header icon Getting Started
How to start working with us.

To get started, a federal program manager must do the following: contact us for acquisition support, define the project by writing a statement of work, and send a funding document with a bona fide need to transfer funds.

New clients may send us a message or call 703.964.8800.

Please visit the Getting Started Details page for information on how to get started working with us.

This is a diagram depicting the steps involved in the Acquisition Services Directorate acquisition process.
The Acquisition Services Directorate will accept funding documents, including Military Interdepartmental Purchase Requests (MIPRs), Interagency Agreements (IAs), Work Orders, or Purchase Requisitions. Visit the Funding Information page for details.

Once a project has been defined and accepted, funds can be sent by the Ordering Agency's finance office to the Franchise Fund. We will accept the funds from the Ordering Agency in advance for the purpose of fulfilling the bona fide need. The bona fide needs rule mandates that a fiscal year's appropriation is obligated to meet a need arising in the fiscal year for which the appropriation was made. To learn more about
bona fide need, please refer to the related link on FAQs page.

The obligation includes the cost of the acquisition and our service charge (typically 5% of contract award amount). Once funds are accepted, we will begin working on the project.