/ethnic differences.—Oct. 2005. Hispanic workers A changing market: expenditures by Hispanic consumers, revisited.—Aug. 2003. A growing market: expenditures by Hispanic consumers.—Mar. 1998. Cognitive testing of racial and ethnic questions for the CPS supplement.—Sept. 1996. Commission urges changes in immigration policy—a review essay.—Feb. 1982. Diversity of Hispanics in the U.S. work force, The.—Aug. 1993. Fatal work injuries among foreign-born Hispanic workers.—Oct. 2005. Foreign-born workforce, 2004: a visual essay.—Jul. 2006. Job losses among Hispanics in the recent recession.—June 1994. Recent recessions swell ranks of the long-term unemployed.—Feb. 1984. Testing racial and ethnic origin questions in the CPS supplement.—Sept. 1996. The role of foreign-born workers in the U.S. economy.—May 2002. History (See Labor and economic history.) Home-based work Home-based workers: data from the 1990 Census of Population.—Nov. 1996. Wage differentials associated with working at home.—Mar. 2007. Work at home: data from the CPS.—Feb. 1994. Work at home: new findings from the Current Population Survey.—Nov. 1986. Work schedules of Americans: an overview of new findings.—Nov. 1986. Hours of work A profile of contingent workers.—Oct. 1996. Alternative measures of supervisory employee hours and productivity growth.—Apr. 2004. Analyzing the recent upward surge in overtime hours.—Feb. 2000 Bureau seeks better measures of service employment.—Nov. 1982. Characteristics of and preference for alternative work arrangements, 1999.—Mar. 2001. Contingent and alternative work arrangements, defined.—Oct. 1996. Contingent work in the late-1990s.—Mar. 2001. Earnings and benefits of contingent and noncontingent workers.—Oct. 1996. Earnings and benefits of workers in alternative work arrangements.—Oct. 1996. Entry into and consequences of nonstandard work arrangements.—Oct. 1996. Estimating annual hours of labor force activity.—Feb. 1983. Flexible labor: restructuring the American work force.—Aug. 1997. Flexible schedules and shift work: replacing the '9-to-5' workday?-Aug. 2000. Flexible work schedules: what are we trading off to get them? Gender and nonstandard work hours in 12 European countries.—Feb. 2008. Hours at work: a new base for BLS productivity statistics.—Feb. 1990. How hours of work affect occupational earnings.—Oct. 1998. International comparisons of hours worked: an assessment of the statistics.—May 2009. Interrelation of child support, visitation, and hours of work.—June 1992. Involuntary part-time work: new information from the CPS.—Feb. 1981. Into contingent and alternative employment: by choice.—Oct. 1996. Job commitment in America: is it waxing or waning?-Jul. 1983. Measuring how people spend their time: a time-use survey design.—Aug. 1999. Measuring intrahousehold allocation of time: response to Anne E. Winkler.—Feb. 2002. Measuring job security.—June 1997. Measuring the complexity of hours at work: the weekly work grid.—Apr. 2002. Measuring time at work: are self-reports accurate?-Dec. 1998. Measuring time use in households with more than one person.—Feb. 2002. Missed work and lost hours, May 1985.—Nov. 1986. New BLS survey measures ratio of hours worked to hours paid.—Jun. 1984. Noneconomic fluctuations in hours and earnings data.—Aug. 1999. Notes on time use.—Aug. 1999. On the decline in average weekly hours worked.—Jul. 2000. Overemployment mismatches: the preference of income for fewer hours.—Apr. 2007. Overestimated workweek, The? What time diary measures suggest.—Aug. 1994. Overtime work: an expanded view.—Nov. 1986. Part-time and temporary employment in Japan.—Oct. 1995. Part-time workers: who are they?-Feb. 1986. Planning, designing, and executing the BLS American Time-Use Survey.—Oct. 2004. Preferred hours of work and corresponding earnings.—Nov. 1986. Productivity trends in business cycles: a visual essay.—Jun. 2009. Reasons for the continuing growth of part-time employment.—Mar. 1991. Response to recession: reduce hours or jobs?—Oct. 1981. Seasonal employment falls over past three decades.—July 1993. Shift work and flexitime: how prevalent are they?.—Nov. 1986. Shift work pay differentials and practices in manufacturing.—Dec. 1985. Short workweeks during economic downturns.—Jun. 1983. Synchronicity in the work schedules of working couples.—Apr. 2002. Temporary help workers: who they are, what jobs the hold.—Nov. 1986. The American Time Use Survey: cognitive pretesting.—Feb. 2002. The effects of shift work on the lives of employees.—Oct. 1981. The female share of weekend employment: a study of 16 countries.—Aug. 2005. The growing diversity of work schedules.—Nov. 1986. Time-off benefits in small establishments.—Mar. 1992. Time to work: recent trends in shift work and flexible schedules, A.—Dec. 2007. Trends in hours of work since the mid-1970s.—Apr. 1997. Wage differentials associated with flextime.—Mar. 2001. What can time-use data tell us about hours of work?—Dec. 2004. What can we learn from time-use data?—Aug. 1999. Work schedules of Americans: an overview of new findings.—Nov. 1986. Work-sharing approaches: past and present.—Sept. 1984. Workers in alternative employment arrangements.—Oct. 1996. Hospitals Changes in hospital staffing patterns.—Mar. 1991. CPI for hospital services: concepts and procedures, The.—July 1996. Employment in hospitals: unconventional patterns.—Jun. 2006. Health services industry: still a job machine?-March 1999. Hospital employment under revised medicare payment schedules.—Aug. 1986. Hospital price inflation: what does the new PPI tell us?-July 1996. Hospital staffing patterns in urban and nonurban areas.—Mar. 1995. Housing(See Construction.) Immigration Commission urges changes in immigration policy—a review essay.—Feb. 1982. Ellis island a welcome site? Only after years of reform.—Jul. 1986. Fatal occupational injuries among Asian workers.—Oct. 2005. Fatal work injuries among foreign-born Hispanic workers.—Oct. 2005. Foreign-born workers: trends in fatal occupational injuries, 1996–2001.—Jun. 2004. Foreign-born workers in the U.S. labor market: a special survey.—Jul. 1985. Foreign-born workforce, 2004: a visual essay.—Jul. 2006. How do immigrants fare in the U.S. labor market?—Dec. 1992. Immigration and poverty: how are they linked?—Apr. 2003. Immigration and wage changes of high school dropouts.—Oct. 1997. Labor force characteristics of second-generation Americans.—Sept. 2006. The AFL and a national BLS: labor's role is crystallized.—Mar. 1982. The role of foreign-born workers in the U.S. economy.—May 2002. Imports (See Foreign trade.) Income (See Earnings and wages.) Economic inequality through the prisms of income and consumption.—Apr. 2005. Immigration and poverty: how are they linked?—Apr. 2003. Import and export price trends in 2006.—Oct. 2007. Income data quality issues in the CPS.—Jun. 2006. Income imputation and the analysis of consumer expenditure data.—Nov. 2006. The declining middle class: a further analysis.—Sept. 1986. Unemployment and its effect on family income in 1980.—Apr. 1982. Industrial relations (See Labor-management relations.) Industry studies A second look at industry output and employment trends to 1995.—Nov. 1985. A transaction price index for air travel.—Jun. 2005. A visual essay: post-recessionary employment growth related to the housing market.—Oct. 2006. Alternative output measurement for the U.S. retail trade sector.—Jul. 2005. Apparel price indexes: effects of hedonic adjustment.—May 1994. Apparel stores display above-average productivity.—Oct. 1984. Auto retailing: changing trends in jobs and business.—Oct. 1998. Bears, bulls, and brokers: employment trends in the securities industry.—Dec. 2005. Beauty and barber shops: the trend of labor productivity.—Mar. 1986. BLS and Alice Hamilton: pioneers in industrial health.—Jun. 1986. Child day care services: industry at a crossroads.—Dec. 1990. Coal industry resurgence attracts variety of new workers.—Jan. 1981. Coal mining in the U.S. West: price and employment trends.—Aug. 1997. Commercial banking transformed by computer technology.—Aug. 1996. Competition drives the trucking industry.—Apr. 1998. Cosmetics industry achieves long-term productivity gains.—Dec. 1982. Cutting the cord: telecommunications employment shifts toward wireless.—Jul. 2006. Cyclical behavior of high tech industries.—May 1985. Cyclical behavior of productivity in the machine tool industry.—Nov. 1981. Defense-related employment and spending, 1996-2006.—July 1998. Deindustrialization and the shift to services.—Jun. 1986. Economic impact of the creative arts industries: New York and Los Angeles, The.—Oct. 2007. Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the New Orleans economy, The.—Jun. 2007. Employment change by occupation, industry, and earnings quartile, 2000-05.—Dec. 2006. Employment in R&D-intensive high tech industries in Texas.—Nov. 1996. Employment lessons from the electronics industry.—Feb. 1986. Employment shifts in high-technology industries, 1988-96.—June 1997. Employment trends in the lumber and woods products industry.—Aug. 1983. Employment trends in the security brokers and dealers industry.—Sept. 1995. Employment trends in textiles and apparel, 1973-2005.—Aug. 1997.  Evaluating the 1995 industry employment projections.—Sept. 1997. From supermarkets to supercenters: employment shifts to the one-stop shop.—Feb. 2006. Health services industry: still a job machine?-March 1999. High-technology employment: a NAICS-based update.—Jul. 2005. High technology today and tomorrow: small slice of employment.—Nov. 1983. Home-based workers: data from the 1990 Census of Population.—Nov. 1996. Hurricane damage to the ocean economy in the U.S. gulf region in 2005.—Aug. 2006. Hurricane Katrina’s effects on industry employment and wages.—Aug. 2006. Improving the PPI sample for prescription pharmaceuticals.—Oct. 1997. Industry dynamics in the Washington, DC, area: has a second job core emerged?—Dec. 2006. Industry output and employment projections to 2014.—Nov. 2005. Industry output and employment projections to 2005.—Nov. 1995. Industry output and employment projections to 2006.—Nov. 1997; Erratum, Dec. 1997. Industry output and employment projections to 2008.—Nov. 1999. Industry output and employment projections to 2010.—Nov. 2001. Industry output and employment projections to 2012.—Feb. 2004. Industry output and employment projections to 2016.—Dec. 2007. Instruments to measure electricity: industry's productivity rises.—Oct. 1983. Introducing the North American Industry Classification System.—July 1998. Industry output and employment projections to 2008.—Nov. 1999. Interindustry wage differentials: patterns and possible sources.—Feb. 2000. Job growth and industry shifts in the 1980's.—Sept. 1990. Jobs in 2005: How do they compare with their March 2001 counterparts?.—Jul. 2006. Labor productivity growth in wholesale trade, 1990-2000.—Dec. 2002. Labor productivity in the retail trade industry, 1987-99.—Dec. 2001. Labor productivity trends since 2000, by sector and industry.—Feb. 2008. Measuring productivity in service industries.—Jun. 1982. Measuring wage dispersion: pay ranges reflect industry traits.—Apr. 1981. Millwork industry shows slow growth in productivity.—Sept. 1982. Mining machinery industry: labor productivity trends, 1972-84.—Jun. 1987. Missed work and lost hours, May 1985.—Nov. 1986. Multifactor productivity in household furniture.—June 1994. Multifactor productivity in motor vehicle industries.—Aug. 1987. Multifactor productivity trends in manufacturing industries, 1987–96.—June 2001. Multifactor productivity: refrigeration and heating equipment industry.—May 1997. Multimedia and digital visual effects: an emerging local labor market.—Mar. 1998. Nonwool yarn mills experience slow gains in productivity.—Mar. 1982. Occupational wages in the fast-food restaurant industry.—Aug. 1994. Payroll employment and job openings continued to grow.—Mar. 2007. Payroll employment grows in 2004.—Mar. 2005. Payroll employment in 2005: recovery and expansion—Mar. 2006. Producer services: why are they growing so rapidly?-Dec. 1987. Productivity continued to increase in many industries during 1984.—Mar. 1986. Productivity growth in plastics lower than all manufacturing.—Sept. 1983. Productivity growth in switchgear industry slow after 1973.—Mar. 1984. Productivity growth low in the oilfield machinery industry.—Dec. 1985. Productivity improvements in two fabricated metals industries.—Oct. 1983. Productivity in banking: computers spur the advance.—Dec. 1982. Productivity in hardwood dimensions and flooring.—Oct. 1994. Productivity in retail miscellaneous shopping goods stores.—Oct. 1995. Productivity in scrap and waste materials processing.—Apr. 1990. Productivity in the fabricated plate work industry: 1982-94.—May 1997.  Productivity in the furniture and home furnishing stores industry.—May 1987. Productivity in the pump and compressor industry.—Dec. 1982. Productivity in making heating and cooling equipment.—Dec. 1984. Productivity in meatpacking and prepared meats industry.—Apr. 1984. Productivity in the internal combustion engine industry.—May 1985. Productivity in the metal doors, sash, and trim industry.—Mar. 1986. Productivity in the photographic equipment and supplies industry.—Jun. 1990. Productivity in the rubber and plastics hose and belting industry.—Jul. 1990. Productivity increased in 1981 in most industries measured.—Dec. 1982. Productivity measures for retail trade: data and issues.—Jul. 2005. Productivity trends in kitchen cabinet manufacturing.—Mar. 1985. Productivity trends in the ball and roller bearing industry.—Jan. 1981. Productivity trends in the machine tool accessories industry.—Jun. 1985. Productivity trends in the mobile homes industry.—May 1997.  Recent employment trends in residential and nonresidential construction.—Oct. 2006. Regulatory reform and labor outcomes in the U.S. electricity sector.—May 2003. Retail liquor stores experience flat trend in productivity.—Feb. 1987. Rise and decline of auto parts manufacturing in the Midwest, The.—Oct. 2007. Self-employment in the United States: an update.—Jul. 2004. Semiconductors: the building blocks of the information revolution.—Aug. 1996.  Services industry in the 'good' versus 'bad' jobs debate.—Feb. 1998. Shift work and flexitime: how prevalent are they?.—Nov. 1986. Software and engineering industries: threatened by technological change?, The.—Aug. 1996. Takeoff and descent of airline employment.—Oct. 2008. Taking note of the paper industry.—Sept. 1997. The defense buildup, 1977-85: effects on production and employment.—Aug. 1987. The employment expansion in retail trade, 1973-85.—Aug. 1986. The growing diversity of work schedules.—Nov. 1986. The health services industry: a decade of expansion.—May 1981. The job outlook through 1995: industry output and employment.—Nov. 1983. The office furniture industry: patterns in productivity.—Dec. 1982. The outlook for industry output and employment through 1990.—Aug. 1981. Transformer industry productivity slows.—Nov. 1981. Trends of labor productivity in metal stamping industries.—May 1986. Two decades of productivity growth in poultry dressing and procedssing.—Apr. 1987. Two new construction employment series for specialty trade contractors.—Oct. 2006. Unraveling employment trends in textiles and apparel.—Aug. 1995. Which industries are sensitive to business cycles?—Feb. 1997.  Why did employment expand in poultry processing plants?—June 1994. Work at home: new findings from the Current Population Survey.—Nov. 1986. Work schedules of Americans: an overview of new findings.—Nov. 1986. Inflation A half-year decline in inflation: its antecedents and structure.—Oct. 1986. Comparing U.S. and European inflation: the CPI and the HICP.—May 2006. Consumer inflation higher in 2000.—Apr. 2001. Consumer inflation in 1997 at 11-year low.—May 1998. Consumer prices during 2003.—Apr. 2004. Consumer prices for energy and food accelerated in 1996.—Apr. 1997. Defining the rate of underlying inflation.—Sept. 1981. Energy, food prices helped slow inflation in 1991.—May 1992. Industrial relations in 1980 influenced by inflation and recession.—Jan. 1981. Inflation and the business cycle during the postwar period.—Nov. 1984. Inflation continues to abate during the first quarter.—Jul. 1982. Inflation cross-currents: energy, food, and homeownership.—Jun. 1981. Inflation fueled by oil prices in first 9 months of 1987.—Dec. 1987. Inflation remained low during 1984.—Apr. 1985. Inflation remained low in 1983 in face of strong recovery.—May 1984. Input prices and cost inflation in three manufacturing industries.—May 1985. Price changes in 1980: double-digit inflation persists.—Apr. 1981. Price changes in 1981: widespread slowing of inflation.—Apr. 1982. Recession, energy prices ease producer price inflation, 1991.—May 1992. Sharp drop in energy prices holds inflation in check during 1986.—May 1987. The 1978-80 pay guidelines: meeting the need for flexibility.—Jul. 1981. Injuries (See Workplace injuries and illnesses and Occupational safety and health.) International comparisons A perspective on U.S. and foreign compensation costs in manufacturing.—June 2002. An international analysis of workplace injuries.—Mar. 2004. An International comparison of labor force participation, 1977-84.—May 1986. Britain's redundancy payments for displaced workers.—Jun. 1987. Comparative civilian labor force statistics, 10 countries: a visual essay.—Dec. 2007. Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995. Comparing 50 years of labor productivity in U.S. and foreign manufacturing.—June 2002. Comparing U.S. and European inflation: the CPI and the HICP.—May 2006. Comparisons of economic performance: Canada versus Australia, 1983–2000.—Apr. 2005. Czech women in transition.—Nov. 1994.  Dollar's fall boosts U.S. machinery exports, 1985-90.—July 1991. Employment and unemployment in Mexico in the 1990's.—Nov. 2000. Employment and unemployment in Mexico's labor force.—Nov. 1994. Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993.  Employment programs for disabled youth: and international view. (PDF 493K).—Dec. 1990. Families and work in transition in 12 countries, 1980–2001.—Sept. 2003. First-half import and export prices reflect strong dollar, recovery.—Oct. 1984. Flexible and partial retirement in Norway and Sweden.—Oct. 1985. Foreign housing voucher systems: evolution and strategies.—May 1986. Foreign trade alternatives for employment and occupations, 2005.—Nov. 1994.  Helping Poland cope with unemployment.—Dec. 1990. Import and export price trends, 2007.—Feb. 2009. Import price declines in 1986 reflected reduced oil prices.—Apr. 1987. Import price indexes for crude petroleum.—Nov. 1982. Import price rise in 2005 due to continued high energy prices.—Nov. 2006. Import prices decline, export prices mixed in first half.—Nov. 1983. International comparisons of Harmonized Indexes of Consumer Prices.—Feb. 2007. International comparisons of hourly compensation costs.