Aurora Page at Michigan Tech
College of Engineering
Awesome Aurora Pic

Welcome to
The Aurora Page

Originally created by Michael Dolan
Ray-Traced Aurora Pic
Ray traced JPG image of the aurora

[© 1993 Helmut Dotzlaw].
Another Awesome Aurora Pic
Photos in this column
by Jan Curtis
July aurora  July aurora
Aurora over Hancock, MI looking north, July 25, 2004, 2:18am
Photos by Claudia Perko
Yet Another Awesome Aurora Pic

A source for Information, links and images about the "Northern Lights" on-line since the Web began


The MOST COMMON Aurora E-mail Questions we get everyday: "Where and/or when can I see the aurora?" The Aurora is like the weather, the Aurora is a result of space weather.

Our favorite site to see when and where the Aurora may best be seen and the predicted intensity is the NOAA POES polar map:

The Aurora Page Special Links:

Images... Images... Original Gallery of Images!

Aurora Detectors, building your own...

Enlightening links to follow...

Aurora sites

Space and Sun sites

Astronomical amounts of information can be found here!

For Kids!
Due to new federal regulations, please don't send us e-mail, especially if you are younger than13. Instead, have an adult send the message. Have your parents, teachers and school librarian contact us if you need further assistance.
Informative reading on the aurora.
From the Exploratorium comes The Aurora Tutorial
Be sure to pick up a copy of The Aurora Watcher's Handbook by T. Neil Davis (University of Alaska Press, 1992; ISBN 0-912006-60-9).
Welcome comments, inquiries or questions... direct them to We try to keep all links alive; Links last checked on March 21, 2008

Please note: We cannot answer e-mail questions about Aurora forecasts for auroral intensity or time in your area. The intensity of the Aurora is unpredictable like the weather, but the links on this page will help you to calculate the extent and intensity and times. This web site is presented as a collection of links and images.

College of Engineering Return to Outreach Page Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences Department Michigan Tech

From the Geological & Mining Engineering & Sciences Department----
Visit these educational web sites:

You are invited to visit the A.E. Seaman Mineral Museum web site to see some "down to earth" gems, crystals and minerals at Seaman Mineral Museum, The Official Mineralogical Museum of Michigan

Volcanoes Page: One of the top sites for volcano information

Bryophyte Ecology: Janice Glime's textbook on Bryophyte Ecology

Pages linked from here are not maintained by individual members of the MTU community. The views expressed on those pages are entirely those of the person who maintains the page, not MTU or the Department of Geological & Mining Engineering & Sciences. Questions and comments should be addressed to the owners of the pages.

Copyright © 2008
Department of Geological & Mining Engineering & Sciences
Michigan Technological University
Email Webmaster
Modified on 03/29/2008
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