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The Child Care Bureau   Advanced

Child Care Administrator’s Improper Payments Information Technology Guide

Download Guide in Word (993 KB) or PDF (635KB) format.

Table of Contents

I. System Solutions to Prevent And Identify Improper Payments
A. Introduction
B. Profile of System Solutions
1. Electronic Benefits Transfer
2. Eligibility Determination and Case Management Systems
3. Edits on Existing Applications for Authorization and Payment
4. Data Mining
C. Other Software Products from the Human Services Field
1. Document Imaging and Electronic Case Files
2. Data Brokering
D. Summary
II. Advantages and Challenges of Different Information Technology Investment Approaches
A. Introduction
B. Descriptions of the Technical Approaches
1. In-House Development and Systems Integration
2. Commercial Off-the-Shelf Systems
3. Contracting
C. Identifying and Evaluating Alternatives
1. Strategic Analysis
2. Alternatives Analysis
D. Conclusion
III. Guidance for Procuring Information Technology Products and Services
A. Introduction
B. Preparing for a Procurement
1. Defining Business and Service Needs
2. Identifying Solutions and Constraints
3. Deciding on the Most Appropriate Procurement Method
C. Developing and Evaluating a Request for Proposal
1. RFP Overview
2. Key Success Factors
3. Evaluation
4. Best Value
5. Avoiding Common Mistakes
D. Innovative Procurement Practices
1. Procurement Solutions
2. Commoditization of IT Products and Services
3. Solutions-Based Solicitation
4. Performance-Based Contracting
E. Driving Up the Cost of Bids
F. Summary
APPENDIX 1: Cost Information For E-Childcare (Oklahoma)
APPENDIX 2: Identifying and Evaluating Alternatives
APPENDIX 3: Decision Matrix Example For Analyzing Technical Alternatives

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Posted on January 23rd, 2008.