—June 1989. International comparisons of hours worked: an assessment of the statistics.—May 2009. International comparisons of labor force participation, 1960-81.—Feb. 1983. International comparisons of manufacturing compensation costs.—Oct. 1995. International comparisons of manufacturing compensation costs.—Nov. 1994. International comparisons of manufacturing unit labor costs.—Dec. 1993. International comparisons of trends in productivity and labor costs.—Dec. 1981. International comparisons of unemployment indicators.—Mar. 1993. International labor productivity and per capita income.—July 1999. International price comparisons based on purchasing power parity.—Oct. 1999. International trends in productivity, labor costs in manufacturing.—Dec. 1986. International trends in productivity and labor costs.—Dec. 1982. International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.—Aug. 1995.  International unemployment rates: how comparable are they?-Aug. 2000. IPP introduces additional Locality of Origin import price indexes.—Dec. 2005. Japan's unemployment: economic miracle or statistical artifact?-Jul. 1983. Japanese exchange rates, export restraints, and auto prices.—Feb. 2007. Labor costs of manufacturing employees in China: an update to 2003–04.—Nov. 2006. Labor market contrasts: United States and Europe.—Aug. 1983. Labor market developments in U.S. and nine other countries.—Jan. 1984. Labor market flexibility: a changing international perspective—Nov. 1994.  Low unemployment in the Czech Republic: 'miracle' or 'mirage'?—Aug. 1998. Manufacturing costs, productivity, and competitiveness: 1979-93.—Oct. 1994.  Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991.  Pay differentials: the case of Japan.—Oct. 1984. Price measures of new vehicles: a comparison.—Jul. 2008. Prices of U.S. imports and exports declined in 1984.—Apr. 1985. Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries.—Mar. 1986. Productivity trends in manufacturing at home and abroad.—Jan. 1984. Providing comparable international labor statistics.—June 2002. Public service employment programs in selected countries.—Oct. 2000. Purchasing power parity between the U.S. and Canada.—Dec. 1987. Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.—Aug. 1985. Reinserting labor into the Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.—Jun. 2005. South African trade unions, 1970-90.—Oct. 1989. Strong dollar, recovery mark international prices in 1983.—Apr. 1984. The 1982 Mexican peso devaluation and border area employment.—Oct. 1985. The changing family in international perspective.—Mar. 1990. The role of self-employment in U.S. and Canadian job growth -Apr. 1999. The European Community 1992 program and U. S. workers.—Nov. 1990. Trends in retirement age in four countries, 1965-95.—Aug. 1998 U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997. U.S. and Japanese work injury and illness experiences.—Apr. 1992. U.S. import and export price indexes show declines in first half.—Jan. 1983. U.S. import and export prices in 2003.—Sept. 2004. U.S. import and export prices in 2004.—Jul. 2005. U.S. labor market performance in international perspective.—June 2002. U.S. worker rehabilitation in international perspective.—Sept. 1991. Unemployment, labor force trends, and layoff practices in 10 countries.—Dec. 1981. Unemployment, labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: update.—Nov. 1982. Unemployment insurance in the U.S. and Europe, 1973-83.—Apr. 1989.  Union membership statistics in 24 countries.—Jan. 2006. Variations in holiday, vacation, and area pay levels.—Feb. 1989. Work participation and productivity change.—Sept. 1984. Youth unemployment: an international perspective.—Jul. 1981. International Labor Organization International Labor Organization's 75th Anniversary: A special issue.—Sept. 1994. Promoting social justice in the new global economy. Global employment issues in the year 2000. The future of ILO standards. Social Security and protection in the developing world. Training programs: the key to achieving ILO goals. The ILO and tripartism: some reflections. Achievements, new directions from 1994 ILO conference. Labor standards in the context of a global economy. Italy Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995. Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993.  International comparisons of unemployment indicators.—Mar. 1993. International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.—Aug. 1995.  Manufacturing prices, productivity, and labor costs in five economies.—July 1995. Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991.  Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.—Aug. 1985. U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997.  Japan Auto industry jobs in the 1980's: a decade of transition.—Feb. 1992.  Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995.  Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993.  International comparisons of unemployment indicators.—Mar. 1993.  International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.—Aug. 1995.  Japan's low unemployment: an in-depth analysis.—Mar. 1984. Japan's unemployment: economic miracle or statistical artifact?-Jul. 1983. Japanese exchange rates, export restraints, and auto prices.—Feb. 2007. Labor market changes and adjustments: how do the U.S. and Japan compare?—Feb. 1989. 'Lifetime earnings' in Japan for the class of 1955.—Apr. 1984. Manufacturing prices, productivity, and labor costs in five economies.—July 1995. Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991.  Part-time and temporary employment in Japan.—Oct. 1995.  Pay differentials: the case of Japan.—Oct. 1984. Trends in retirement age in four countries, 1965-95.—Aug. 1998 U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997.  Utilization of labor resources in Japan and the United States.—Apr. 2002. Work participation and productivity change.—Sept. 1984. Job creation Annual measures of gross job gains and gross job losses.—Nov. 2004. Births and deaths of business establishments in the United States, The.—Dec. 2008. Business employment dynamics: annual tabulations.—May 2009. Business employment dynamics: new data on gross job gains and losses.— Apr. 2004. Business Employment Dynamics data: survival and longevity, II.—Sept. 2007. Can occupational labor shortages be identified using available data?-March 1999. Computer manufacturing enters a new era of growth.—Sept. 1986. Cyclical behavior of high tech industries.—May 1985. Employment and wages for the U.S. ocean and coastal economy.—Nov. 2004. Employment impact of electronic business—May. 2001. European job creation in the wake of plant closings and layoffs.—Oct. 1986. Health services industry: still a job machine?-March 1999. Impact of business births and deaths in the payroll survey.—May 2006. Infrastructure alternatives for 2005: employment and occupations.—Apr. 1994.  Job-creating performance of employee-owned firms.—Aug. 1983. Job creation and destruction within Washington and Baltimore.—Sept. 2001. Job creation and the emerging home computer market.—Aug. 1996.  Job flows and labor dynamics in the U.S. Rust Belt—Sept. 2002. Job growth in the 1990s: a retrospect.—Dec. 2000. Job openings, hires, and turnover decrease in 2007.—May 2008. Job openings and hires decline in 2008.—May 2009. Measuring job and establishment flows with BLS longitudinal microdata.—Apr. 2001. Measuring labor dynamics: the next generation in labor market information.—May 2004. Occupational winners and losers: who they were during 1972-80.—Jun. 1982. Part-time work and industry growth-March 1999.—March 1999. Studying the labor market using BLS labor dynamics data.—Feb. 2008. Survival and longevity in the Business Employment Dynamics data.—May 2005. The employment shift to services: where did it come from?—Apr. 1984. The health services industry: a decade of expansion.—May 1981. The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey: what initial data show.—Nov. 2004. The role of entrepreneurship in U.S. and European job growth.—Jul. 2000. Tracking job growth in private industry.—Sept. 1982. Trends in labor force flows during recent recessions.—Apr. 2009. U.S. consumers: which jobs are they creating?—June 1996. Why size class methodology matters in analyses of net and gross job flows.—Jul. 2004. Job tenure Job commitment in America: is it waxing or waning?-Jul. 1983. Job mobility and hourly wages: is there a relationship?-May 2004. Measuring job security.—June 1997.  Occupational mobility and job tenure in 1983.—Oct. 1984. Tenure as a factor in the male-female earnings gap.—Apr. 1982. Worker displacement in 1999–2000.—Jun. 2004. Jobseeking methods Job search methods and results: tracking the unemployed, 1991.—Dec. 1992. Looking for a ‘better’ job: job-search activity of the employed.—September. 2000. Korea Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991. Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995. U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997. Labor and economic history A Century of Struggle.—Aug. 1987. Arthur Goldberg: proof of the American dream.—Jan. 1997. Birth of a federation: Mr. Gompers endeavors 'not to build a bubble'.—Nov. 1981. Cyrus S. Ching: pioneer in industrial peacemaking.—Aug. 1989.  David Dubinsky: a life with social significance.—Oct. 1994.  Ellis island a welcome site? Only after years of reform.—Jul. 1986. Eugene V. Debs: an American paradox.—Aug. 1991. Frances Perkins and the flowering of socioeconomic policies.—June 1989. George W. Taylor: industrial peacemaker.—Dec. 1995. James P. Mitchell: social conscience of the Cabinet.—Aug. 1991. John R. Commons: pioneer of labor economics.—May 1989. Labor Department's first program to assist black workers.—Jun. 1982. Recollection of a former editor.—Jun. 1990. Samuel Gompers: a half-century in labor's front rank.—July 1989. The AFL and a national BLS: labor's role is crystallized.—Mar. 1982. The evolution of fair labor standards: a study in class conflict.—Aug. 1983. The Leontief-BLS partnership: framework for measurement.—June 2001. Troubled passage: the labor movement and the Fair Labor Standards Act.—Dec 2000. Labor force 1992: job market in the doldrums.—Feb. 1993.  2005 labor force: growing, but slowly, The.—Nov. 1995; Errata: 1996. A century of change: U.S. labor force from 1950 to 2050.—May 2002. A profile of contingent workers.—Oct. 1996.  Age-adjusted labor force participation rates, 1960-2045.—Sept. 2002. American Workforce, 1992 to 2005, The: Historical trends, 1950-92, and current uncertainties.—Nov. 1993.  An evaluation of BLS projections of 1980 industry employment.—Aug. 1984. An International comparison of labor force participation, 1977-84.—May 1986. Analyzing CPS data using gross flows.—Sept. 2005. Annual measures of gross job gains and gross job losses.—Nov. 2004. Another look at the labor force.—Nov. 1993.  Are women leaving the labor force?—July 1994. Atlantic and Pacific coasts' labor markets hit hard in early 1990's.—Feb. 1993.  Birth of a federation: Mr. Gompers endeavors 'not to build a bubble'.—Nov. 1981. Black college graduates in the labor market, 1979 and 1989.—Nov. 1990 Black community with advanced labor force characteristics, 1960, A.—Feb. 2007. Business employment dynamics: annual tabulations.—May 2009. Business employment dynamics: new data on gross job gains and losses.— Apr. 2004. Business employment dynamics: tabulations by size of employment change.—Apr. 2009. Business Employment Dynamics data: survival and longevity, II.—Sept. 2007. Changes in regional unemployment over the last decade.—Mar. 1985. Changing impact of marriage and children on women’s labor force participation, The.—Feb. 2009. Characteristics of and preference for alternative work arrangements, 1999.—Mar. 2001. Characteristics of multiple job holders, 1995.—Mar. 1997.  Characteristics of workers in nonprofit organizations.—Jul. 1987. Child care problems: an obstacle to work.—Oct. 1991  Comparative civilian labor force statistics, 10 countries: a visual essay.—Dec. 2007. Contingent and alternative work arrangements, defined.—Oct. 1996.  Contingent work in the late-1990s.—Mar. 2001. Czech women in transition.—Nov. 1994.  Declining union density in Mexico, 1984–2000.—Sept. 2004. Developments in women's labor force participation.—Sept. 1997.  Discouraged workers how strong are links to job market?Aug. 1984. Diversity of Hispanics in the U.S. work force, The.—Aug. 1993.  Earnings and benefits of contingent and noncontingent workers.—Oct. 1996.  Earnings and benefits of workers in alternative work arrangements.—Oct. 1996.  Education and the work histories of young adults.—Apr. 1993.  Effects of intermittent labor force attachment on women's earnings.—Sept. 1995. Employed but not at work: a review of unpaid absences.—Nov. 1981. Employment and unemployment: a report on 1980.—Feb. 1981. Employment and unemployment: developments in 1985.—Feb. 1986. Employment and unemployment gains widespread in 1983.—Feb. 1984. Employment and unemployment in Mexico's labor force.—Nov. 1994.  Employment and wages for the U.S. ocean and coastal economy.—Nov. 2004. Employment during 1984: a second year of strong growth.—Feb. 1985. Employment impact of electronic business—May. 2001. Employment in 1996: jobs up, unemployment down.—Feb. 1997.  Employment in health services: long-term trends and projections.—Aug. 1986. Employment in the first half: robust recovery continues.—Aug. 1984. Employment on the rise in the first half of 1983.—Aug. 1983. Employment programs for unemployment insurance recipients.—Oct. 2008. Employment rose in first half as recovery entered its third year.—Aug. 1985. Employment up, unemployment stable during 1986 first half.—Aug. 1986. Entry into and consequences of nonstandard work arrangements.—Oct. 1996.  Estimating gross flows consistent with stocks in the CPS.—Sept. 2005. Evaluating BLS labor force, employment, and occupation projections for 2000.—Jul. 2005. Evaluating the 1995 labor force projections.—Sept. 1997.  Evaluating the BLS labor force projections to 2000.—Oct. 2003.  Evaluation of labor force projections to 1990.—Aug. 1992. Family members in the work force.—Mar. 1990. Foreign-born workers: trends in fatal occupational injuries, 1996–2001.—Jun. 2004. Foreign-born workers in the U.S. labor market: a special survey.—Jul. 1985. Foreign-born workforce, 2004: a visual essay.—Jul. 2006. Gauging the labor force effects of retiring baby-boomers.—Jul. 2000. Health service: the real jobs machine.—Nov. 1992.  Hourly paid workers: who they are and what they earn.—Feb. 1986. Household survey data show labor market improvements.—Mar. 2007. Household survey indicators show some improvement in 2004.—Mar. 2005. Household survey indicators weaken in 2007.—Mar. 2008. How accurate were projections of the 1980 labor force?—Jul. 1982. How do immigrants fare in the U.S. labor market?—Dec. 1992. Hurricane Katrina evacuees: who they are, where they are, and how they are faring.—Mar. 2008. Husbands and wives as earners: an analysis of family data.—Feb. 1981. International comparisons of labor force participation, 1960-81.—Feb. 1983. Into contingent and alternative employment: by choice.—Oct. 1996.  Job commitment in America: is it waxing or waning?-Jul. 1983. Job flows and labor dynamics in the U.S. Rust Belt—Sept. 2002. Job growth continued, unemployment dipped during 1986.—Feb. 1987. Job growth in television: cable versus broadcast: -Aug. 2000. Job openings, hires, and turnover decrease in 2007.—May 2008. Job openings and hires decline in 2008.—May 2009. Job search methods and results: tracking the unemployed, 1991.—Dec. 1992. Job search methods: Internet versus traditional.—Oct. 2000. Labor force 2006: slowing down and changing composition.—Nov. 1997; Erratum, Dec. 1997. Labor force data in the next century.—Apr. 1990. Labor force experience of women from ‘Generation X’.—Mar. 2002. Labor force participation: 75 years of change, 1950-98 and 1998-2025.—Dec. 1999. Labor force participation of older women: retired? working? both?—Sept. 2002. Labor force projections: 1986-2000.—Sept. 1987. Labor force projections: the baby-boom moves on.—Nov. 1991. Labor force projections to 2014: retiring boomers.—Nov. 2005. Labor force projections to 2008: steady growth and changing composition.—Nov. 1999. Labor force projections to 2010: steady growth and changing composition.—Nov. 2001. Labor force projections to 2016: more workers in their golden years.—Dec. 2007. Labor force statistics from a family perspective.—Dec. 1983. Labor force status of families: a visual essay.—Jul./Aug. 2007. Labor force status of Vietnam veterans.—Feb. 1987. Labor force trends of persons with and without disabilities.—Oct. 1994. Labor market flexibility: a changing international perspective.—Nov. 1994.  Long-term consequences of nontraditional employment, The.—May. 1998. Looking for a ‘better’ job: job-search activity of the employed.—September. 2000. Lower unemployment in 2005.—Mar. 2006. Married mothers' work patterns: the job-family compromise.—June. 1994.  Married women,work, and values.—Aug. 2000. Measuring labor dynamics: the next generation in labor market information.—May 2004. Measuring labor force flows: a conference examines the problems.—Jul. 1985. Moonlighting by women jumped to record highs.—Nov. 1986. New data on multiple jobholding available from the CPS.—Mar. 1997.  New economic projections through 1990-an overview.—Aug. 1981. New look at long-term labor force projections to 2050.—Nov. 2006. New worklife estimates reflect changing profile of labor force.—Mar. 1982. Nonprofit organizations: new insights from QCEW data.—Sept. 2005. Occupational reclassification and distribution by gender.—Mar. 1984. Overtime work: an expanded view.—Nov. 1986. Overview and implications of the projections to 2000.—Sept. 1987. Persons outside the labor force who want jobs.—July. 1998. Persons with disabilities: Demographic, income, and health care characteristics, 1993.—Sep. 1998. Persons with disabilities: Labor market activity, 1994.—Sep. 1998. Population changes, the baby boom, and unemployment.—Aug. 1990 Reasons for the continuing growth of part-time employment.—Mar. 1991. Recent data on job prospects of college-educated youth.—Aug. 1993.  Recent recessions swell ranks of the long-term unemployed.—Feb. 1984. Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.—Aug. 1985. Recessionary impacts on the unemployment of men and women.—May 1984. Reconciling conflicting data on jobs for college graduates.—July. 1992. Reinserting labor into the Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.—Jun. 2005. Retirement age declines again in 1990s.—Oct. 2001. Revised worklife tables reflect 1979-80 experience.—Aug. 1985. Scientific and technical employment, 1990-2005.—Feb. 1992.  Short workweeks during economic downturns.—Jun. 1983. Shortages of machinists: an evaluation of the information.—Jul. 1982. Slower economic growth affects the 1995 labor market.—Mar. 1996. Small businesses and their employees.—Oct. 1994.  