Issues & Legislation

August 2009
  • 08/12/09 -
    Continuing the discussion about health care reform
    As the national discussion about reforming health care continues, we've launched a new page to help answer your questions and give you a chance to express your views.
  • 08/06/09 -
    Talking banking re-regulation on CNBC
    Senator Warner appeared on CNBC today, to talk about his op-ed calling for a single banking regulator. He also talks about his hopes of seeing a health care bill that creates a "competitive alternative" that helps drive down costs. Here is the interview:
  • 08/06/09 -
    America needs a single regulatory agency
    In an op-ed published in the Financial Times this morning, Senator Warner argues for a single regulator to be in charge of overseeing the banking industry.
  • 08/06/09 -
    Promising news on the D-Day Memorial
    Senator Warner received a letter from U.S. Secretary of the Department of Interior Ken Salazer today informing us that he will dispatch a National Park Service team to the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford to make a preliminary assessment of whether the site might be eligible for inclusion in the National Park Service system.
  • 08/06/09 -
    Health care bottom line on "Top Line"
    Senator Warner appeared on ABC News Now's "Top Line" this afternoon. The majority of the discussion focused on the health reform debate, and the Senator talked about his focus on containing costs in health care:
  • 08/05/09 -
    Training for next-gen fuel vehicles
    This morning, the U.S. Department of Energy awarded a $720,000 grant to J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College in Richmond for the development of a new workforce training program for next-generation electric vehicles.
  • 08/04/09 -
    The status quo is not an option
    Senator Warner appeared on MSNBC's "The Ed Show" yesterday to discuss the need for health reform. He said the status quo for those who have health insurance, as well as those who don't, would be "disastrous:"
July 2009
  • 07/31/09 -
    Energy and water projects across VA
    Senator Warner was able to secure funding for 21 energy and water projects that are designed to improve infrastructure, protect the environment, and promote economic development across Virginia.
  • 07/30/09 -
    Empowering the FDIC
    Senator Warner introduced bipartisan legislation today with Tennessee Senator Bob Corker that would allow the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to takeover and "wind down" banks owned by larger financial firms known as bank holding companies.
  • 07/29/09 -
    An eye-opening experience
    Over the weekend, thousands of Americans from across the country traveled to Wise County in Southwest Virginia to attend Mission of Mercy, a Remote Area Medical Clinic held annually that provides free dental exams to those without coverage or those who can’t afford to see the dentist on their own.
*Currently displaying the latest 10 records. Use the select boxes from the filter bar above to view more records.