Sources of secular increases in the unemployment rate, 1969-82.—Jul. 1984. Strong employment growth highlights first half of 1987.—Sept. 1987. Strong job growth continues, unemployment declines in 1997.—Feb. 1998. Synchronicity in the work schedules of working couples.—Apr. 2002. Teenagers: employment and contributions to family spending.—September. 2000.  The 1995 labor force: a second look.—Nov. 1983. The 1995 labor force: BLS latest projections.—Nov. 1985. The aging of the U.S. population: human resource implications.—May 1983. The Current Population Survey response to Hurricane Katrina.—Aug. 2006. The employment-population ratio: its value in labor force analysis.—Feb. 1981. The employment situation for military wives.—Feb. 1981. The impact of strikes on current employment statistics.—Aug. 2000. The job market in 2000: slowing down as the year ended.—Feb. 2001. The job market remains strong in 1999.—Feb. 2000 The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey: what initial data show.—Nov. 2004. The labor force and unemployment: three generations of change.—Jun. 2004. The labor market problems of older workers.—May 1983. The Nation's employment situation worsens in the first half.—Aug. 1982. The role of foreign-born workers in the U.S. economy.—May 2002. The U.S. labor market in 2003: signs of improvement by year’s end.—Mar. 2004. The youngest workers: 14- and 15-year-olds.—Feb. 1981. Time spent unemployed: a new look at data from the CPS.—Jul. 1987. Time to work: recent trends in shift work and flexible schedules, A.—Dec. 2007. Timing of mothers’ employment after childbirth, The.—Jun. 2008. Tracking youth joblessness: persistent or fleeting?—Feb. 1982. Trends in hours of work since the mid-1970s.—Apr. 1997.  Trends in labor force flows during recent recessions.—Apr. 2009. Trends in labor force participation in the United States.—Oct. 2006. Trends in labor force participation of married mothers of infants.—Feb. 2007. Unemployment, labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: update.—Nov. 1982. Unemployment continued to rise in 1982 as recession deepened.—Feb. 1983. Unpaid family workers: long-term decline continues.—Oct. 1982. U.S. labor market in 2008: economy in recession.—Mar. 2009. U.S. labor market in 2002: continued weakness.—Feb. 2003. U.S. labor market in 2001: economy enters a recession.—Feb. 2002. U.S. labor market weakened in 1990.—Feb. 1991. Using gross flows to explore movements in the labor force.—Apr. 1995.  Utilization of labor resources in Japan and the United States.—Apr. 2002. Vietnam-era cohort: employment and earnings.—June. 1992.  White-collar pay levels linked to corporate work force size.—May 1982. Why size class methodology matters in analyses of net and gross job flows.—Jul. 2004. Women and jobs in recessions: 1969-92.—July. 1993.  Women and jobs in recoveries: 1970-93.—July. 1994. Women paid low wages:who they are and where they work.—September. 2000. Women's part-time employment: a gross flows analysis.—Apr. 1995.    Work after early retirement: an increasing trend among men.—Apr. 1995.  Work experience, earnings, and family income in 1981.—Apr. 1983. Work experience in 1983 reflects the effects of the recovery.—Dec. 1984. Worker displacement in 1999–2000.—Jun. 2004. Worker displacement in an expanding economy.—Dec. 1997. Workers in alternative employment arrangements.—Oct. 1996. Working and poor in 1990.—Dec. 1992. Working wives and mothers: what happens to family life?—Sept. 1981. Young men and the transition to stable employment.—Aug. 1994.  Youth labor force activity: alternative surveys compared.—Mar. 1981. Labor law (See also Decisions, Court.) Changes in Federal and State unemployment insurance legislation, 2006.—Jan. 2007. Changes in Federal and State unemployment insurance legislation in 2004.—Jan. 2005. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1988.—Jan. 1989. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1989.—Jan. 1990. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1990.—Jan. 1991. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1991.—Jan. 1992. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1992.—Jan. 1993. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1993.—Jan. 1994. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1994.—Jan. 1995. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1995.—Jan./Feb. 1996.  Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1996.—Jan. 1997.  Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1997.—Jan. 1998. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 2003.—Jan. 2004.  Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 2005.—Jan. 2006. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation, 2007.—Jan. 2008. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 2008.—Jan. 2009. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation during 1983.—Feb. 1984. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 1999.—Jan. 2000. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 2000.—Jan. 2001. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 2001.—Jan. 2002. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 2002.—Jan. 2003. Changes in workers’ compensation during 1999.—Jan. 2000. Changes in workers' compensation laws during 2000.—Jan. 2001. Changes in workers' compensation laws during 2001.—Jan. 2002. Changes in workers’ compensation laws, 2002.—Jan. 2003. Changes in workers' compensation laws in 2003.—Jan. 2004. Changes in workers' compensation laws in 2004.—Jan. 2005. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1979-80.—Apr. 1981. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant issues of 1990-91.—Jan. 1991. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant issues of 1991-92.—Jan. 1992.  Labor and the Supreme Court: significant issues of 1992-96.—Jan. 1997.  Labor standards in the context of a global economy.—Sept. 1994.  Legislative revisions of unemployment insurance in 1980.—Jan. 1981. State labor legislation enacted in 1980.—Jan. 1981. State labor legislation enacted in 1981.—Jan. 1982. State labor legislation enacted in 1982.—Jan. 1983. State labor legislation enacted in 1983.—Jan. 1984. State labor legislation enacted in 1984.—Jan. 1985. State labor legislation enacted in 1985.—Jan. 1986. State labor legislation enacted in 1988.—Jan. 1989. State labor legislation enacted in 1989.—Jan. 1990. State labor legislation enacted in 1990.—Jan. 1991. State labor legislation enacted in 1991.—Jan. 1992.  State labor legislation enacted in 1992.—Jan. 1993.  State labor legislation enacted in 1993.—Jan. 1994.  State labor legislation enacted in 1994.—Jan. 1995.  State labor legislation enacted in 1995.—Jan./Feb. 1996. State labor legislation enacted in 1996.—Jan. 1997.  State labor legislation enacted in 1997.—Jan. 1998. State labor legislation enacted in 1999.—Jan. 2000. State labor legislation enacted in 2000.—Jan. 2001. State labor legislation enacted in 2001.—Jan. 2002. State labor legislation enacted in 2002.—Jan. 2003. State labor legislation enacted in 2003.—Jan. 2004. State labor legislation enacted in 2004.—Jan. 2005. State labor legislation enacted in 2005.—Jan. 2006. State labor legislation enacted in 2006.—Jan. 2007. State labor legislation enacted in 2007.—Jan. 2008. State labor legislation enacted in 2008.—Jan. 2009. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1988.—Jan. 1989. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1989.—Jan. 1990. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1990.—Jan. 1991. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1991.—Jan. 1992. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1992.—Jan. 1993. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1993.—Jan. 1994. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1994.—Jan. 1995.  State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1995.—Jan./Feb. 1996. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1996.—Jan. 1997.  State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1997.—Jan. 1998. The job safety law of 1970: its passage was perilous.—Mar. 1981. Unemployment insurance laws: changes in 1981.—Feb. 1982. Unemployment insurance laws: legislative revisions in 1982.—Jan. 1983. Work and family: impact of legislation.—Mar. 1990. Workers' compensation: key legislation in 1981.—Feb. 1982. Workers' compensation: significant enactments in 1983.—Feb. 1984. Workers' compensation in 1980: summary of major enactments.—Mar. 1981. Workers' compensation in 1982: significant legislation enacted.—Jan. 1983. Workplace e-mail and Internet use: employees and employers beware.—Feb. 2003. Labor-management relations An experiment in the mediation of grievances.—Mar. 1983. Area wage surveys shed light on declines in unionization.—Sept. 1985. Bargaining activity light in private industry in 1985.—Jan. 1985. Bargaining calendar will be heavy in 1982.—Dec. 1981. Bargaining outlook for 1996.—Jan./Feb. 1996. Baseball negotiations: a new agreement.—Dec. 2002. Can employee associations negotiate new growth?—July 1989. Changing employment patterns of organized workers.—Feb. 1985. Collective bargaining agreements: safety and health provisions.—May 1998. Collective bargaining in 1989: talks set in diverse industries.—Jan. 1989. Collective bargaining and labor-management relations in 1988.—Jan. 1989. Collective bargaining calendar crowded again in 1984.—Jan. 1984. Collective bargaining in 1986: cost pressures remain.—Jan. 1986. Collective bargaining in 1989: old problems, new issues.—Jan. 1990 Collective bargaining in 1990.—Jan. 1990. Collective bargaining in 1990: search for solutions continues.—Jan. 1991. Collective bargaining in 1992: contract talks and other activity.—Jan. 1992. Collective bargaining in 1993: jobs are the issue.—Jan. 1993. Collective bargaining in 1994.—Jan. 1994. Collective bargaining in private industry, 1994.—June 1995. Collective bargaining in State and local government, 1994.—June 1995. Collective bargaining outlook for 1995.—Jan. 1995. Collective bargaining, 1991: recession colors talks.—Jan. 1992.  Declining union density in Mexico, 1984–2000.—Sept. 2004. Economy improves, bargaining problems persist in 1983.—Jan. 1984. George W. Taylor: industrial peacemaker.—Dec. 1995. Helping labor and a firm set up a quality-of-worklife plan.—Mar. 1984. Helping labor and management see and solve problems.—Sept. 1982. Higher settlements in 1989 end innovation decade.—May 1990. How do labor and management view collective bargaining?—Oct. 1998. Industrial democracy: made in the U.S.A.—May 1984. James P. Mitchell: social conscience of the Cabinet.—Aug. 1991. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant issues of 1992-96.—Jan. 1997.  Labor, firms continue to combat mutual problems in 1985.— Jan. 1986. Labor-management bargaining in 1992.—Jan. 1993. Labor-management bargaining in 1993.—Jan. 1994. Labor-management bargaining in 1994.—Jan. 1995. Labor-management bargaining in 1995.—Jan./Feb. 1996. Major agreements in 1984 provided record low wage increases.—Apr. 1985. Major labor contracts in 1986 provided record low wage adjustments.—May 1987. Modest labor-management bargains continue despite recovery.—Jan. 1985. Negotiated changes in State and local government contracts, 1993.—Aug. 1994.  Organized labor in 1981: a shifting of priorities.—Jan. 1982. Reforming the U.S. system of collective bargaining.—Mar. 1983. Should works councils be used as industrial relations policy?—Jul. 1985. The baseball strike of 1990 (PDF 1,039K)—Oct. 1990. The evolution of fair labor standards: a study in class conflict.—Aug. 1983. The hockey lockout of 2004–05.—Dec. 2005. The FMCS contribution to nonlabor dispute resolution.—Aug. 1985. Trade unions in South Africa: dramatic change after apartheid ends.—May 1996. Work participation and productivity change.—Sept. 1984. Labor market 9/11 and the New York City economy: A borough-by-borough analysis.—Jun. 2004. 1990-91 recession, The: how bad was the labor market?—June 1994.  1992: Job market in the doldrums.—Feb. 1993.  Annual measures of gross job gains and gross job losses.—Nov. 2004. Atlantic and Pacific coasts' labor markets hit hard in early 1990's.—Feb. 1993.  Business employment dynamics: annual tabulations.—May 2009. Business employment dynamics: tabulations by size of employment change.—Apr. 2009. Can occupational labor shortages be identified using available data?-March 1999. Changes in regional unemployment over the last decade.—Mar. 1985. Conducting the Mass Layoff Statistics program: response and findings.—Aug. 2006. Economic and demographic change: the case of New York City.—Feb. 1993.  Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993.  Employment on the rise in the first half of 1983.—Aug. 1983. Future of jobs for college graduates.—July 1992.  Geographic concentration of trade-sensitive employment.—June 1993.  High technology employment: another view.—July 1991. Household survey data show labor market improvements.—Mar. 2007. Household survey indicators show some improvement in 2004.—Mar. 2005. Household survey indicators weaken in 2007.—Mar. 2008. Hurricane Katrina evacuees: who they are, where they are, and how they are faring.—Mar. 2008. Industry employment and the 1990-91 recession.—July 1993. Job market slid in early 1991, then struggled to find footing.—Feb. 1992.  Job openings, hires, and turnover decrease in 2007.—May 2008. Job openings and hires decline in 2008.—May 2009. Labor force characteristics of second-generation Americans.—Sept. 2006. Labor market dynamics and trends in unemployment.—Nov. 1990. Labor market improves in 1993, The.—Feb. 1994.  Labor market success of young adults from two generations.—Feb. 1998.  Labor turnover in manufacturing: the survey in retrospect.—Jun. 1982. Long-term consequences of nontraditional employment, The.—May 1998. Long-term unemployment in recent recessions.—June 1994.  Lower unemployment in 2005.—Mar. 2006. Measuring labor dynamics: the next generation in labor market information.—May 2004. New worklife estimates reflect changing profile of labor force.—Mar. 1982. Occupational mobility, January 2004.—Dec. 2005. Overemployment mismatches: the preference of income for fewer hours.—Apr. 2007. Payroll employment and job openings continued to grow.—Mar. 2007. Payroll employment grows in 2004.—Mar. 2005. Payroll employment in 2005: recovery and expansion—Mar. 2006. Payroll employment in 2007: the slowdown.—Mar. 2008. Perestroika and its impact on the Soviet labor force.—Dec. 1991. Persons with disabilities: Labor market activity, 1994.—Sep. 1998. Role of computers in reshaping the work force, The.—Aug. 1996. Service-providing occupations, offshoring, and the labor market.—Dec. 2008. Strong economic gains continue in 1994.—Feb. 1995.  Structural changes in Manhattan’s post-9/11 economy.—Oct. 2006. Substantial job losses in 2008: weakness broadens and deepens across industries.—Mar. 2009. The effect of Hurricane Katrina on employment and unemployment.—Aug. 2006. The labor market impact of Hurricane Katrina: an overview.—Aug. 2006. The 'Sandwich generation': women caring for parents and children.—Sept. 2006. The U.S. labor market in 2003: signs of improvement by year’s end.—Mar. 2004. Timing of mothers’ employment after childbirth, The.—Jun. 2008. Trends in labor force flows during recent recessions.—Apr. 2009. U.S. labor market in 2008: economy in recession.—Mar. 2009. U.S. labor market in 2002: continued weakness.—Feb. 2003. U.S. labor market performance in international perspective.—June 2002. Wage increases in 1981.—May 1982. Wages and the university educated: a paradox resolved.—July 1997. Why size class methodology matters in analyses of net and gross job flows.—Jul. 2004. Worker mobility before and after Hurricane Katrina.—Aug. 2006. Labor organizations A Century of Struggle.—Aug. 1987. Area wage surveys shed light on declines in unionization.—Sept. 1985. Arthur Goldberg: proof of the American dream.—Jan. 1997.  Birth of a federation: Mr. Gompers endeavors 'not to build a bubble'.—Nov. 1981. Declining union density in Mexico, 1984–2000.—Sept. 2004. International Labor Organization's 75th Anniversary: A special issue.—Sept. 1994. Promoting social justice in the new global economy. Global employment issues in the year 2000. The future of ILO standards. Social Security and protection in the developing world. Training programs: the key to achieving ILO goals. The ILO and tripartism: some reflections. Achievements, new directions from 1994 ILO conference. Labor standards in the context of a global economy. Labor organization mergers, 1979-84; adapting to change.—Sept. 1984. The AFL and a national BLS: labor's role is crystallized.—Mar. 1982. Union membership in 2007: a visual essay.—Oct. 2008. Union mergers: 1985-94 update.—Feb. 1995. Unions implementing managerial techniques.—Jun. 1981. Manufacturing A perspective on the U.S.—Canada manufacturing productivity gap.—Feb. 2001. An analysis of U.S. industries sensitive to foreign trade, 1982-87.—Feb. 1993. Analyzing the recent upward surge in overtime hours.—Feb. 2000 Bias in aggregate productivity trends revisited.—Mar. 2002. Comparing 50 years of labor productivity in U.S. and foreign manufacturing.—June 2002. Computer manufacturing: change and competition.—Aug. 1996. Computer manufacturing enters a new era of growth.—Sept. 1986. Cosmetics industry achieves long-term productivity gains.—Dec. 1982. Deindustrialization and the shift to services.—Jun. 1986. Differences in productivity growth: Canadian-U.S. business sectors, 1987–2000.—Apr. 2003. Drugs manufacturing: a prescription for jobs.—Mar. 1995. Employment in durable goods anthing but durable in 1979-82.—Feb. 1984. Employment lessons from the electronics industry.—Feb. 1986. Hand and edge tool industry experiences slow rise in productivity.—Oct. 1982. Input prices and cost inflation in three manufacturing industries.—May 1985. International comparisons of manufacturing compensation costs.—Oct. 1995. International comparisons of manufacturing compensation costs.—Nov. 1994. International trends in productivity, labor costs in manufacturing.—Dec. 1986. International trends in productivity and labor costs.—Dec. 1982. Investigating the link between competition and discrimination.—Dec. 1999. Labor costs of manufacturing employees in China: an update to 2003–04.—Nov. 2006. Labor turnover in manufacturing: the survey in retrospect.—Jun. 1982. Manufacturing earnings and compensation in China.—Aug. 2005. Manufacturing costs, productivity, and competitiveness: 1979-93.—Oct. 1994. Manufacturing employment in China.—Jul. 2005. Manufacturing multifactor productivity in three countries.—July 1995. Manufacturing prices, productivity, and labor costs in five economies.—July 1995. Measurement of productivity growth in U.S. manufacturing.—July 1995. Multifactor productivity: a new BLS measure.—Dec. 1983. Multifactor productivity in household furniture.—June 1994. Multifactor productivity in U.S. manufacturing, 1949-83.—Oct. 1987. Multifactor productivity trends in manufacturing industries, 1987–96.—June 2001. Nonwool yarn mills experience slow gains in productivity.—Mar. 1982. Productivity growth average in farm machinery manufacturing.—Oct. 1982. Productivity growth improves in housefurnishings industry.—Mar. 1996. Productivity growth in high-tech manufacturing industries.—Mar. 2002. Productivity growth in plastics lower than all manufacturing.—Sept. 1983. Productivity growth in switchgear industry slow after 1973.—Mar. 1984. Productivity in hardwood dimension and flooring.—Oct. 1994. Productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad.—Dec. 1987. Productivity in the pump and compressor industry.—Dec. 1982. Productivity increased in 1981 in most industries measured.—Dec. 1982. Productivity trends in kitchen cabinet manufacturing.—Mar. 1985. Productivity trends in manufacturing at home and abroad.—Jan. 1984. Semiconductors: the building blocks of the information revolution.—Aug. 1996. Shift work pay differentials and practices in manufacturing.—Dec. 1985. Taking note of the paper industry.—Sept. 1997. The office furniture industry: patterns in productivity.—Dec. 1982. The productivity puzzle: numbers alone won't solve it.—Oct. 1982. Time rates tighten their grip on manufacturing industries.—May 1982. Trade and displacement in manufacturing.—Apr. 1995. U.S. productivity growth: the post-recession experience.—Dec. 1986. Medical care Comparing medical care expenditures.—Mar. 1987. Employee payments for health care services.—Nov. 1992. Experimental poverty measures: accounting for medical expenditures.—Aug. 2002. Federal statistics on healthcare benefits and cost trends.—Nov. 2004. Health insurance loss: the case of the displaced worker.—Apr. 1987. Health insurance trends in cost control and coverage.—Sept. 1986. Health service: the real jobs machine.—Nov. 1992. Health services industry: still a job machine?-March 1999. HMOs and other health plans: coverage and employee premiums.—Jun. 1983. Incidence benefits measures in the National Compensation Survey.—Aug. 2004. Major medical coverage during a period of rising costs.—Jul. 1983. Medical and retirement plan coverage: exploring the decline in recent years.—Aug. 2004. Misclassification in an experimental poverty measure.—Jun. 2006. New benefits data from the National Compensation Survey.—Aug. 2004. New statistics for health insurance from the National Compensation Survey.—Aug. 2004. Outpatient surgery: helping to contain health care costs.—Nov. 1992. Prescription drug prices for the elderly.—Sep. 1998. Preventive care provisions, other benefits: are they described in plan documents?—Oct. 2002. The health services industry: a decade of expansion.—May 1981. The National Compensation Survey: a wealth of benefits data.—Aug. 2004. Trends in employer-provided prescription-drug coverage.—Aug. 2004. Using the Employment Cost Index to adjust Medicare payments—Oct. 2002. Migration A decade of economic change and population shifts in U.S. regions.—Nov. 1996. Changes in regional unemployment over the last decade.—Mar. 1985. Conducting the Mass Layoff Statistics program: response and findings.—Aug. 2006. Hurricane Katrina evacuees: who they are, where they are, and how they are faring.—Mar. 2008. Labor force characteristics of second-generation Americans.—Sept. 2006. The effect of Hurricane Katrina on employment and unemployment.—Aug. 2006. The labor market impact of Hurricane Katrina: an overview.—Aug. 2006. Worker mobility before and after Hurricane Katrina.—Aug. 2006. Minority workers A growing market: expenditures by Hispanic consumers.—Mar. 1998. Arbitrating discrimination cases after Gardner-Denver.—Oct. 1983. Black college graduates in the labor market, 1979 and 1989.—Nov. 1990 Black community with advanced labor force characteristics, 1960, A.—Feb. 2007. Blacks in the 1970s: did they scale the job ladder?—Jun. 1982. Cognitive testing of racial and ethnic questions for the CPS supplement.—Sept. 1996. Commission urges changes in immigration policy—a review essay.—Feb. 1982. Diversity of Hispanics in the U.S. work force.—Aug. 1993. Earnings mobility in the United States, 1967-91.—Sept. 1995. Education, on-the-job training, and the black-white earnings gap.—Apr. 1981. Foreign-born workforce, 2004: a visual essay.—Jul. 2006. Job displacement, 1979-86: how blacks fared relative to whites.—July 1991. Labor Department's first program to assist black workers.—Jun. 1982. Labor force data from CPS to undergo revision in January 1983.—Nov. 1982. Race and the shifting burden of job displacement: 1982-93.—Sept. 1996. Racial differences in youth employment.—Aug. 2001. Relative earnings of black men to white men by region, industry.—Apr. 1995. Secular and cyclical patterns in white and nonwhite employment.—May 1996. Testing racial and ethnic origin questions in the CPS supplement.—Sept. 1996. The Great Migration of Afro-Americans, 1915-40.—Mar. 1987. Usual weekly earnings: intergroup differences and basic trends.—Apr. 1982. Multiple jobholders Characteristics of multiple jobholders, 1995.—Mar. 1997. New data on multiple jobholding available from the CPS.—Mar. 1997. Married women, work, and values.—Aug. 2000. Moonlighting by women jumped to record highs.—Nov. 1986. Multiple jobholding in States, 2004.—Dec. 2005. Multiple jobholding in States in 2005.—Nov. 2006. Multiple jobholding in States, 2006.—Sept. 2007. Multiple jobholding in States, 2007.—Sept. 2008. Multiple jobholding up sharply in the eighties.—July. 1990. Work schedules of Americans: an overview of new findings.—Nov. 1986. Netherlands Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993. International comparisons of unemployment indicators.—Mar. 1993. International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.—Aug. 1995. Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991. Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.—Aug. 1985. U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997. Norway U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997. Occupational safety and health (See also Workplace injuries and illnesses.) A census approach to counting fatal work injuries (PDF 342K).—Dec. 1990. An international analysis of workplace injuries.—Mar. 2004. BLS and Alice Hamilton: pioneers in industrial health.—Jun. 1986. BLS develops measure of job risk by occupation.—Oct. 1981. Changing character of fatal work injuries, The.—Oct. 1994.  Changing inequity in work injuries and work timing.—Oct. 1999. Coal industry resurgence attracts variety of new workers.—Jan. 1981. Collective bargaining agreements: safety and health provisions.—May 1998. Fatal work injuries: census for 31 States.—Sept. 1992.  Foreign-born workers: trends in fatal occupational injuries, 1996–2001.—Jun. 2004. Heat burns sustained in the workplace (PDF 192K).—July 1990.  How valid are estimates of occupational illness?—Aug. 1982. Improvements in the BLS safety and health statistical system.—Apr. 1996.  Injuries at work are fewer among older employees.—Mar. 1981. Injuries and illnesses among bituminous and lignite coal miners.—Oct. 1993. Motion-related wrist disorders traced to industries, occupations.—Sept. 1983. Multiyear nonfatal work injury rates.—May 2006. Occupational fatalities: self-employed workers and wage and salary workers.—Mar. 2004. Occupational injury and illness rates, 1992-96: why they fell.—Nov. 1998. Occupational safety and health statistics: new data for a new century.—Oct. 2005. Profiles in safety and health: Eating and drinking places.—June 1991.  Fabricated structural metal.—Dec. 1991. Hotels and motels.—July 1993.  Pilots and flight attendants.—Apr. 1992.  Soft drink industry.—Apr. 1992.  Self-employed individuals fatally injured at work.—Aug. 1995.  Safety and health in roofing and sheet metal.—Sept. 1990. The diurnal pattern of on-the-job injuries.—Sept. 2004. The job safety law of 1970: its passage was perilous.—Mar. 1981. U.S. and Japanese work injury and illness experiences.—Apr. 1992.  Understanding statistics on occupational illnesses.—Mar. 1981. Using statistics to manage a State safety and health program.—Mar. 1981. Work-related amputations by type and prevalence.—Mar. 1981. Occupations American work force, 1992-2005: Occupational employment.—Nov. 1993.  An examination of occupational mobility among full-time workers.—Sept. 2003. Are more college graduates really taking 'high school' jobs?—Dec. 1995. Caring for America's aging population: a profile of the direct-care workforce.—Sept. 2007. Changes in hospital staffing patterns.—Mar. 1991. Declining middle class: a further analysis, The.—Sept. 1986. Early history of the Occupational Outlook Handbook, The.—May 1999. Effect of business ownership change on occupational employment and wages, The.—Sep. 2008. Employment change by occupation, industry, and earnings quartile, 2000-05.—Dec. 2006. Employment trends in the security brokers and dealers industry.—Sept. 1995. Establishment wage differentials.—Apr. 2007. Evaluating BLS labor force, employment, and occupation projections for 2000.—Jul. 2005. Evaluating the 1980 projections of occupational employment.—Jul. 1982. Evaluating the 1990 projections of occupational employment.—Aug. 1992.  Evaluating the 1995 occupational employment projections.—Sept. 1997.; Erratum, Oct. 1997. Evaluating the BLS 1988–2000 employment projections.—Oct. 2003. Exploring low-wage labor with the National Compensation Survey.—Nov./Dec. 2003. Foreign trade alternatives for employment and occupations, 2005.—Nov. 1994.  Gender differences in occupational distributions among workers.—Jun. 2007. Gender differences in occupational employment.—Apr. 1997.  Health care alternatives: employment and occupations in 2005.—Apr. 1994.  High technology today and tomorrow: small slice of employment.—Nov. 1983. How hours of work affect occupational earnings.—Oct. 1998. How shifting occupational composition has affected the real average wage.—Jun. 2009. How widely do wages vary within jobs in the same establishment?—Feb. 2008. Influx of women into legal professions: an economic analysis, The.—Aug. 2002. Nature of employment growth, 1989-95, The.—June 1996. Nature of occupational employment growth: 1983-93, The.—June 1995.  New and emerging occupations.—Dec. 2004. Nonprofit organizations: new insights from QCEW data.—Sept. 2005. Occupational change: pursuing a different kind of work.—Sept. 1989. Occupational changes during the 20th century.—Mar. 2006. Occupational employment based on 1972 and 1987 SIC (PDF 263K).—May 1990. Occupational employment growth through 1990.—Aug. 1981. Occupational employment in commercial banking, 1987-90.—Apr. 1993.  Occupational employment in the not-for-profit sector.—Nov. 2008. Occupational employment projections.—Nov. 1991. Occupational employment projections through 1995.—Nov. 1983. Occupational employment projections to 2014.—Nov. 2005. Occupational employment projections to 2006.—Nov. 1997; Erratum, Dec. 1997. Occupational employment projections to 2008.—Nov. 1999. Occupational employment projections to 2010.—Nov. 2001. Occupational employment projections to 2012.—Feb. 2004. Occupational employment projections to 2016.—Dec. 2007. Occupational employment to 2005.—Nov. 1995.  Occupational employment: wide variations in growth.—Nov. 1993.  Occupational mobility, January 2004.—Dec. 2005. Occupational mobility and job tenure in 1983.—Oct. 1984. Occupational Outlook Handbook: a review of 50 years of change -May 1999. Occupational reclassification and distribution by gender.—Mar. 1984. Occupational trends in advertising, 1984-90.—Sept. 1992.  Occupational winners and losers: who they were during 1972-80.—Jun. 1982. Recent data on job prospects of college-educated youth.—Aug. 1993.  Revising the Standard Occupational Classification system -May 1999. Service-providing occupations, offshoring, and the labor market.—Dec. 2008. Teachers’ work patterns: when, where, and how much do U.S. teachers work?—Mar. 2008. What do OES data have to say about increasing wage inequality?—Jun. 2009. White-collar pay determination under range-of-rate systems.—Dec. 1984. White-collar pay in goods and production, March 1990 (PDF 305K).—Dec. 1990. Work and the work force in the nonprofit sector.—Apr. 1983. Older workers Changing retirement age: ups and downs.—Apr. 2001. Early retirement: an international overview.—Mar. 1987. Elderly and nonelderly expenditures on necessities in the 1980s.—Sept. 1996.  Experimental consumer price index for elderly Americans (CPI-E): 1982–2007, The.—Apr. 2008. Experimental price index for elderly consumers.—May 1994. Fatal occupational injuries to older workers in farming, 1995-2002.—Oct. 2005. Flexible and partial retirement in Norway and Sweden.—Oct. 1985. Health care and prescription drug spending by seniors—Mar. 2003. How do families fare when the breadwinner retires?-Dec. 1983. How do older Americans spend their time?—May 2007. Income distribution of older Americans.—Nov. 2000. Injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among older workers.—Oct. 2005. Injuries at work are fewer among older employees.—Mar. 1981. Institutional barriers to employment of older workers.—Apr. 1989. Labor force participation of older women: retired? working? both?—Sept. 2002. Older workers: employment and retirement trends.—Oct. 2000. Older workers: increasing their labor force participation and hours of work.—Jan. 2008. Older workers in the 21st century: active and educated, a case study.—June 1996. Retirement age declines again in 1990s.—Oct. 2001. Self-employment in the United States: an update.—Jul. 2004. Self-employment among older U.S. workers.—Jul. 2004. Spending by older consumers: 1980 and 1990 compared.—May 1993.  Spending patterns of elderly workers and nonworkers.—May 1990. Spending patterns of older persons revealed in expenditure survey.—Oct. 1986. Sweden combats unemployment of young and older workers.—Oct. 1982. The aging of the U.S. population: human resource implications.—May 1983. The labor market problems of older workers.—May 1983. Today's pension plans: how much do they pay?—Dec. 1985. Trends in job demands among older workers, 1992–2002.—Jul. 2004. Trends in labor force participation in the United States.—Oct. 2006. Trends in retirement age in four countries, 1965-95.—Aug. 1998 Variations in time use at stages of the life cycle.—Sept. 2005. Work after early retirement: an increasing trend among men.—Apr. 1995.  Part-time work (See also Hours of work.) Comparing benefit costs for full- and part-time workers.—March 1999. Involuntary part-time work: new information from the CPS.—Feb. 1981. Modeling the retirement process for evaluation and research.—Jul. 1984. Part-time and temporary employment in Japan.—Oct. 1995.  Part-time work and industry growth-March 1999.—March 1999. Part-time workers: who are they?-Feb. 1986. Short workweeks during economic downturns.—Jun. 1983. The female share of weekend employment: a study of 16 countries.—Aug. 2005. Women's part-time employment: a gross flows analysis.—Apr. 1995.  Pensions An analysis of lump-sum pension distribution recipients.—May 2002. Changing retirement age: ups and downs.—Apr. 2001. Defining participation in defined contribution pension plans.—Aug. 2003. Disability benefits for employees in private pension plans.—Aug. 1982. Distribution of retirement income benefits.—Apr. 2003. Earnings and benefits of contingent and noncontingent workers.—Oct. 1996.  Earnings and benefits of workers in alternative work arrangements.—Oct. 1996.  Evolution of employer-provided defined benefit pensions.—Dec. 1991. Factors affecting retirement income.—Mar. 1993.  Flexible and partial retirement in Norway and Sweden.—Oct. 1985. How do families fare when the breadwinner retires?-Dec. 1983. How social security payments affect private pensions.—May 1984. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant issues of 1992-96.—Jan. 1997.  Measuring defined benefit replacement rates with PenSync.—Nov. 2004. New survey data on pension benefits.—Aug. 1991. On the disparity between private and public pensions.—Apr. 1994.  Pension integration and retirement benefits.—Feb. 2001. Planning ahead: consumer expenditure patterns in retirement.—Jul. 2002. Portability of pension benefits among jobs.—July 1994.  Postretirement increases under private pension plans.—Sept. 1984. Projected pension income: equality or disparity for the baby-boom cohort?—Mar. 2006. Surviving spouse's benefits in private pension plans.—Apr. 1984. Today's pension plans: how much do they pay?—Dec. 1985. Trends in retirement eligibility and pension benefits, 1974-83.—Apr. 1987. Plant shutdown Industrial structure of job displacement, 1979-89.—Sept. 1992.  Poland Helping Poland cope with unemployment.—Dec. 1990. How Poland's Solidarity won freedom of association.—Sept. 1989. Poland in transition: labor market data collection. — Sep. 1999. Poverty A profile of the working poor.—Oct. 1989. An experimental Consumer Price Index for the poor.—Sept. 1996.  The minimum wage: its relation to incomes and poverty.—Jun. 1987. Do some workers have minimum wage careers?—May 2001. Do States reduce poverty through transfer of income?—July 1989. Earnings mobility and low-wage workers in the United States.—Jul. 2006. Economic and social conditions of children and the elderly.—Apr. 2000. Effect of working wives on the incidence of poverty, The.—Mar. 1998.  Experimental poverty measures: accounting for medical expenditures.—Aug. 2002. Experimental poverty measurement for the 1990s.—Mar. 1998.  Immigration and poverty: how are they linked?—Apr. 2003. Income data quality issues in the CPS.—Jun. 2006. Married couples: work and income patterns.—Dec. 1983. Misclassification in an experimental poverty measure.—Jun. 2006. Poverty areas and the 'underclass:' untangling the web.—Mar. 1991. Poverty in the 1980's: are poor getting poorer?—June 1989. Raising the minimum wage: effects on family poverty.—July 1990. Reasons for not working: poor and nonpoor compared.—Aug. 1989. Spending patterns of families receiving public assistance.—Apr. 1996.  The working poor in 2001.—Nov./Dec. 2003. Welfare reform data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation.—Jul. 2001. What does it mean to be poor in America?—May 1996. Work, poverty, and the working poor: a multifaceted problem.—Sept. 1986. Working and poor in 1990.—Dec. 1992. Would a higher minimum wage help poor, female-headed families? (PDF 499K).—Aug. 1990. Prices A half-year decline in inflation: its antecedents and structure.—Oct. 1986. A transaction price index for air travel.—Jun. 2005. Addressing misconceptions about the Consumer Price Index.—Aug. 2008. An empirical analysis of price transmission by stage of processing.—Nov. 2002. Anatomy of price change: A special issue.—Dec. 1993. The Consumer Price Index: underlying concepts and caveats. Basic components of the CPI: estimation of price changes. The commodity substitution effect in CPI data, 1982-91. Quality adjustment of price indexes Are producer prices good proxies for export prices?—Oct. 1997.  Chemical trade prospers in the 1980's.—June 1991. Commodity price volatility: tends during 1975-84.—Jun. 1985. Comparison of the revised and the old CPI.—Nov. 1987. Consumer gasoline prices: an empirical investigation.—July 2003. Consumer inflation in 1997 at 11-year low.—May 1998. Consumer inflation lower in 2001: energy and apparel prices declined.—Mar. 2002. Consumer inflation remains modest in 1998 -Apr. 1999. Consumer price index, 2004.—Apr. 2005. Consumer price slows in first half of 1991.—Oct. 1991. Consumer prices during 2003.—Apr. 2004. Consumer prices for energy and food accelerated in 1996.—Apr. 1997.  Consumer prices in the 1980's.—Aug. 1990. Consumer prices in 1994.—June 1995.  Consumer prices in 1995.—June 1996. Consumer prices rise sharply in 1990.—May 1991.  Consumer prices rose 3.4 percentin 2005, about the same as last year.—May 2006. Consumer prices rose less in 2006 than in 2005.—May 2007. Consumer prices up slightly more in 2002, led by energy and hospital services.—Mar 2003. Core consumer prices in 1999: low by historical standards.—Apr. 2000. Defining the rate of underlying inflation.—Sept. 1981. Developing a hedonic model for Internet access service in the CPI.—Jul. 2008. Dollar's fall boosts U.S. machinery exports, 1985-90.—July 1991. Effects of rounding on the Consumer Price Index, The.—Oct. 2006. Employment and other trends in the electric services industry. — Sep. 1999. Energy, food prices helped slow inflation in 1991.—May 1992.  Experimental price index for elderly consumers.—May 1994.  Factors affecting beef and cattle producer prices movements.—May 2005. Factors affecting the international softwood lumber market, 1987-93.—Feb. 1994.  First-half import and export prices reflect strong dollar, recovery.—Oct. 1984. Growth rate slows down in consumer prices, 1993.—May 1994.  Hedonic regression models using in-house and out-of-house data.—Dec. 2004. How U.S. exports are faring in the world wheat market.—Oct. 1985. Import and export price trends, 2007.—Feb. 2009. Import and export price trends in 2006.—Oct. 2007. Import and export prices gain ease in 1989.—Jun. 1990. Import price declines in 1986 reflected reduced oil prices.—Apr. 1987. Import price indexes for crude petroleum.—Nov. 1982. Import price rise in 2005 due to continued high energy prices.—Nov. 2006. Import prices decline, export prices mixed in first half.—Nov. 1983. Incorporating a geometric mean formula into the CPI.—Oct. 1998. Inflation and the business cycle during the postwar period.—Nov. 1984. Inflation continues to abate during the first quarter.—Jul. 1982. Inflation fueled by oil prices in first 9 months of 1987.—Dec. 1987. Inflation remained low in 1983 in face of strong recovery.—May 1984. International comparisons of Harmonized Indexes of Consumer Prices.—Feb. 2007. International price comparisons based on purchasing power parity.—Oct. 1999. IPP introduces additional Locality of Origin import price indexes.—Dec. 2005. Item replacements and hedonic quality adjustments in apparel price indexes.—Dec. 2006. Large meat, grain supplies cut recent food price increases.—Jan. 1982. Manufacturing prices, productivity, and labor costs in five economies.—Jul. 1995. New international price series published by Nation and region.—June 1992.  New price index for the computer industry.—Oct. 1990. Prescription drug prices for the elderly.—Sep. 1998. Price and expenditure measures of petroleum products: a comparison.—Dec. 2006. Price changes in 1980: double-digit inflation persists.—Apr. 1981. Price changes in 1981: widespread slowing of inflation.—Apr. 1982. Price highlights, 2006: energy goods retreat, moderating producer prices.—Jul./Aug. 2007. Price highlights 2005: higher energy prices again dominate producer prices.—Jul. 2006. Price highlights of 1988: rising pressures on consumer prices.—May 1989. Price measurement in the United States: A decade after the Boskin Report.—May 2006. Price measures of new vehicles: a comparison.—Jul. 2008. Price practices for tobacco products, 1980-94.—Dec. 1994. Price transmission: from crude petroleum to plastics products.—Dec. 2006. Price transmission within the PPI for intermediate goods.—May 2005. Prices of U.S. imports and exports declined in 1984.—Apr. 1985. Producer price highlights, 1994.—June 1995.  Producer price highlights, 1995.—July 1996.  Producer price highlights, 1996.—July 1997.  Producer price highlights, 1997.—July 1998. Producer price highlights, 1998.—July 1999. Producer price inflation accelerates in 2007 due to rising prices for energy and food.—Jul. 2008. Producer price rises slowed in improving economy in 1993.—May 1994.  Producer prices in 2000: energy goods continue to climb.—July 2001. Recession, energy prices ease producer price inflation, 1991.—May 1992.  Reconciling the CPI and the PCE Deflator.—Sept. 1981. Revising the Standard Occupational Classification system—June 1999 Sharp drop in energy prices holds inflation in check during 1986.—May 1987. Some proposals to improve the Consumer Price Index.—Sept. 1981. Strong dollar, recovery mark international prices in 1983.—Apr. 1984. The 1989 price increase largest in eight years.—May 1990. The revised Consumer Price Index: changes in coverage.—Jul. 1986. U.S. foreign trade prices in 1982: import and export indexes.—May 1983. U.S. import and export price indexes show declines in first half.—Jan. 1983. U.S. import and export prices continued to register sizable gains in 1988.—May 1989. U.S. import and export prices in 2003.—Sept. 2004. U.S. import and export prices in 2004.—Jul. 2005. Using survey data to asses bias in the Consumer Price Index.—Apr. 1998.  Private sector Public-private pay debate: what do the data show?, The.—May 1996. Public and private pay levels: a comparison in large labor markets.—Jul. 1981. Tracking job growth in private industry.—Sept. 1982. Producer Price Index An empirical analysis of price transmission by stage of processing.—Nov. 2002. Are producer prices good proxies for export prices?—Oct. 1997.  Changing weights in the Producer Price Index.—Aug. 1987. Coal mining in the U.S. West: price and employment trends.—Aug. 1997.  Commodity price volatility: tends during 1975-84.—Jun. 1985. Consumer gasoline prices: an empirical investigation.—July 2003. Effect of 1992 weights on Producer Price Indexes.—July 1996. Effect of updated weights on Producer Price Indexes.—Mar. 1993.  Factors affecting beef and cattle producer prices movements.—May 2005. Hospital price inflation: what does the new PPI tell us?—July 1996.  Improving the PPI sample for prescription pharmaceuticals.—Oct. 1997.  Inflation continues to abate during the first quarter.—Jul. 1982. Inflation fueled by oil prices in first 9 months of 1987.—Dec. 1987. Inflation remained low during 1984.—Apr. 1985. Inflation remained low in 1983 in face of strong recovery.—May 1984. Japanese exchange rates, export restraints, and auto prices.—Feb. 2007. Large meat, grain supplies cut recent food price increases.—Jan. 1982. New price index for the computer industry.—Oct. 1990. Prescription drug prices for the elderly.—Sep. 1998. Price changes in 1980: double-digit inflation persists.—Apr. 1981. Price changes in 1981: widespread slowing of inflation.—Apr. 1982. Price highlights, 2006: energy goods retreat, moderating producer prices.—Jul./Aug. 2007. Price highlights 2005: higher energy prices again dominate producer prices.—Jul. 2006. Price measures of new vehicles: a comparison.—Jul. 2008. Price transmission: from crude petroleum to plastics products.—Dec. 2006. Price transmission within the PPI for intermediate goods.—May 2005. Producer price highlights, 1994.—June 1995.  Producer price highlights, 1995.—July 1996.  Producer price highlights, 1996.—July 1997.  Producer price highlights, 1997.—July 1998. Producer price highlights, 1998.—July 1999. Producer price highlights during 2001.—Jul. 2002. Producer price inflation accelerates in 2007 due to rising prices for energy and food.—Jul. 2008. Producer price rises slowed in improving economy in 1993.—May 1994.  Producer prices in 2000: energy goods continue to climb.—July 2001. Recession, energy prices ease producer price inflation, 1991.—May 1992.  Rising producer prices in 1999 dominated by energy goods.—Aug. 2000. The 1989 price increase largest in eight years.—May 1990. The 1996 grain price shock: how did it affect food inflation?—Aug. 1998 Productivity A perspective on the U.S.—Canada manufacturing productivity gap.—Feb. 2001. Alternative measures of supervisory employee hours and productivity growth.—Apr. 2004. Alternative output measurement for the U.S. retail trade sector.—Jul. 2005. Apparel stores display above-average productivity.—Oct. 1984. Beauty and barber shops: the trend of labor productivity.—Mar. 1986. Bias in aggregate productivity trends revisited.—Mar. 2002. BLS completes major expansion of industry productivity series.—Sep. 1998. BLS introduces new range of alternative unemployment measures.—Oct. 1995.  BLS modernizes industry labor productivity program.—July 1995.  Changing utilization of fixed capital and long-term growth.—May 1985. Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995.  Comparing 50 years of labor productivity in U.S. and foreign manufacturing.—June 2002. Comparisons of economic performance: Canada versus Australia, 1983–2000.—Apr. 2005. Cosmetics industry achieves long-term productivity gains.—Dec. 1982. Cyclical behavior of productivity in the machine tool industry.—Nov. 1981. Differences in productivity growth: Canadian-U.S. business sectors, 1987–2000.—Apr. 2003. Difficulties in the measurement of service outputs.—Mar. 1994.  Employment trends in the lumber and woods products industry.—Aug. 1983. Federal Productivity Measurement Program: final results, The.—May 1997. Hand and edge tool industry experiences slow rise in productivity.—Oct. 1982. High performance work systems and firm performance.—May 1995.  Hours at work: a new base for BLS productivity statistics.—Feb. 1990. Improvements to the quarterly productivity measures.—Oct. 1995.  Improving workplace performance: historical and theoretical con-texts.—May 1995.  Industry output and employment.—Nov. 1993.  Industry output, employment growth slowdown continues.—Nov. 1991. Industry productivity in natural and processed cheese.—Apr. 1993.  Industry productivity trends under the North American Industry Classification system.—Nov. 2004. Information technology and economic growth in Canada and the U.S.—Oct. 2002. Instruments to measure electricity: industry's productivity rises.—Oct. 1983. International comparisons of trends in productivity and labor costs.—Dec. 1981. International labor productivity and per capita income.—July 1999. International trends in productivity, labor costs in manufacturing.—Dec. 1986. International trends in productivity and labor costs.—Dec. 1982. Labor productivity growth in wholesale trade, 1990-2000.—Dec. 2002. Labor productivity in the retail trade industry, 1987-99.—Dec. 2001. Labor productivity trends since 2000, by sector and industry.—Feb. 2008. Manufacturing costs, productivity, and competitiveness: 1979-93.—Oct. 1994.  Manufacturing multifactor productivity in three countries.—July 1995.  Manufacturing prices, productivity, and labor costs in five economies.—July 1995.  Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991. Measurement of productivity growth in U.S. manufacturing.—July 1995.  Measuring productivity in service industries.—Jun. 1982. Measuring single-factor and multifactor productivity.—Dec. 1986. Millwork industry shows slow growth in productivity.—Sept. 1982. Mining machinery industry: labor productivity trends, 1972-84.—Jun. 1987. Multifactor productivity: a new BLS measure.—Dec. 1983. Multifactor productivity change in the air transportation industry.—Mar. 2005. Multifactor productivity in farm and garden equipment.—June 1991. Multifactor productivity in household furniture.—June 1994.  Multifactor productivity in manufacturing, 1984-88.—Oct. 1992.  Multifactor productivity in railroad transportation.—Aug. 1992.  Multifactor productivity in the metal stampings industry.—May 1995.  Multifactor productivity in motor vehicle industries.—Aug. 1987. Multifactor productivity in the utility services industries.—May 1993. Multifactor productivity in tires and inner tubes industry.—June 1989. Multifactor productivity in U.S. manufacturing, 1949-83.—Oct. 1987. Multifactor productivity slips in the nonrubber footwear industry.—Apr. 1989.  Multifactor productivity trends in manufacturing industries, 1987–96.—June 2001. Multifactor productivity: cotton and synthetic broadwoven fabrics.—July 1995.  Multifactor productivity: refrigeration and heating equipment industry.—May 1997. New BLS survey measures ratio of hours worked to hours paid.—Jun. 1984. Nonwool yarn mills experience slow gains in productivity.—Mar. 1982. Post-recession productivity gain helps curb labor cost growth.—Dec. 1984. Preliminary estimates of multifactor productivity growth.—Jun. 2005. Productivity and labor cost trends in manufacturing, 12 countries.—Mar. 1986. Productivity continued to increase in many industries during 1984.—Mar. 1986. Productivity continues to rise in many industries during 1987.—Mar. 1989. Productivity growth average in farm machinery manufacturing.—Oct. 1982. Productivity growth improves in housefurnishings industry.—Mar. 1996.  Productivity growth in high-tech manufacturing industries.—Mar. 2002. Productivity growth in plastics lower than all manufacturing.—Sept. 1983. Productivity growth in switchgear industry slow after 1973.—Mar. 1984. Productivity growth low in the oilfield machinery industry.—Dec. 1985. Productivity improvements in two fabricated metals industries.—Oct. 1983. Productivity in aircraft manufacturing.—June 1993.  Productivity in banking: computers spur the advance.—Dec. 1982. Productivity in crude oil and natural gas production.—Mar. 1992.  Productivity in hardwood dimension and flooring.—Oct. 1994.  Productivity in industry and government, 1989.—May 1991.  Productivity in industry and government, 1989 (PDF 682K).—July 1990. Productivity in making heating and cooling equipment.—Dec. 1984. Productivity in manufacturing at home and abroad.—Dec. 1987. Productivity in meatpacking and prepared meats industry.—Apr. 1984. Productivity in retail auto and home supply stores.—Aug. 1989. Productivity in retail miscellaneous shopping goods stores.—Oct. 1995.  Productivity in State Unemployment Insurance Service.—Jan. 1983. Productivity in the carburetors, pistons, and valves industry.—Feb. 1989. Productivity in the fabricated plate work industry: 1982-94.—May 1997. Productivity in the furniture and home furnishing stores industry.—May 1987. Productivity in the internal combustion engine industry.—May 1985. Productivity in the metal doors, sash, and trim industry.—Mar. 1986. Productivity in the nuts and bolts industry, 1958-90.—Oct. 1992.  Productivity in the photographic equipment and supplies industry.—Jun. 1990. Productivity in the pump and compressor industry.—Dec. 1982. Productivity in the rubber and plastics hose and belting industry.—July 1990. Productivity in scrap and waste materials processing.—Apr. 1990. Productivity increased in 1981 in most industries measured.—Dec. 1982. Productivity measures for retail trade: data and issues.—Jul. 2005. Productivity trends for intercity bus carriers.—May 1981. Productivity trends in agriculture chemicals.—Mar. 1989. Productivity trends in business cycles: a visual essay.—Jun. 2009. Productivity trends in kitchen cabinet manufacturing.—Mar. 1985. Productivity trends in manufacturing at home and abroad.—Jan. 1984. Productivity trends in the ball and roller bearing industry.—Jan. 1981. Productivity trends in the Federal Government.—Oct. 1985. Productivity trends in the machine tool accessories industry.—Jun. 1985. Productivity trends in the mobile homes industry.—May 1997. Productivity trends in two retail trade industries, 1987-95.—July 1997.  Productivity trends: prepared fish and seafood industry.—Oct. 1992.  Retail liquor stores experience flat trend in productivity.—Feb. 1987. Technological change and employment: some results from BLS research.—Apr. 1987. The contribution of R&D to productivity growth.—Mar. 1986. The office furniture industry: patterns in productivity.—Dec. 1982. The productivity puzzle: numbers alone won't solve it.—Oct. 1982. The service-producing sector: some common perceptions.—Apr. 1983. Transformer industry productivity slows.—Nov. 1981. Trends of labor productivity in metal stamping industries.—May 1986. Two decades of productivity growth in poultry dressing and procedssing.—Apr. 1987. Upgrading the U.S. Workplace: do reorganization, education help?—May 1995.  U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997.  U.S. productivity growth: the post-recession experience.—Dec. 1986. Wage and productivity stability in U.S. manufacturing plants.—May 2008. Work participation and productivity change.—Sept. 1984. Profit sharing Profit sharing today: plans and provisions.—Apr. 1991  19- 25. Projections A century of change: U.S. labor force from 1950 to 2050.—May 2002. A second look at industry output and employment trends to 1995.—Nov. 1985. Age-adjusted labor force participation rates, 1960-2045.—Sept. 2002. American work force, 1992-2005: A special issue.—Nov. 1993.  Another look at the labor force. Historical trends, 1950-92, and current uncertainties. Industry output and employment. Occupational employment: wide variations in growth. The U.S. economy to 2005: framework for BLS projections. An evaluation of BLS projections of 1980 industry employment.—Aug. 1984. An evaluation of State projections of industry, occupational employment.—Oct. 1987. BLS employment projections for 1990: an evaluation.—Aug. 1992.  BLS projections to 2005: A special issue.—Nov. 1995.  Industry output and employment projections to 2005. Occupational employment to 2005. Summary of BLS projections to 2005. The U.S. economy to 2005. Child day care services: industry at a crossroads.—Dec. 1990. Consumer spending: an engine for U.S. job growth.—Nov. 2002. Defense-related employment and spending, 1996-2006.—July 1998. Economic outlook through 1995: industry output and employment.—Nov. 1983. Employment outlook: 1996-2006.—Nov. 1997. Employment outlook: 1998-2008.—Nov. 1999. BLS projections to 2008: a summary. Industry output and employment projections to 2008. Labor force projections to 2008: steady growth and changing composition. Occupational employment projections to 2008. U.S. economy to 2008: a decade of continued growth, The. BLS projections to 2006--a summary. Employment projections to 2012: concepts and context.—Feb. 2004. Evaluating BLS labor force, employment, and occupation projections for 2000.—Jul. 2005. How accurate were projections of the 1980 labor force?—Jul. 1982. Industry output and employment projections to 2006; Erratum, Dec. 1997. Industry output and employment projections to 2010.—Nov. 2001. Industry output and employment projections to 2012.—Feb. 2004. Labor force 2006: slowing down and changing composition; Erratum, Dec. 1997. Labor force participation: 75 years of change, 1950-98 and 1998-2025.—Dec. 1999. Labor force projections to 2010: steady growth and changing composition.—Nov. 2001. Labor force projections to 2012: the graying of the U.S. workforce.—Feb. 2004. New economic projections through 1990-an overview.—Aug. 1981. New look at long-term labor force projections to 2050.—Nov. 2006. New occupational data improve replacement estimates.—Mar. 1984. Occupational employment projections: the 1984-95 outlook.—Nov. 1985. Occupational employment projections through 1995.—Nov. 1983. Occupational employment projections to 2006; Erratum, Dec. 1997. The U.S. economy to 2006. The U.S. economy to 2012: signs of growth.—Feb. 2004. Evaluating the 1995 BLS projections.—Sept. 1997.  Introduction. Industry employment projections. Labor force projections. Occupational employment projections; Erratum, Oct. 1997. Evaluating the BLS 1988–2000 employment projections.—Oct. 2003. Evaluating the BLS labor force projections to 2000.—Oct. 2003 Evaluation of labor force projections to 1990.—Aug. 1992.  Foreign trade alternatives for employment and occupations, 2005.—Nov. 1994.  Future of jobs for college graduates.—July 1992.  GDP components' contribution to U.S. economic growth.—June 1998. Health care alternatives: employment and occupations in 2005.—Apr. 1994.  Industry output, employment growth slowdown continues.—Nov. 1991. Infrastructure alternatives for 2005: employment and occupations.—Apr. 1994.  Labor force projections: the baby boom moves on.—Nov. 1991. New BLS projections: findings and implications.—Nov. 1991. Occupational employment growth through 1990.—Aug. 1981. Occupational employment projections.—Nov. 1991. Occupational employment projections to 2010.—Nov. 2001. Occupational employment projections to 2012.—Feb. 2004. Outlook 2000.—Nov. 1989. New labor force projections, spanning 1988 to 2000. The aggregate structure of the economy. Industry output and employment: a slower trend for the nineties. Projections of occupational employment, 1988-2000. Projections summary and emerging issues. Projections 2000: Overview and Implications.—Sept. 1987. Overview and implications of the projections to 2000 Economic projections to the year 2000 Labor force projections: 1986-2000 Industry output and employment through the end of the century A look at occupational employment trends to the year 2000 Strong employment growth highlights first half of 1987 Sensitivity of BLS economic projections to exogenous variables.—Dec. 1986. Service-providing occupations, offshoring, and the labor market.—Dec. 2008. Scientific and technical employment, 1990-2005.—Feb. 1992.  The 1995 labor force: a second look.—Nov. 1983. The 1995 labor force: BLS latest projections.—Nov. 1985. The 2005 labor force: growing, but slowly; Errata, Mar. 1996. The economic outlook to 1995: new assumptions and projections.—Nov. 1985. The job outlook through 1995: industry output and employment.—Nov. 1983. The outlook for industry output and employment through 1990.—Aug. 1981. The quality of BLS projections: a historical account -May 1999. The U.S. economy through 1990-an update.—Aug. 1981. The U.S. economy to 2010.—Nov. 2001. Trends in retirement age by sex, 1950-2005.—July 1992.  U.S. consumers: which jobs are they creating?—June 1996. U.S. economy into the 21st century.—Nov. 1991. Public assistance (See Welfare.) Public employees Defense-related employment and spending, 1996-2006.—July 1998. Employment in the public sector.—Oct. 2004. Federal Productivity Measurement Program: final results, The.—May 1997. Government employment: an era of slow growth.—Oct. 1981. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant issues of 1992-96.—Jan. 1997.  Negotiated wage changes in government, 1992.—June 1993.  Productivity trends in the Federal Government.—Oct. 1985. Public-private pay debate: what do the data show?, The.—May 1996. Public and private pay levels: a comparison in large labor markets.—Jul. 1981. Recession 1990-91 recession, The: how bad was the labor market?-June 1994. Atlantic and Pacific coasts' labor market hit hard in early 1990's.—Feb. 1993. Have employment patterns in recessions changed?—Feb. 1981. Industrial relations in 1980 influenced by inflation and recession.—Jan. 1981. Industry employment and the 1990-91 recession.—July 1993. Job losses among Hispanics in the recent recession.—June 1994. Jobs in 2005: How do they compare with their March 2001 counterparts?.—Jul. 2006. Long-term unemployment in recent recessions.—June 1994. Recent recessions swell ranks of the long-term unemployed.—Feb. 1984. Recession swells count of displaced workers.—June 1993. Recessionary impacts on the unemployment of men and women.—May 1984. Response to recession: reduce hours or jobs?—Oct. 1981. The employment situation in 1981: new recession takes its toll.—Mar. 1982. The services industry: is it recession-proof?—Oct. 1981. Unemployment continued to rise in 1982 as recession deepened.—Feb. 1983. Women and jobs in recessions: 1969-92.—July 1993. Women and jobs in recoveries: 1970-93.—July 1994. Regional economics 9/11 and the New York City economy: A borough-by-borough analysis.—Jun. 2004. A decade of economic change and population shifts in U.S. regions.—Nov. 1996. An analysis of regional employment growth, 1973-85.—Jul. 1986. Black community with advanced labor force characteristics, 1960, A.—Feb. 2007. Changes in regional unemployment over the last decade.—Mar. 1985. Clerical pay differences in metropolitan areas, 1961-80.—Jul. 1982. Conducting the Mass Layoff Statistics program: response and findings.—Aug. 2006. Economic impact of the creative arts industries: New York and Los Angeles, The.—Oct. 2007. Effects of Hurricane Katrina on the New Orleans economy, The.—Jun. 2007. Employment in R&D-intensive high tech industries in Texas.—Nov. 1996. Estimating economic losses in the Bay Area from a magnitude-6.9 earthquake.—Dec. 2007. Extended mass layoffs after 2001: a comparison of New York and the Nation.—Sept. 2008. Geospatial distribution of employment: a new visual asset, The.—Mar. 2007. Hurricane damage to the ocean economy in the U.S. gulf region in 2005.—Aug. 2006. Hurricane Katrina evacuees: who they are, where they are, and how they are faring.—Mar. 2008. Industry dynamics in the Washington, DC, area: has a second job core emerged?—Dec. 2006. Job creation and destruction within Washington and Baltimore.—Sept. 2001. Micropolitan Statistical Areas: a few highlights.—Apr. 2008. Multimedia and digital visual effects: an emerging local labor market.—Mar. 1998. Multiple jobholding in States, 2004.—Dec. 2005. Multiple jobholding in States in 2005.—Nov. 2006. Multiple jobholding in States, 2006.—Sept. 2007. Multiple jobholding in States, 2007.—Sept. 2008. Pay relatives for metropolitan areas in the NCS.—Mar. 2005. Proportion of workers in selected pay ranges by region and State, 2005.—Dec. 2006. Recent changes in the State and Metropolitan Area CES survey.—June 2003. Regional variations in employment and unemployment, 1970-82.—Feb. 1984. Rise and decline of auto parts manufacturing in the Midwest, The.—Oct. 2007. State and regional employment and unemployment in 1983.—Sept. 1984. Structural changes in Manhattan’s post-9/11 economy.—Oct. 2006. The effect of Hurricane Katrina on employment and unemployment.—Aug. 2006. The effects of firm size on wages in Colorado: a case study.—July 2003. The labor market impact of Hurricane Katrina: an overview.—Aug. 2006. The puzzling lag in southern earnings.—Jun. 1981. What is effect of random variation in State jobless rates.—Dec. 1987. Rehabilitation Helping ex-offenders enter the labor market.—Jul. 1983. U.S. worker rehabilitation in international perspective.—Sept. 1991. Using wage records in workforce investments in Ohio.—May 2004. Retirement 401(k) plans move away from employer stock as investment vehicle.—Nov. 2008. Contributions to savings and thrift plans.—Nov. 1990. Disability benefits for employees in private pension plans.—Aug. 1982. Early retirement: an international overview.—Mar. 1987. Employer generosity in employer-matched 401(k) plans, 2002-03.—Sept. 2007. Expenditure patterns of retired and nonretired persons.—Apr. 1994. Factors affecting retirement income.—Mar. 1993. Flexible and partial retirement in Norway and Sweden.—Oct. 1985. How do families fare when the breadwinner retires?-Dec. 1983. How social security payments affect private pensions.—May 1984. Life insurance benefits for retired workers.—Sept. 1990. Modeling the retirement process for evaluation and research.—Jul. 1984. Older workers: increasing their labor force participation and hours of work.—Jan. 2008. Postretirement increases under private pension plans.—Sept. 1984. Spending patterns of older persons revealed in expenditure survey.—Oct. 1986. Supplementing retirement until Social Security begins.—Feb. 1990. Surviving spouse's benefits in private pension plans.—Apr. 1984. The aging of the U.S. population: human resource implications.—May 1983. The labor market problems of older workers.—May 1983. Today's pension plans: how much do they pay?—Dec. 1985. Trends in retirement age by sex, 1950-2005.—July 1992. Trends in retirement age in four countries, 1965-95.—Aug. 1998 Trends in retirement eligibility and pension benefits, 1974-83.—Apr. 1987. Work after early retirement: an increasing trend among men.—Apr. 1995. Retirement An analysis of lump-sum pension distribution recipients.—May 2002. Changing retirement age: ups and downs.—Apr. 2001. Contributions to savings and thrift plans.—Nov. 1990. Defining participation in defined contribution pension plans.—Aug. 2003. Distribution of retirement income benefits.—Apr. 2003. Expenditure patterns of older Americans, 1984-97.—May 2000. Expenditure patterns of retired and nonretired persons.—Apr. 1994. Factors affecting retirement income.—Mar. 1993. Health and retirement benefits: data from two BLS surveys-Mar. 2000. How do older Americans spend their time?—May 2007. Labor force participation of older women: retired? working? both?—Sept. 2002. Life insurance benefits for retired workers.—Sept. 1990. Older workers: employment and retirement trends.—Oct. 2000. Pension integration and retirement benefits.—Feb. 2001. Planning ahead: consumer expenditure patterns in retirement.—Jul. 2002. Retirement age declines again in 1990s.—Oct. 2001. Retirement expenditures for Whites, Blacks, and persons of Hispanic origin.—June 2003. Trends in retirement age by sex, 1950-2005.—July 1992. Trends in retirement age in four countries, 1965-95.—Aug. 1998. Trends in retirement plan coverage over the last decade.—Feb. 2006. Supplementing retirement until Social Security begins.—Feb. 1990. Work after early retirement: an increasing trend among men.—Apr. 1995. Safety and health (See Occupational safety and health.) Salaries (See Earnings and wages.) Scientists Scientific and technical employment, 1990-2005.—Feb. 1992.  Seasonal employment Seasonal employment falls over past three decades.—July 1993.  Self-employment Characteristics of self-employed women in the United States.—Mar. 1994.  Measuring self-employment in the United States.—Jan./Feb. 1996.  On their own: the self-employed and others in private business.—May 1987. Self-employed individuals fatally injured at work.—Aug. 1995. Self-employed workers: an update to 1983.—Jul. 1984. Self-employment, entrepreneurship, and the nlsy79.—Feb. 2005. Self-employment in the United States: an update.—Jul. 2004. Self-employment among older U.S. workers.—Jul. 2004. The role of entrepreneurship in U.S. and European job growth.—Jul. 2000.  The role of self-employment in U.S. and Canadian job growth -Apr. 1999. Work at home: data from the CPS.—Feb. 1994.  Work at home: new findings from the Current Population Survey.—Nov. 1986. Work schedules of Americans: an overview of new findings.—Nov. 1986. Service sector Bureau seeks better measures of service employment.—Nov. 1982. Deindustrialization and the shift to services.—Jun. 1986. Differences in productivity growth: Canadian-U.S. business sectors, 1987–2000.—Apr. 2003. Difficulties in the measurement of service outputs.—Mar. 1994.  Employment in business services: a year of unprecedented decline.—Apr. 2002. Employment in services industries affected by recessions and expansions.—Oct. 2001. Employment shifts in high-technology industries, 1988-96.—June 1997. Flexible labor: restructuring the American work force.—Aug. 1997.  Have employment patterns in recessions changed?—Feb. 1981. Health services industry: still a job machine?-March 1999. Measuring productivity in service industries.—Jun. 1982. Producer services: why are they growing so rapidly?-Dec. 1987. Productivity trends in two retail trade industries, 1987-95.—July 1997.  Services: business demand rivals consumer demand in driving job growth.—Apr. 2002. Services industry in the 'good' versus 'bad' jobs debate.—Feb. 1998.  The employment shift to services: where did it come from?—Apr. 1984. The health services industry: a decade of expansion.—May 1981. The service-producing sector: some common perceptions.—Apr. 1983. The services industry: is it recession-proof?—Oct. 1981. Small business On their own: the self-employed and others in private business.—May 1987. Small businesses and their employees.—Oct. 1994. The characteristics of small-business employees.—Apr. 2000.  Social Security How social security payments affect private pensions.—May 1984.  New survey data on pension benefits.—Aug. 1991  On the disparity between private and public pensions.—Apr. 1994. Supplementing retirement until Social Security begins.—Feb. 1990. The growth of fringe benefits: implications for social security.—Nov. 1981. State Government An evaluation of State projections of industry, occupational employment.—Oct. 1987. Changes in Federal and State unemployment insurance legislation, 2006.—Jan. 2007. Changes in Federal and State unemployment insurance legislation in 2004.—Jan. 2005. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1995.—Jan./Feb. 1996.  Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1996.—Jan. 1997. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 2003.—Jan. 2004. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 2005.—Jan. 2006. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation, 2007.—Jan. 2008. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 2008.—Jan. 2009. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation during 1986.—Feb. 1987. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation during 1984.—Jan. 1985. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 1990.—Jan. 1991.  Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 1991.—Jan. 1992.  Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 1992.—Jan. 1993.  Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 1993.—Jan. 1994.  Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 1994.—Jan. 1995.    Changes in unemployment insurance legislation during 1985.—Jan. 1986. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 1997.—Jan. 1998.  Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 2000.—Jan. 2001. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 2001.—Jan. 2002. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 2002.—Jan. 2003. Changes in workers' compensation laws during 2000.—Jan. 2001. Changes in workers' compensation laws during 2001.—Jan. 2002. Changes in workers’ compensation laws, 2002.—Jan. 2003. Changes in workers' compensation laws in 2003.—Jan. 2004. Changes in workers' compensation laws in 2004.—Jan. 2005. Collective bargaining in State and local government, 1994.—June 1995.  Key worker's compensation laws enacted by States in 1985.—Jan. 1986. Legislative revisions of unemployment insurance in 1980.—Jan. 1981. Negotiated wage changes in government, 1992.—June 1993. Productivity in State Unemployment Insurance Service.—Jan. 1983. State and local government pay increases outpace gains in industry.—Feb. 1987. State labor legislation enacted in 1980.—Jan. 1981. State labor legislation enacted in 1981.—Jan. 1982. State labor legislation enacted in 1982.—Jan. 1983. State labor legislation enacted in 1983.—Jan. 1984. State labor legislation enacted in 1984.—Jan. 1985. State labor legislation enacted in 1985.—Jan. 1986. State labor legislation enacted in 1986.—Jan. 1987. State labor legislation enacted in 1990.—Jan. 1991. State labor legislation enacted in 1991.—Jan. 1992.  State labor legislation enacted in 1992.—Jan. 1993.  State labor legislation enacted in 1993.—Jan. 1994.  State labor legislation enacted in 1994.—Jan. 1995.  State labor legislation enacted in 1995.—Jan./Feb. 1996. State labor legislation enacted in 1996.—Jan. 1997.  State labor legislation enacted in 1997.—Jan. 1998.  State labor legislation enacted in 2000.—Jan. 2001. State labor legislation enacted in 2001.—Jan. 2002. State labor legislation enacted in 2002.—Jan. 2003. State labor legislation enacted in 2003.—Jan. 2004. State labor legislation enacted in 2004.—Jan. 2005. State labor legislation enacted in 2005.—Jan. 2006. State labor legislation enacted in 2006.—Jan. 2007. State labor legislation enacted in 2007.—Jan. 2008. State labor legislation enacted in 2008.—Jan. 2009. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1990.—Jan. 1991. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1996.—Jan. 1997.  Unemployment insurance laws: changes in 1981.—Feb. 1982. Unemployment insurance laws: legislative revisions in 1982.—Jan. 1983. Using statistics to manage a State safety and health program.—Mar. 1981. Workers' compensation: 1984 State enactments.—Jan. 1985. Workers' compensation: key legislation in 1981.—Feb. 1982. Workers' compensation: State enactments in 1991.—Jan. 1992.  Workers' compensation: State enactments in 1992.—Jan. 1993.  Workers' compensation in 1980: summary of major enactments.—Mar. 1981. Workers' compensation in 1982: significant legislation enacted.—Jan. 1983. Worker's compensation laws: significant changes in 1993.—Jan. 1994.  Worker's compensation laws: Enactments in 1994.—Jan. 1995.  Workers' compensation laws enacted in 1995.—Jan./Feb. 1996.   Workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1997.—Jan. 1998.  Statistical programs and methods A census approach to counting fatal work injuries (PDF 342K).—Dec. 1990. A century of wage statistics: the BLS contribution.—Nov. 1984. A data user's look back from 2015.—Apr. 1990. A first look at employment and wages using NAICS.—Dec. 2001. A state space model-based method of seasonal adjustment.—July 2001. Accounting for missing data in the Employment Cost Index.—Apr. 2006. Addressing misconceptions about the Consumer Price Index.—Aug. 2008. Analyzing CPS data using gross flows.—Sept. 2005. Antecedents and predecessors of NLSY79: paving the course.—Feb. 2005. Apparel price indexes: effects of hedonic adjustment.—May 1994.  Are producer prices good proxies for export prices?—Oct. 1997.  BLS and the economy: a centennial timetable.—Nov. 1984. BLS at 125: using historic principles to track the 21st-century economy.—Jun. 2009. BLS compensation programs: what will users need?—Feb. 1990. BLS completes major expansion of industry productivity series.—Sep. 1998. BLS introduces new range of alternative unemployment measures.—Oct. 1995.  BLS modernizes industry labor productivity program.—July 1995.  BLS prepares to broaden scope of its white-collar pay survey.—Mar. 1987. BLS regional offices: 50 years of Federal-State cooperation.—Dec. 1992. CE data: quintiles of income versus quintiles of outlays.—Dec. 1994. Changing the item structure in the Consumer Price Index.—Dec. 1996. Changing the treatment of homeownership in the CPI.—Jun. 1982. Cognitive testing of racial and ethnic questions for the CPS supplement.—Sept. 1996. Consumer Expenditure Survey, The: a comparative analysis.—Dec. 1994. CPI for hospital services: concepts and procedures, The.—July 1996.  Developing a hedonic model for Internet access service in the CPI.—Jul. 2008. Developing statistics to meet society's needs.—Oct. 1989. Diffusion indexes: an economic barometer.—Apr. 1990. Effect of 1992 weights on Producer Price Indexes.—July 1996.  Effects of rounding on the Consumer Price Index, The.—Oct. 2006. Employment Cost Index rebased to June 1989 (PDF 149K).—Apr. 1990 Estimating gross flows consistent with stocks in the CPS.—Sept. 2005. Hospital price inflation: what does the new PPI tell us?—July 1996.  Interarea price levels: an experimental methodology.—Sept. 2006. Impact of business births and deaths in the payroll survey.—May 2006. Implementing recommendations to improve labor statistics.—Feb. 1985. Implementing the North American Industry Classification System at BLS.—Dec. 2001. Improvements to the quarterly productivity measures.—Oct. 1995.  Improving estimation and benchmarking of State labor force statistics.— May 2005. Improving the PPI sample for prescription pharmaceuticals.—Oct. 1997.  Imputing income in the Consumer Expenditure Survey.—Dec. 1994. Incorporating a geometric mean formula into the CPI.—Oct. 1998. Industry productivity trends under the North American Industry Classification system.—Nov. 2004. Introducing 2002 weights in the Employment Cost Index.—Apr. 2006. Introducing the North American Industry Classification System.—July 1998. Is the ECI sensitive to the method of aggregation? an update.—Dec. 2002. Is the ECI sensitive to the method of aggregation?—June 1997. Item replacements and hedonic quality adjustments in apparel price indexes.—Dec. 2006. Labor force data in the next century.—Apr. 1990. Measuring labor force flows: a conference examines the problems.—Jul. 1985. Measuring single-factor and multifactor productivity.—Dec. 1986. Misclassification in an experimental poverty measure.—Jun. 2006. Model-based seasonally adjusted estimates and sampling error.—Sept. 2005. National Longitudinal Survey: development and uses (PDF 497K).—July 1990. New benchmarks, SIC codes for Establishment Survey (PDF 447K).—Nov. 1990. New household survey and the CPS: labor force differences.—Sept. 1985. New international price series published by Nation and region.—June 1992.  New price index for the computer industry.—Oct. 1990. New measure of compensation cost adjustments.—Aug. 1990. New methodology for selecting outlet samples.—Dec. 1996. New occupational data improve replacement estimates.—Mar. 1984. Occupational injury and illness: new recordkeeping requirements.—Dec. 2004. Overhauling the Current Population Survey: A special issue.—Sept. 1993.  Why is it necessary to change? Redesigning the questionnaire. Evaluating changes in the estimates. Overview of the 1998 revision of the Consumer Price Index.—Dec. 1996. Pay relatives for metropolitan areas in the NCS.—Mar. 2005. Preliminary estimates of multifactor productivity growth.—Jun. 2005. Price measurement in the United States: A decade after the Boskin Report.—May 2006. Providing comparable international labor statistics.—June 2002. Publication strategy for the 1998 revised Consumer Price Index.—Dec. 1996. Quality adjustment in CPI housing sample (PDF 351K).—Nov. 1990. Real compensation, 1979 to 2003: analysis from several data sources.—May 2005. Redesign of the CPI geographic sample, The.—Dec. 1996. Revising the Standard Occupational Classification system -May 1999. Revision of the CPI hospital services component.—Dec. 1996. Revision of the CPI housing sample and estimators.—Dec. 1996. Seasonal adjustment of quarterly consumer expenditure series.—Dec. 1994. Seasonality: economic data and model estimation.—Dec. 1994. Some proposals to improve the Consumer Price Index.—Sept. 1981. Statistical needs in Eastern Europe.—Mar. 1992.  Testing racial and ethnic origin questions in the CPS supplement.—Sept. 1996. The CE and the PCE: a comparison.—Sept. 2006. The Consumer Expenditure Survey: quality control.—Mar. 1987. The Current Population Survey: a historical view and the BLS role.—Jun. 1984. The Leontief-BLS partnership: framework for measurement.—June 2001. The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: 1979 cohort at 25.—Feb. 2005. The problem of respondent attrition: survey methodology is key.—Feb. 2005. The 'underground economy' and BLS statistical data.—Jan. 1984. Transitional employment cost indexes for seasonal adjustment.—Apr. 2008. Unemployment insurance: measuring who receives it.—July 1997. Using gross flows to explore movements in the labor force.—Apr. 1995.  Strikes Baseball strike of 1994-95, The.—Mar. 1997.  The AFL and a national BLS: labor's role is crystallized.—Mar. 1982. The baseball strike of 1990 (PDF 1,039K)—Oct. 1990. The impact of strikes on current employment statistics.—Aug. 2000. Supplemental benefits Employee participation in savings and thrift plans, 1993.—Mar. 1996. Survey methods (See also Statistical programs and methods.) A century of wage statistics: the BLS contribution.—Nov. 1984. A data user's look back from 2015.—Apr. 1990. A first look at employment and wages using NAICS.—Dec. 2001. Antecedents and predecessors of NLSY79: paving the course.—Feb. 2005. BLS and the economy: a centennial timetable.—Nov. 1984. BLS compensation programs: what will users need?—Feb. 1990. BLS introduces new range of alternative unemployment measures.—Oct. 1995.  BLS prepares to broaden scope of its white-collar pay survey.—Mar. 1987. Cognitive testing of racial and ethnic questions for the CPS supplement.—Sept. 1996.  Diffusion indexes: an economic barometer.—Apr. 1990. Employment Cost Index rebased to June 1989 (PDF 149K).—Apr. 1990 Examining evidence on whether BLS undercounts workplace injuries and illnesses.—Aug. 2008. Impact of business births and deaths in the payroll survey.—May 2006. Implementing recommendations to improve labor statistics.—Feb. 1985. Implementing the North American Industry Classification System at BLS.—Dec. 2001. Income data quality issues in the CPS.—Jun. 2006. Incorporating a geometric mean formula into the CPI.—Oct. 1998. Internet collection at the Bureau of Labor Statistics: an option to report.—Feb. 2006. Introducing the North American Industry Classification System.—July 1998. Labor force data in the next century.—Apr. 1990. Measuring intrahousehold allocation of time: response to Anne E. Winkler.—Feb. 2002. Multiyear nonfatal work injury rates.—May 2006. New household survey and the CPS: labor force differences.—Sept. 1985. New tools for labor market analysis: JOLTS.—Dec. 2001. Overestimated workweek, The? What time diary measures suggest.—Aug. 1994.  11-23. Overhauling the Current Population Survey: A special issue.—Sept. 1993. Why is it necessary to change? Redesigning the questionnaire. Evaluating changes in the estimates. Planning, designing, and executing the BLS American Time-Use Survey.—Oct. 2004. Recent changes in the national Current Employment Statistics survey.—June 2003. Recent changes in the State and Metropolitan Area CES survey.—June 2003. Testing racial and ethnic origin questions in the CPS supplement.—Sept. 1996.  The American Time Use Survey: cognitive pretesting.—Feb. 2002. The Current Population Survey: a historical view and the BLS role.—Jun. 1984. The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: 1979 cohort at 25.—Feb. 2005. The problem of respondent attrition: survey methodology is key.—Feb. 2005. The 'underground economy' and BLS statistical data.—Jan. 1984. Understanding the employment measures from the establishment and household surveys.—Feb. 2006. Supreme Court (See also Decisions, Court) Labor and the Supreme Court: significant decisions of 1979-80.—Apr. 1981. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant issues of 1989-90.—Jan. 1990. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant issues of 1990-91.—Jan. 1991. Labor and the Supreme Court: significant issues of 1991-92.—Jan. 1992.  Sweden Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995.  Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993.  Flexible and partial retirement in Norway and Sweden.—Oct. 1985. International comparisons of unemployment indicators.—Mar. 1993.  International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.—Aug. 1995.  Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991. Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.—Aug. 1985. Sweden combats unemployment of young and older workers.—Oct. 1982. Trends in retirement age in four countries, 1965-95.—Aug. 1998 U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997.    Taiwan Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995. Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991. Technological change Commercial banking transformed by computer technology.—Aug. 1996. Computer and Internet use at work in 2001.—Feb. 2003. Computer manufacturing: change and competition.—Aug. 1996. Cyclical behavior of high tech industries.—May 1985. Employer interviews revealed that most of the relocations.—Aug. 2005. Employment and wage outcomes for North Carolina's high-tech workers.—May 2004. Employment impact of electronic business—May. 2001. Employment in high-tech defense industries in a post cold war era.—Aug. 1996. Employment in R&D-intensive high tech industries in Texas.—Nov. 1996. Employment lessons from the electronics industry.—Feb. 1986. Employment shifts in high-technology industries, 1988-96.—June 1997. High-technology employment: a NAICS-based update.—Jul. 2005. High technology employment: another view.—July 1991. High technology today and tomorrow: small slice of employment.—Nov. 1983. Information technology and economic growth in Canada and the U.S.—Oct. 2002. Internet collection at the Bureau of Labor Statistics: an option to report.—Feb. 2006. Job creation and the emerging home computer market.—Aug. 1996. Labor productivity in the retail trade industry, 1987-99.—Dec. 2001. Multimedia and digital visual effects: an emerging local labor market.—Mar. 1998. Nonwool yarn mills experience slow gains in productivity.—Mar. 1982. Productivity growth in high-tech manufacturing industries.—Mar. 2002. Role of computers in reshaping the work force, The.—Aug. 1996. Semiconductors: The building blocks of the information revolution.—Aug. 1996. Shortages of machinists: an evaluation of the information.—Jul. 1982. Software and engineering industries: threatened by technological change?, The.—Aug. 1996. Task force urges diffusion of microelectronics in Canada.—Oct. 1983. Technological change and employment: some results from BLS research.—Apr. 1987. The contribution of R&D to productivity growth.—Mar. 1986. The future of work: does it belong to us or to the robots?—Sept. 1982. Worker training programs help ease impact of technology.—Nov. 1987. Workplace e-mail and Internet use: employees and employers beware.—Feb. 2003. Time use Developing the American Time Use Survey activity classification system.—Jun. 2005. How do older Americans spend their time?—May 2007. How high school students use time: a visual essay.—Nov. 2008. Planning, designing, and executing the BLS American Time-Use Survey.—Oct. 2004. Railroad-related work injury fatalities.—Jul./Aug. 2007. Teachers’ work patterns: when, where, and how much do U.S. teachers work?—Mar. 2008. Teen time use and parental education: evidence from the CPS, MTF, and ATUS.—May 2007. Time use of working parents: a visual essay.—Jun. 2008. Variations in time use at stages of the life cycle.—Sept. 2005. What can time-use data tell us about hours of work?—Dec. 2004. Transportation A transaction price index for air travel.—Jun. 2005. Comparing childcare measures in the ATUS and earlier time diary studies.—May 2007. Consumer expenditures for selected items, 1999 and 2000.—May 2003. Labor contract negotiations in the airline industry.—July 2003. Multifactor productivity change in the air transportation industry.—Mar. 2005. Multifactor productivity in railroad transportation.—Aug. 1992. Productivity trends for intercity bus carriers.—May 1981. Takeoff and descent of airline employment.—Oct. 2008. Unemployment (See also Employment; Labor force.) 1990-91 recession, The: how was the labor market?—June 1994.  1992: Job market in the doldrums.—Feb. 1993.  A comparison of youth unemployment in Australia and the U.S.—Oct. 1984. A new method for estimating job separation rates by sex and age.—Jun. 1983. BLS introduces new range of alternative unemployment measures.—Oct. 1995.  Britain's redundancy payments for displaced workers.—Jun. 1987. Business Processes and Business Functions: a new way of looking at employment.—Dec. 2008. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 2001.—Jan. 2002. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 2002.—Jan. 2003. Conducting the Mass Layoff Statistics program: response and findings.—Aug. 2006. Disability and the characteristics of employment.—May 2003. Displaced workers of 1979-83: how well have they fared?—Jun. 1985. Employer interviews revealed that most of the relocations.—Aug. 2005. Employment and unemployment: a report on 1980.—Feb. 1981. Employment and unemployment: developments in 1985.—Feb. 1986. Employment and unemployment gains widespread in 1983.—Feb. 1984. Employment and unemployment in the first half of 1981.—Aug. 1981. Employment characteristics of Gulf War-era II veterans in 2006: a visual essay.—May 2008. Employment during 1984: a second year of strong growth.—Feb. 1985. Employment in 1996: jobs up, unemployment down.—Feb. 1997.  Employment in the first half: robust recovery continues.—Aug. 1984. Employment on the rise in the first half of 1983.—Aug. 1983. Employment programs for unemployment insurance recipients.—Oct. 2008. Employment rose in first half as recovery entered its third year.—Aug. 1985. Employment up, unemployment stable during 1986 first half.—Aug. 1986. Extended mass layoffs after 2001: a comparison of New York and the Nation.—Sept. 2008. Helping Poland cope with unemployment.—Dec. 1990. Household survey data show labor market improvements.—Mar. 2007. Household survey indicators show some improvement in 2004.—Mar. 2005. Household survey indicators weaken in 2007.—Mar. 2008. How often do workers receive advance notice of layoff?-Jun. 1987. Hurricane Katrina evacuees: who they are, where they are, and how they are faring.—Mar. 2008. International comparisons of unemployment indicators.—Mar. 1993.  International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.—Aug. 1995. International unemployment rates: how comparable are they?-June. 2000. Japan's low unemployment: an in-depth analysis.—Mar. 1984. Japan's unemployment: economic miracle or statistical artifact?-Jul. 1983. Job growth continued, unemployment dipped during 1986.—Feb. 1987. Job growth moderated in 1989; unemployment steady.—Feb. 1990. Job losses among Hispanics in the recent recession.—June 1994.  Job Training Partnership Act: new help for the unemployed.—Mar. 1983. Labor force status of families: a visual essay.—Jul./Aug. 2007. Labor market contrasts: United States and Europe.—Aug. 1983. Labor market developments in U.S. and nine other countries.—Jan. 1984. Labor market dynamics and trends in unemployment.—Nov. 1990. Labor market improves in 1993, The.—Feb. 1994.  Layoffs and permanent job losses: workers' traits, patterns.—Sept. 1983. Long-term unemployment in recent recessions.—June 1994. Lower unemployment in 2005.—Mar. 2006. Mass layoff data indicate outsourcing and offshoring work.—Aug. 2005. Micropolitan Statistical Areas: a few highlights.—Apr. 2008. Population changes, the baby boom, and unemployment.—Aug. 1990  Race and the shifting burden of job displacement: 1982-93.—Sept. 1996.  Recent recessions swell ranks of the long-term unemployed.—Feb. 1984. Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.—Aug. 1985. Recession swells count of displaced workers.—June 1993.  Recessionary impacts on the unemployment of men and women.—May 1984. Regional variations in employment and unemployment, 1970-82.—Feb. 1984. Reinserting labor into the Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.—Jun. 2005. Sources of secular increases in the unemployment rate, 1969-82.—Jul. 1984. State UI job search rules and reemployment services.—Jun. 2006. Strong employment gains continue in 1994.—Feb. 1995.  Strong employment growth highlights first half of 1987.—Sept. 1987. Strong job growth continues, unemployment declines in 1997.—Feb. 1998. Sweden combats unemployment of young and older workers.—Oct. 1982. The effect of Hurricane Katrina on employment and unemployment.—Aug. 2006. The employment-at-will doctrine: three major exceptions The employment situation in 1981: new recession takes its toll.—Mar. 1982. The female-male unemployment differential.—Nov. 1984. The future of work: does it belong to us or to the robots?—Sept. 1982. The impact of strikes on current employment statistics.—Aug. 2000.  The job market in 2000: slowing down as the year ended.—Feb. 2001. The job market remains strong in 1999.—Feb. 2000 The Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey: what initial data show.—Nov. 2004. The labor force and unemployment: three generations of change.—Jun. 2004. The labor market impact of Hurricane Katrina: an overview.—Aug. 2006. The labor market problems of older workers.—May 1983. The Nation's employment situation worsens in the first half.—Aug. 1982. The pulse of economic change: displaced workers of 1981-85.—Jun. 1987. The U.S. labor market in 2003: signs of improvement by year’s end.—Mar. 2004. The unemployment insurance system: its financial structure.—Dec. 1981. Time spent unemployed: a new look at data from the CPS.—Jul. 1987. Tracking youth joblessness: persistent or fleeting?—Feb. 1982. Transportation by air: job growth moderates—Mar. 2000. Trends in employment and unemployment in families.—Dec. 1983. Trends in labor force flows during recent recessions.—Apr. 2009. Trends in unemployment insurance benefits.—Sept. 1995.  Unemployment, labor force trends, and layoff practices in 10 countries.—Dec. 1981. Unemployment, labor force trends in 10 industrial nations: update.—Nov. 1982. Unemployment and its effect on family income in 1980.—Apr. 1982. Unemployment continued to rise in 1982 as recession deepened.—Feb. 1983. Unemployment in 1982: the cost to workers and their families.—Feb. 1984. Unemployment insurance: measuring who receives it.—July 1997.  Unemployment insurance laws: changes in 1981.—Feb. 1982. Unemployment insurance marks 50th anniversary.—Sept. 1985. U.S. and German youths: unemployment and the transition from school to work.—Mar. 1997.  U.S. labor market in 2008: economy in recession.—Mar. 2009. U.S. labor market in 2002: continued weakness.—Feb. 2003. U.S. labor market in 2001: economy enters a recession.—Feb. 2002. U.S. labor market performance in international perspective.—June 2002. What is effect of random variation in State jobless rates.—Dec. 1987. Why size class methodology matters in analyses of net and gross job flows.—Jul. 2004. Women and jobs in recessions: 1969-92.—July 1993.  Work-sharing approaches: past and present.—Sept. 1984. Worker displacement: a decade of change.—Apr. 1995. Worker displacement in a period of rapid job expansion: 1983-87.—May 1990.  Worker displacement in a strong labor market.—June 2001. Youth unemployment: an international perspective.—Jul. 1981. Unemployment insurance Changes in Federal and State unemployment insurance legislation, 2006.—Jan. 2007. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1988.—Jan. 1989. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1989.—Jan. 1990. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1990.—Jan. 1991. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1991.—Jan. 1992.  Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1992.—Jan. 1993.  Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1993.—Jan. 1994.  Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1994.—Jan. 1995.  Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1995.—Jan./Feb. 1996. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1996.—Jan. 1997.  Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 1997.—Jan. 1998.  Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation, 2007.—Jan. 2008. Changes in State unemployment insurance legislation in 2008.—Jan. 2009. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation during 1985.—Jan. 1986. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation during 1984.—Jan. 1985. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation during 1986.—Feb. 1987. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 1999.—Jan. 2000. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 2000.—Jan. 2001. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 2001.—Jan. 2002. Changes in unemployment insurance legislation in 2002.—Jan. 2003. Employment programs for unemployment insurance recipients.—Oct. 2008. Job displacement, 1979-86: how blacks fared relative to whites.—July 1991  Job market slid in early 1991, then struggled to find footing.—Feb. 1992.  Job search methods and results: tracking the unemployed, 1991.—Dec. 1992.  Legislative revisions of unemployment insurance in 1980.—Jan. 1981. New tools for labor market analysis: JOLTS.—Dec. 2001. State UI job search rules and reemployment services.—Jun. 2006. The unemployment insurance system: its financial structure.—Dec. 1981. Trends in unemployment insurance benefits.—Sept. 1995. Unemployment insurance in the U.S. and Europe, 1973-83.—Apr. 1989.  Unemployment insurance: measuring who receives it.—July 1997.  Unemployment insurance laws: changes in 1981.—Feb. 1982. Unemployment insurance marks 50th anniversary.—Sept. 1985. U.S. labor market weakened in 1990.—Feb. 1991. Why are many jobless workers not applying for benefits?-June. 2000. Worker displacement still common in the late 1980's.—May 1991.  United Kingdom Comparative manufacturing productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1995.  Employment change and sectoral distribution in 10 countries, 1970-90.—Oct. 1993.  International comparisons of unemployment indicators.—Mar. 1993.  International unemployment indicators, 1983-93.—Aug. 1995.  Manufacturing prices, productivity, and labor costs in five economies.—July 1995.  Recent trends in unemployment and the labor force, 10 countries.—Aug. 1985. U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997.  Unit labor costs International comparisons of manufacturing compensation costs.—Oct. 1995.  International comparisons of manufacturing unit labor costs.—Dec. 1993. Manufacturing prices, productivity, and labor costs in five economies.—July 1995.  Manufacturing productivity and labor costs in 14 economies.—Dec. 1991. Productivity trends in business cycles: a visual essay.—Jun. 2009. U.S. and foreign productivity and unit labor costs.—Feb. 1997.  Veterans Are male veterans at greater risk for nonemployment than nonveterans?—Dec. 2007. Employment characteristics of Gulf War-era II veterans in 2006: a visual essay.—May 2008. Labor force status of Vietnam veterans.—Feb. 1987. Vietnam-era cohort: employment and earnings.—June 1992. Volunteering Trends in employment and earnings in the philanthropic sector.—Sept. 1984. Volunteering in the United States.—Feb. 2006. Volunteerism in the United States.—Aug. 2003. Volunteers in the U.S.: who donates the time?-Feb. 1991. Wages (See Earnings and wages.) Effect of business ownership change on occupational employment and wages, The.—Sep. 2008. First look at employment and wages using NAICS, A.—Dec. 2001. Welfare Are single mothers finding jobs without displacing other workers?-July 2001. Estimating the number of minimum wage workers (PDF 415K).—Jan. 1990. Raising the minimum wage: effects on family poverty.—July 1990. Spending patterns of families receiving public assistance.—Apr. 1996. Spending patterns of public-assisted families.—May 2000. The negative income tax: would it discourage work?—Apr. 1981. Welfare reform data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation.—July 2001. Welfare reform impacts in SIPP.—Nov. 2002. Work schedules of low-educated American women and welfare reform, The.—Apr. 1997. Would a higher minimum wage help poor, female-headed families? (PDF 499K).—Aug. 1990. Wisconsin Older workers in the 21st century: active and educated, a case study.—June 1996. Women Age-adjusted labor force participation rates, 1960-2045.—Sept. 2002. Are single mothers finding jobs without displacing other workers?-July 2001. Are women leaving the labor force?-July 1994. Black community with advanced labor force characteristics, 1960, A.—Feb. 2007. Boom in day care industry the result of many social changes.—Aug. 1995. Caring for America's aging population: a profile of the direct-care workforce.—Sept. 2007. Changing impact of marriage and children on women’s labor force participation, The.—Feb. 2009. Characteristics of self-employed women in the United States.—Mar. 1994. Child-care arrangements and costs.—Oct. 1991. Child-care problems: an obstacle to work.—Oct. 1991. Child care services: a national picture.—Dec. 1983. Comparable worth: how do we know it will work?—Dec. 1985. Comparable worth: organizational dilemmas.—Dec. 1985. Comparable worth: some questions still unanswered.—Dec. 1985. Developments in women's labor force participation.—Sept. 1997. Earnings by gender: evidence from Census 2000.—Jul./Aug. 2007. Earnings differences by sex: an introductory note.—Jun. 1984. Earnings of college graduates: women compared with men.—Mar. 1998. Earnings of husbands and wives in dual-earner families.—Apr. 1998. Earnings of men and women: a look at specific occupations.—Apr. 1982. Effect of working wives on the incidence of poverty, The.—Mar. 1998. Effects of intermittent labor force attachment on women's earnings.—Sept. 1995. Gender and nonstandard work hours in 12 European countries.—Feb. 2008. Gender differences in occupational distributions among workers.—Jun. 2007. Gender differences in occupational employment.—Apr. 1997. How does gender play a role in the earnings gap? an update—Mar. 2003. Income and spending patterns of single-mother families.—May. 1994. Interrelation of child support, visitation, and hours of work.—June. 1992. Investigating differences in weekly earnings of women and men.—Jun. 1984. Investigating the link between competition and discrimination.—Dec. 1999. Labor force experience of women from ‘Generation X’.—Mar. 2002. Labor force participation: 75 years of change, 1950-98 and 1998-2025.—Dec. 1999. Labor force participation of older women: retired? working? both?—Sept. 2002. Marriage, children, and women's employment: what do we know?-Dec. 1999. Married mothers' work patterns: the job-family compromise.—June. 1994. Married women, work, and values.—Aug. 2000. Measuring intrahousehold allocation of time: response to Anne E. Winkler.—Feb. 2002. Measuring time use in households with more than one person.—Feb. 2002. Moonlighting by women jumped to record highs.—Nov. 1986. Most women who head families receive poor job market returns.—Dec. 1983. Occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among women.—Oct. 2005. Occupational reclassification and distribution by gender.—Mar. 1984. Perspectives on comparable worth: an introduction to the data.—Dec. 1985. Recent gains in women's earnings: better pay or longer hours?-July. 1990. Recessionary impacts on the unemployment of men and women.—May 1984. ‘Second-chance’ strategies for women who drop out of school.—Dec. 2000. Staffing patterns prominent in female-male earnings gap.—Jun. 1984. Tenure as a factor in the male-female earnings gap.—Apr. 1982. The employment situation for military wives.—Feb. 1981. The female share of weekend employment: a study of 16 countries.—Aug. 2005. The female-male unemployment differential.—Nov. 1984. The influx of women into legal professions: an economic analysis.—Aug. 2002. The role of gender in job promotions.—Dec. 1999. The 'Sandwich generation': women caring for parents and children.—Sept. 2006. Timing of mothers’ employment after childbirth, The.—Jun. 2008. Trends in employment and unemployment in families.—Dec. 1983. Trends in labor force participation of married mothers of infants.—Feb. 2007. Usual weekly earnings: intergroup differences and basic trends.—Apr. 1982. Volunteerism in the United States.—Aug. 2003. Women and jobs in recessions: 1969-92.—July. 1993. Women and jobs in recoveries: 1970-93.—July. 1994. Women paid low wages:who they are and where they work.—September. 2000. Women's earnings: an overview.—Dec. 1999. Women's part-time employment: a gross flows analysis.—Apr. 1995. Women's work expectations and actual experience.—Nov. 1987. Work schedules of low-educated American women and welfare reform, The.—Apr. 1997. Working wives and mothers: what happens to family life?—Sept. 1981. Would a higher minimum wage help poor, female-headed families? (PDF 499K).—Aug. 1990. Work experience (See Labor force; Women.) Workplace injuries and illnesses A census approach to counting fatal work injuries (PDF 342K).—Dec. 1990. An international analysis of workplace injuries.—Mar. 2004. BLS develops measure of job risk by occupation.—Oct. 1981. Changing character of fatal work injuries, The.—Oct. 1994. Changing inequity in work injuries and work timing.—Oct. 1999. Comparing Workers’ Compensation claims with establishments’ responses to the SOII.—May 2009. Examining evidence on whether BLS undercounts workplace injuries and illnesses.—Aug. 2008. Fatal occupational injuries among Asian workers.—Oct. 2005. Fatal occupational injuries at road construction sites.—Dec. 2004. Fatal occupational injuries to older workers in farming, 1995-2002.—Oct. 2005. Fatal work injuries: census for 31 States.—Sept. 1992. Fatal work injuries: results from the 1992 national census.—Oct. 1993. Fatal work injuries among foreign-born Hispanic workers.—Oct. 2005. Foreign-born workers: trends in fatal occupational injuries, 1996–2001.—Jun. 2004. Further test of a census approach to compiling data on fatal work injuries.—Oct. 1991. Heat burns sustained in the workplace (PDF 192K).—July 1990. Improvements in the BLS safety and health statistical system.—Apr. 1996. Injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among older workers.—Oct. 2005. Injuries and illnesses among bituminous and lignite coal miners.—Oct. 1993. Injuries at work are fewer among older employees.—Mar. 1981. Motion-related wrist disorders traced to industries, occupations.—Sept. 1983. Multiyear nonfatal work injury rates.—May 2006. Nursing home aides experience increase in serious injuries.—Feb. 1990. Occupational fatalities: self-employed workers and wage and salary workers.—Mar. 2004. Occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among women.—Oct. 2005. Occupational injuries among young workers.—Oct. 2005. Occupational injury and illness: new recordkeeping requirements.—Dec. 2004. Occupational injury and illness rates, 1992-96: why they fell.—Nov. 1998. Occupational safety and health statistics: new data for a new century.—Oct. 2005. Profile of work injuries incurred by young workers—June 1999. Profiles in safety and health: eating and drinking places.—June 1991. Profiles in safety and health: fabricated structural metal.—Dec. 1991. Profiles in safety and health: hotels and motels.—July 1993. Profiles in safety and health: the soft drink industry.—Apr. 1992. Railroad-related work injury fatalities.—Jul./Aug. 2007. Safety and health experience of pilots and flight attendants.—Apr. 1992. Safety and health in roofing and sheet metal.—Sept. 1990. Self-employed individuals fatally injured at work.—Aug. 1995. The changing composition of lost-workday injuries—June 1999. The diurnal pattern of on-the-job injuries.—Sept. 2004. The job safety law of 1970: its passage was perilous.—Mar. 1981. U.S. and Japanese work injury and illness experience.—Apr. 1992. Understanding statistics on occupational illnesses.—Mar. 1981. Work-related amputations by type and prevalence.—Mar. 1981. Work-related hospitalizations in Massachusetts: racial/ethnic differences.—Oct. 2005. Work-related multiple-fatality incidents.—Oct. 2004. Workers' compensation A special issue commemorating 75 years of the Federal Employees' Compensation Act.— Sept. 1991. Federal Employees' Compensation Act. U.S. worker rehabilitation in international perspective. Role of workers' compensation in developing safer workplaces. Sound medical evidence: key to FECA claims. Changes in workers' compensation during 1999.—Jan. 2000. Changes in workers' compensation laws during 2000.—Jan. 2001. Changes in workers' compensation laws during 2001.—Jan. 2002. Comparing Workers’ Compensation claims with establishments’ responses to the SOII.—May 2009. Key worker's compensation laws enacted by States in 1985.—Jan. 1986. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1989.—Jan. 1990. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1990.—Jan. 1991. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1991.—Jan. 1992. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1992.—Jan. 1993. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1993.—Jan. 1994. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1994.—Jan. 1995. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1995.—Jan./Feb. 1996. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1996.—Jan. 1997. State workers' compensation legislation enacted in 1997.—Jan. 1998. Workers' compensation: 1984 State enactments.—Jan. 1985. Workers' compensation: 1986 State enactments.—Jan. 1987. Workers' compensation: key legislation in 1981.—Feb. 1982. Workers' compensation in 1980: summary of major enactments.—Mar. 1981. Workers' compensation in 1982: significant legislation enacted.—Jan. 1983. Workers' compensation insurance: recent trends in employer costs.—Mar. 1981. Work-related hospitalizations in Massachusetts: racial/ethnic differences.—Oct. 2005. Workplace practices Employer-provided training: results from a new survey.—May 1995. High performance work systems and firm performance.—May 1995. Results from the 1995 Survey of Employer-Provided Training.—June 1998. Upgrading the U.S. workplace: do reorganization, education help?-May 1995. Youth (See also Labor force; Education and training.) A comparison of youth unemployment in Australia and the U.S.—Oct. 1984. Alaska’s ‘brain drain’: myth or reality?-May 2004. Antecedents and predecessors of NLSY79: paving the course.—Feb. 2005. Children of the NLSY79: a unique data resource.—Feb. 2005. Drug and alcohol use at work: a survey of young workers.—Aug. 1991. Earnings of college graduates: women compared with men.—Mar. 1998. Education and the work histories of young adults.—Apr. 1993. Education data in the NLSY79: a premiere research tool.—Feb. 2005. Employment programs for disabled youth: and international view. (PDF 493K).—Dec. 1990. Expenditure patterns of young single adults: two recent generations compared.—Dec. 2008. How high school students use time: a visual essay.—Nov. 2008. Job mobility and wage growth: evidence from the NLSY79.—Feb. 2005. Knowing younger workers better: information from the NLSY97.—Sept. 2008. Labor market success of young adults from two generations.—Feb. 1998. Making it on their own: the baby-boom meets generation X.—Feb. 1998. Occupational injuries among young workers.—Oct. 2005. Racial differences in youth employment.—Aug. 2001. School-to-work programs: information from two surveys.—Aug. 2001. Seasonal and sectoral patterns in youth employment.—Apr. 2000. Self-employment, entrepreneurship, and the nlsy79.—Feb. 2005. State labor legislation enacted in 1999.—Jan. 2000. Sweden combats unemployment of young and older workers.—Oct. 1982. Teen time use and parental education: evidence from the CPS, MTF, and ATUS.—May 2007. Teenagers: employment and contributions to family spending.—Sept. 2000. The early history of the Occupational Outlook Handbook—June 1999 The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: 1979 cohort at 25.—Feb. 2005. The NLSY97: an introduction—Aug. 2001. The problem of respondent attrition: survey methodology is key.—Feb. 2005. The transition from school to work: education and work experiences.—Feb. 2005. The youngest workers: 14- and 15-year-olds.—Feb. 1981. Tracking youth joblessness: persistent or fleeting?—Feb. 1982. Training among young adults: who, what kind, and for how long?-Aug. 1993. U.S. and German youths: unemployment and the transition from school to work.—Mar. 1997. Variations in time use at stages of the life cycle.—Sept. 2005. Who goes to college? Evidence from the NLSY97.—Aug. 2008. Worker training: what we’ve learned from the nlsy79.—Feb. 2005. Youth enrollment and employment during the school year.—Feb. 2008. Young men and the transition to stable employment.—Aug. 1994. Young worker participation in post-school education and training.—June 1998. Youth employment during school: results from two longitudinal surveys.—Aug. 2001. Youth employment in the United States.—Aug. 2001. Youth initiation into the labor market.—Aug. 2001. Youth labor force activity: alternative surveys compared.—Mar. 1981. Youth unemployment: an international perspective.—Jul. 1981.